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Everything posted by RocketRod

  1. I've searched the forums here, but haven't found an answer yet. My issue is, a pilot uses kACARS, does the scheduled route, submits the PIREP, and it then populates the pilots DB table with the last PIREP date. If you reject or delete that PIREP, the pilots table does not get changed for the last PIREP date. What I want is that once a PIREP is submitted for approval/reject, it does not populate the pilots db table with last date until the PIREP is approved. I also use Simpilots PilotManager module. Can anyone point me to a forum thread with a solution or lead me to a place to resolve this? Thanks!
  2. Shepred Thank You! I'll give it a go and see how that works for me. Ifanyone else has something to share, please do!
  3. Does anyone have a banner solution for this skin? I did get one from bannersnack to work, but it restarts every time you go to a new page. Wowslider does not stay the size I create it to be, always larger. Anyone else have a good one? Free preferably.
  4. You do not need Frontpage_main.tpl in the /templates/exams folder (thats why you get your home page). If you are trying to access the Exam Admin, you must 1st authorize the person to use it. To authorize an admin other than pilot #1 Simpilot wrote in the thread for exam center; The system automatically assigns the pilot with the database id of "1" as the first administrator. DO NOT un-assign this pilot as an admin unless you have at least one more admin assigned, you will not be able to log back into the center as an admin. So my guess is that the login you are trying to access the exam admin is not either pilot #1 or has not been added as an adminstrator by pilot #1 to the exam admin.
  5. I have removed Guests Online as it does not provide any useable information other than a number.
  6. I know the last post in this thread was 2013 but I would like to know if anyone got the previous and next month tabs working? Thanks!
  7. Post #65 download. Change out the ChartsAdmin.php in the /admin/modules/ChartsAdmin folder. Or at least it worked for me. Or you don't have a chart loaded for that ICAO.
  8. Tory, Have a look through the tread for that module. My foggy memory is right, that was answered somewhat in there. I'm in KCOS also. Rodney
  9. After many tries I have abandoned this idea. I have instead used a popup for the schedule grid. I can check everything without opening in another tab.
  10. We use the schedule to verify the PIREP detail when using kACARS. While I can make a link to the schedule table grid to search the flight number, I would like to also display the schedule data of schedule aircraft, schedule flight level, & schedule flight time on the completed PIREP, both in Admin/pireps_list & Core/pirep_viewreport. Has anyone done this? I think the PIREPS.php needs a set something like $this->set('allflttime', ScheduleData::getAllFlighttime()); and then a function and the .tpl needs something like <li><strong>Flight Level From Schedule: </strong><?php echo "{$schedule->flightlevel}"; ?></li> Am I going down the right path? Thanks! Rodney
  11. Is anyone assigned as Administrator or Staff assigned by default to the Active Pilots Group? Yes I know there is only a pilots DB table. It appears that if you only assign a user to Aministrators or a Staff group (no active pilot group assigned) they are still rendered and displayed in any pilot function. ie, Pilots online, My Pireps, etc etc etc. I do have Simpilots Staff module. I was just hoping that there would be clear separation between them (not included in any flight/finance functions of the phpvms system). Guessing the answer is can't separate them.
  12. Look in your layout.tpl
  13. Go to his GitHub account, look under Repositories.
  14. Where does it show you logged in 3 times? ACARS Map, Home page? Screenshot?
  15. I would go through any additions you did to anything schedule related. Have you looked at the pirep tpl or edited it? I use TextWrangler on my MAC, and can compare line by line between two instances of the same file (untouched original/modified one). Wouldn't hurt to have a look at your sql tables, both for that flight number and the airport table. Strange that sometimes it works one way and then not.
  16. Last time I had nothing but a blank page the culprit was the time zone setting in the local.config.
  17. Can't answer your 1st question. Have a look in your local.config and change theses settings. Config::Set('LiquidUnit', '3'); # 0=liter 1=gal 2=kg 3=lbs Config::Set('FUEL_GET_LIVE_PRICE', false); Config::Set('FUEL_DEFAULT_PRICE', '.68'); Config::Set('FUEL_SURCHARGE', '5');
  18. Dashboard.tpl But ensure your open flash chart is right too. Search for exploits of it.
  19. I have done some more research on searching by assigned hub. That problem is compounded by not having a column in the schedule table that identifies the depicao as a hub. I also saw this post for a mod, http://forum.phpvms....l__+sort +order but don't think I will do that. What looks to be a better solution is to put the hubs at the top of the depicao & arricao list. So i have re-odered my airport db table to show the hubs first, then all other airports. Yet it doesn't display that when you call the airport_search.tpl. Looking at the FrontSchedulesData.class.php I don't see where it instructs the search to be alphabetic by icao (which I don't want). I want it to display the depicao and arricao as I have them in the db table. Any help would be appreciated. Not the solution I wanted, but this works for now; http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/5309-modified-simpilots-frontschedule-search/page__hl__%2Bsort+%2Border
  20. Here is one post that may help you: http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/8586-ranks-autocalculate/page__hl__%2Brank+%2Bautocalculate You can search these forums for Rank and get many results.
  21. Are you sure your username and password are correct in the config file for the DB?
  22. This is the only page I am having issues with right now. When going to the downloads page through the Pilot Center or a even creating a separate link, the page displays just fine in the template (vairline). Once i click on any download, the file downloads but the issues is it is trying to display another page with the wording, "Your download will start in a few seconds, or click here to manually start." That is the download_item.tpl page. When it displays the page, my template background disappears. So you would think, put a </div> in. But where? I've tried every combination and it doesn't work. download_item.tpl <div align="center"> Tried </div> Here! <p>Your download will start in a few seconds, or</p> <a href="<?php echo $download->link; ?>"<p>click here to manually start.</a></p> Tried </div> Here! <script type="text/javascript"> window.location = "<?php echo $download->link;?>"; </script> Tried </div> Here! I also added the </p> & <p> in the 2nd line above as it didn't work before adding them but does now. The background missing either way. So i have looked through all the download page coding and am stumped? Help!
  23. I really like this module. It works out of the box. I have read the posts in the thread, and done other searches in the forums and haven't found the info I seek. Is it possible with this module, or anything else for a pilot, to search for routes by their assigned hub? All pilots are assigned to a hub, but schedules are not in anyway that I see linked to a hub. Some reading of posts in the forums suggest that is correct. There are mods for hub stats, hub transfers and others. So when a pilot is assigned to a hub, and searches either through the pilot center or through a link to this mod, the departure is their assigned hub, and the arrival is those airports from the schedule table. That was the way we originally built our schedules that were a manual process of selection. Can what I want be done or has anyone else done something like that?
  24. I have the Pilot Brief configured and working. Thanks1
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