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Everything posted by DisposableHero

  1. I do not think postmark is/was available in core v7 by default... You may need to follow Laravel Docs to have it installed first and then configure it as needed. Only then the MAIL_MAILER=postmark can work. https://laravel.com/docs/9.x/mail#postmark-driver Hope this helps PS: If you are not using a VPS (or have shell/command line access to your shared hosting), you may not be able to run composer and install/update packages easily.
  2. Would you mind checking the docs please, "permission issue" is mentioned there with a well explained solution. https://docs.phpvms.net/acars/user-guide#permission-denied-errors
  3. Anything other than the ones above can NOT be done without core changes. So your answer is again negative, you can not change only a blade file and expect a change/search/filter like that. Technically it can be done, considering that all your flights do have scheduled departure times (STD) defined, then a new search option like "departing in next ... hours" can be built or something with a dropdown (fixed selections) can be implemented. But both will need core v7 changes and matching blade updates. If you have new ideas or requests for new features, you can use GitHub > Issues > New Issue > Feature Request path to fill in some details. Forum posts and questions in topics may be missed easily by the developer. Safe flights
  4. What you changed is not order related at all... It is the link to open a flight and it will not work with your example. And you can not change the order of the results even if you try with some java tricks, only visible page will be ordered. Safe flights
  5. This clearly means that your phpvms v7 is too old, hCaptcha is being used maybe for 9-10 months. Consider updating your installation, with an old version you may not get proper support due to version mismatch and changes. Good luck
  6. Check admin > settings, you will see Captcha settings there.
  7. The WX display you are asking about is an embed (an iframe / data is being provided by another web service, called metar-taf.com) You can customize it slightly but not much, check dashboard/index.blade.php and check the main developer's website for what it accepts as color codes. For the rest, you can either go for stylesheet editing (check bootstrap docs for deep details about its buttons, messages, warning etc) or you can find each file where buttons are used and then play with them freely as you wish. Good luck
  8. Great, most of the time they do not publish correct port info on web (if it is a public access area) and choose sharing the info directly or put it under your secure control panel etc. Glad you solved the issue, if your cron setup is ok and working consider using it for outgoing mails/notifications too. It will increase application performance and eliminate SMTP authentication slowdowns. Safe flights
  9. Technically if you download the right file (the latest dev build) it will be the same, no matter where you download. All those links point you to the same content The problem was, highly probably, you had an old version like beta4 or beta3 or maybe an older dev build which was released after beta4 but before the env.php switch (like a year ago). Beta3 and Beta4 was for php7.x And some dev builds was for php7.4 only Aprx a year ago maybe 8-9 months ago phpvms become php8 and up compatible only So in short, always use latest dev build Forum really provides answers to most of possible problems you may have, considering that you are an IT guy, you know that a proper search is your friend And following docs for getting help is also important, "help us to help you back" logic always works. Glad you solved the problem, next step will be fixing the outgoing mails and for that hosting support (details about your server, ports etc) may be needed. Have a nice night.
  10. Looks like it is a little bit hard to find download links for phpVMS v7 development builds. This topic aims to ease that process for everyone Do NOT download old beta builds (like beta 3 and beta 4) as they are really old (more than 3 years). At least a VA should be using beta 5 (which is more than a year old), best options is to use latest development build. Below links will give you LATEST DEV Build; https://phpvms.cdn.vmslabs.net/phpvms-latest-dev.zip https://phpvms.cdn.vmslabs.net/phpvms-latest-dev.tar.gz Also do not wonder about the "potentially unstable" note about latest commit, it is far more stable than anything else you can find and download. Follow the docs, configure your server or hosting account properly, v7 will install and run. https://docs.phpvms.net https://docs.phpvms.net/requirements https://docs.phpvms.net/installation/uploading https://docs.phpvms.net/help Good luck and God speed, you may need both...
  11. http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms-7.0.0-dev.tar.gz http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms-7.0.0-dev.zip These links will give you the LATEST DEV build always, pick one and download. And do not care the "potentially unstable" note in downloads page, it is far more stable than beta4.
