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Everything posted by DisposableHero

  1. Honestly... beta.4 ? It is almost 3 years old and how on earth are you able to use Dispo Basic with it, I never tested my addons with beta.4 and they were never designed to work properly with it Are you really on beta.4 or it was just a typo If this is not a typo, I would kindly and urgently advise to upgrade to at least beta.5 (I would say latest dev, but beta.5 is ok too), with module and themes being updated of course. Best wishes,
  2. Debugbar itself adds some more time to the process, but it is nice to see the queries being run. Considering that the flights page is paginated and loads up maybe max 20 flights, how you ended up 112 queries is strange. Are you using an addon theme or default theme (not altered, pure default)? Are you using any modules being loaded at flights page, any custom widgets etc.? Why asking this, because I saw some addon themes loading up models in blades, doing direct database queries in loops, for some eye candy stuff which are already provided by v7 internally mostly. Example; I am using a custom theme, my airport details page loads up 4 additional widgets including a flights map, checking LTFM which has 600 inbound / 600 outbound flights and lots of pireps, page loads up fine in 2-3 seconds max, not something like your EHAM. Airport Details Page; (+4 widgets) Flights Page; (+2 widgets) Profile Page; (+40 widgets or more, did not counted them one by one) All above pages do load around 3 seconds max, as an example the last one (profile) was loaded in 2.28 seconds including the debugbar's own load and time loses. In a live server where it is not being called, my results are much nicer. Some of the duplicated queries are from the widgets placed (Aircraft, Pilots, Flight Reports, Personal Stats, Maps etc), they may be a single widget being loaded several times with different configurations to get different data, so some of their db queries are same/duplicated etc. Anyway, if you can provide some more info maybe we can talk about possible solutions / improvements.
  3. Why are you adding a new airport for an already existing real airport with a new non-standard (fake) icao code ? This is the main question. Just add LECH to your phpvms v7 database, either by lookup or manually then you can start using it with vmsAcars too. Good luck
  4. Translate as expected, nothing more... Check other folders (like de, fr, it, es-es) and replicate what is done there for your language That simple it is. Good luck and God speed
  5. Why wondering, just do it and do it as much as you want and whenever you want. Critical values are always saved in internal units (like pirep distances, weights, fuel etc) What you see at admin settings are for display only, like displaying the distances in km or displaying the fuel values in kg etc. Not for database operations. Enjoy
  6. I kindly asked you the version you are running/using one week ago, and that had a reason In early builds we had a bug in that duplicate check and it was skipping some flights, latest build is ok. Both import and admin area uses same duplicate checks, which allows more flexibility for schedule planning. If you are not on the latest dev yet, consider updating your v7 and try again, it may help. Also check your logs for any clues about import problems, skips etc. Good luck
  7. Did you checked the log (for errors or notes during import) ? Which version you are on ? Did you checked the database (via phpMyAdmin or similar workbench tool) ? It is possible that some of those flights may be skipped (or updated). Latest dev build allows more flexibility during imports and duplicate checks (which will result an update instead of an insert on old versions like beta.5 or earlier) Hope this helps, good luck
  8. Great news, we added that IATA code usage for testing but it is not finalized yet, so for now (until further notice) keep using ICAO codes Later on it will be possible to use IATA codes as like real airlines.
  9. 1062 Duplicate entry 'KPVD' for key 'PRIMARY' Are you using KPVD both as destination and alternate in a flight you are trying to import. Or are you somehow using IATA codes somewhere in your schedule ? (Which can also cause problems) Looks like somehow it tries to insert it twice in a row (which is strange), normally we expect it to update or skip if an airport is known and in your database.
  10. You can find some discussion about it at forum and at GitHub repository, maybe from last year or before
  11. Nope you are not missing anything Fares based on distance or time (also expenses based on them) was something spoken about, but they never went into proper feature requests, thus never worked on. At the meantime, lots of us developed automated fare stuff for our selves, thus not thought about it in general anymore. I had something built in my module, technically based on distance, tried to implement it in v7 but latest changes done to fare logic was making it tricky to implement, so I stopped working on it.
  12. I am using a similar logic (capable optimum range vs flight distance) and I think it is the "best acceptable" way to do auto assignments And yes, if you want, you can add different airline subfleets to flights, and I do not think that this is a bug or "wrinkle" as you defined Imagine code sharing, subcharter flights, wet lease operations etc. As this is pretty much normal in real world, Airline A can operate Airline B's flights, no harm if this is based on an agreement between the two. If you want some automation protection, just check/match the airline_id's of subfleets and flights
  13. Yeah, if you assign more than one subfleet to a flight, then your block time calculations should be able to cover all of those subfleets for that particular flight. We are getting into the same problem in real world too If a schedule is based on for our narrow body fleet, but in cases we use our wide body fleet, block times (thus airport slots etc) become a problem. Same applies to phpvms v7 too. It will be ok though for generic wide body fleets as they most fly with speeds close to each other. I am using some custom functions to generate block times (flight_time in phpvms v7) for my flights if they are no based on real world schedules. Back in time, someone was working on providing some auto created csv files to import flights which are based on real world airline schedules, but that project is trashed and he never finished it. So even if someone is working on something like that, it is not publicly known. Good luck PS; Block Time = taxi out + flight time + taxi in + some little margin/rounding Flight Time = pure flight time (EET, estimated elapsed time) I am using phpvms v7's flight_time as "block time" and consider my taxi times in it, opposite is possible of course but it may need some tricks in simbrief form to send proper block times to sb via api.
  14. Dear all, As of version v3.6.x I will be only updating my addons via GitHub, so there will be no future updates uploaded to download section of the forum. Sorry but it really takes time for me to sync two different sources and keep track of release notes on two different locations. Below you can find the repository links, release page links and finally how to get notifications when an update gets released. Disposable Theme Main Page : https://github.com/FatihKoz/DisposableTheme Readme : https://github.com/FatihKoz/DisposableTheme#readme-ov-file License : https://github.com/FatihKoz/DisposableTheme#License-1-ov-file Releases : https://github.com/FatihKoz/DisposableTheme/releases Last Release : https://github.com/FatihKoz/DisposableTheme/releases/latest Disposable Basic (Freeware Module Pack) Main Page : https://github.com/FatihKoz/DisposableBasic Readme : https://github.com/FatihKoz/DisposableBasic#readme-ov-file License : https://github.com/FatihKoz/DisposableBasic#License-1-ov-file Releases : https://github.com/FatihKoz/DisposableBasic/releases Last Release : https://github.com/FatihKoz/DisposableBasic/releases/latest Disposable Special (Donationware Module Pack, also known as Disposable Extended Pack) Main Page : https://github.com/FatihKoz/DisposableSpecial Readme : https://github.com/FatihKoz/DisposableSpecial#readme-ov-file License : https://github.com/FatihKoz/DisposableSpecial#License-1-ov-file Releases : https://github.com/FatihKoz/DisposableSpecial/releases Last Release : https://github.com/FatihKoz/DisposableSpecial/releases/latest Above links will only work when you have access to the special module, because it is a private repository and a donation is required to gain access. What to download ; You only need the released zip file, no need to download source code files (even though the content is same, source code files will not install / work on phpvms v7 directly) How to follow updates, get notifications (via e-mail) ; Go to the repository you want to follow, Click Watch button, Click Custom Select Releases and apply the changes With this change, you will get an e-mail from GitHub directly when a new version gets released... No need to follow all activity, as it may be boring if you are not a freak or a developer Enjoy. PS: I am not explaining how to use .git and pull changes here as if you are using those features, you should be well aware of the structure and usage It is possible to clone/fork my repositories, apply your changes and then integrate to your install via .git structure, also a basic pull to a proper location will work too if you are not editing my addons.
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  15. No I don't, never got one. And honestly, I think this should be in a separate topic, not something under another problem.
  16. Probably you did not finished setup properly, go through docs and check how email is configured, then check your current setup and logs to see what is going on. There are forum posts about how to setup mails, be sure cleaning application cache after doing changes. Good luck
  17. phpVMS uses "Leaflet" as the base of all maps, you can alter some of the features in respective blade files (mostly visual items and styling) like in `flights/map.blade.php` or `pireps/map.blade.php` (or in widgets folder, airspace and live maps) For the rest, like changing the core of the map, you may need to build assets and compile stuff according to provided data by controllers. If possible (by the map provider you choose), you can try using your own complete scripts in those blade files too. Hope this helps, good luck.
  18. vmsACARS does not check flights if they are being online on a network or being operated offline, thus technically speaking issue has nothing to do with vmsACARS. Also phpVMS v7 does not provide a built in feature for this, thus this can not be related with v7 too. So simply, it needs to be a custom module doing that check. Better focus on the module/addon settings and your pilot's profile/info, also your logs about any errors related to that addon. Then you can request support from the developer of that addon. Good luck
  19. You can check your browser console for CORS errors, if it is there you need to be sure the url you are using. As an example, if your site is using https://... in your .env file, then you should be visiting your https:// site (or vice versa). Best way to understand this is the browser console (press F12 when the error occurs). APP_URL should point where your v7 root is, if it is installed under a folder called /phpvms then of course your APP_URL should point that folder. If you share your url we can check too. https://www.yoursite.com/phpvms => APP_URL = 'https://www.yoursite.com/phpvms' https://crew.yoursite.com => APP_URL = 'https://crew.yoursite.com' That simple is the logic. Hope this helps
  20. Specially this post and forward, last post also helps
  21. Did you read this post ? It explains the possible causes and solutions. I bet it is just a CORS issue on your end. Good luck
  22. https://github.com/nabeelio/phpvms/issues/1301
  23. As an example, I have my own custom code for fare prices... I do define a base price and then alter it automatically according to distance (and of course flight type, aircraft configuration like business - first class options). This way I do not have to define flight specific fares or fleet specific adjustments, it is a solution too. You can do something similar for your cargo flights (or all flights) then there will be no need to worry about stuff anymore. If you are using Disposable Special, you can inspect the code I created for automated fare price calculation. If not I shared the basics at phpvms Discord or phpvms v7 GitHub repository. You can check those old messages Good luck
  24. Don't you have a specific fare applied for that fleet according to their cargo space (by weight), adjust the prices accordingly. Or develop something automatic, which will increase the price by range for example, you can overrule fare and or subfleet level definitions at flight level too.
  25. Technically yes, that map is powered by API calls, Leaflet (map) + Rivet (data on the map, JavaScript) and you can replicate it easily anywhere with proper coding. This was talked several times in Discord with some other possible solutions, if you are a member you can check those old suggestions too Good luck
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