  12. Do you have anything important in your current setup (like pireps, flights, fleets, users etc)? If not, please delete everything, including the database... Start over with latest dev build, follow the docs for install first and have a working v7. In your current state and from the messages you write above, it looks like either you are trying to use something really outdated with some data in it and not able to find env.php (because it is really not there -old version-) or you are really doing things in a weird way and mixing things up. When you have a working installation of v7 latest dev, it will be much easier for us to help you, right now this looks impossible. You can visit "yourdomain.com/update" even without having a folder called update, this is not something wrong or missing, this is how it is designed (routes, laravel logic, definitions etc) and it works when v7 is properly installed. If you have data in your hands (like old pireps created with previous versions of v7, flights, fleets, users) then DO NOT delete the database, just create a new mysql database, delete only files from your server and start over with latest dev by using that new database. You can access your old data later if you really need them, or maybe you can switch to that database directly after installation. v7 will handle necessary database changes when you switch over. Good luck and God speed, you will need both
  13. Strange, forum provides detailed conversations about mail configuration covering possible options to configure it, even it clearly states the common mistakes done. Check docs for basics + forum for details if you somehow fail to configure it. Good luck
  14. I can even be dead, so you will not be able to get something from me For your kind info; I am really busy (dealing with two new aircraft delivery flights from factory, one from Hamburg one from Seattle + Doing some new hire interviews + Cleaning the afterwards of a diversion combined with crew duty time exceedance and a technical delay more than 3 hours) I do not have free time Your priority is not my priority (may sound bad, but this is the truth) Keep calm please, everything will be fine soon (I hope) if your donation is ok. Best wishes, Dispo
  15. https://docs.phpvms.net/developers/addons https://docs.phpvms.net/customize/layouts You need to start from somewhere or you need to find a 3rd party developer to fulfill your needs 'cause core v7 can not (and should not) cover all possible wishes/needs of every virtual airline (or organization). What it offers is a stable base for VA owners or admins can rely on and build stuff on top of it as they need things. As an example, there are several maps in core v7, even it provides a pirep map. It is capable of displaying the planned route (if you have your navdata installed) and if you are an acars user it can display the actual flown route on the same map. Also it offers the same map backend to us, so we can easily develop our own maps when needed. Regarding your wish, v7 also offers a Latest Pireps widget which you can customize up to a point, either creating your own module with backend and frontend components, or by customizing the offered widget's frontend display (blade file) you can have something in your hands. I would personally prefer having my own code running in background and powering a frontend page with data I control, but it is still possible by using core v7's widget and convert it to a map display. Good luck and God speed
  16. Not possible, live map is designed to be a live map. Core feeds it with live data, not possible to make it last pireps map. However you can build your own module to get latest pireps (define the amount you wish like 5-10 or even 100) and then pass necessary data to your own map (which you can build on leaflet), then you can place it anywhere on your site as you need. Safe flights
  17. https://docs.phpvms.net/guides/finances#flight-fares When I replied you on Discord, I was referring to v7's fare/finance system Glad you found it and applied. Also if you are managing personal flights (aka charters / personal flights / free flights) with a module of your own you can also define (or auto calculate) a "flight based fixed pilot payment" too... This is one step forward of what you have found Can give ideas if somebody reads this later on for the same question. Safe flights
  18. https://docs.phpvms.net/installation/uploading Follow the docs, it should take maximum 5 minutes to install... Download latest dev Upload to your host (proper folder or subdomain according to docs) Create your database (check docs) Unpack the file you uploaded Visit your site Max 5 mins, double it to 10 if you are trying to do it slowly and while reading. Good luck
  19. Or the link in this page https://github.com/nabeelio/phpvms/releases It advises you to download the LATEST DEV build too... Same link as above, one is tar.gz , other one is .zip (content is same)
  20. https://docs.phpvms.net/download Use the DEVELOPMENT BRANCH link, it will always give you the LATEST DEV build
  21. As I wrote above if your pilots have time for 20, then assign 20, find a balance which will fit to all... This is not a personal playground module, this is a module for VA's in which rules do apply to all members equally. If one has more time, then he/she can do 20 assignments + 100 other flights, nothing against it. No logic in having ++ assignments to some members. Safe flights
  22. No. What you explain is not logical and not fair for other users, if you want to assign 20 then assign 20 to everyone in your VA, no logic in having 200% or 150% possible. Targets are there for a reason. Safe flights
  23. Demo = Latest development edition vmsAcars (or any Acars) is not mandatory for v7, you can install latest dev build (if your hosting is compatible) and use it with manual pireps only... Of course there will be some features or addons designed for Acars support not functioning, but that will not hurt you at all. Good luck
  24. https://docs.phpvms.net/download LATEST DEV (Tar) LATEST DEV (Zip) Above links will ALWAYS give you the latest dev release, if you do not want to use Discord for some reason
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