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Everything posted by DisposableHero

  1. What is "today's web hosting" ?
  2. Import them again with proper subfleets. This will update the flights and their subfleet assignments. Or delete all flights (during import) and do NOT use any subfleet codes in the csv, then all your subfleets (current and future ones) will be available for all flights. Good luck
  3. @Nabeel log looks strange 02-01 19:32:03|ERROR; Could not write to base directory for configmaps.zip 02-01 19:43:07|ERROR; SimConnect_OnRecvException: $EVENT_ID_DUPLICATE 02-01 19:43:07|ERROR; ReceiveSimConnectMessage: Error in Simconnect: $0xC000014B 02-01 19:50:17|INFO; Starting PIREP, sim type=Microsoft Flight Simulator 02-01 19:50:18|ERROR; MSFS Connection Error: Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component. 02-01 19:50:18|ERROR; Acars.SimClient.SimClientError: Could not connect to MSFS: Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component. Acars.SimClient.SimClientError: Could not connect to MSFS: Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component. at Acars.SimClient.Clients.MSFS.MsFsClient.Connect(String address, Boolean enableRetry) at Acars.SimClient.SimManager.Connect(String address, Boolean throwError) acars Boolean Connect(System.String, Boolean) 02-01 19:50:18|INFO; Sim client disconnected 02-01 19:58:35|ERROR; SimConnect_OnRecvException: $EVENT_ID_DUPLICATE 02-01 19:58:35|ERROR; ReceiveSimConnectMessage: Error in Simconnect: $0xC000014B 02-01 19:58:36|ERROR; Simconnect error registering datastreams
  4. https://docs.phpvms.net/help https://docs.phpvms.net/help#vmsacars Please provide logs as described in above link, so then we can try to understand what is going on try to help. Safe flights
  5. My pleasure I was a developer, many years ago (while I was a teenager and a youngster around my twenties).That "basic" knowledge comes from those nice years, rest is 2+ years experience with v7 and some refreshed skills for v7 addon/theme development (I needed them, no one was around, so I started developing again), nothing more Enjoy v7
  6. Exclude rows with 0 (zero) expense or income (for GH Cost, it will be expense, debit) while you are in the foreach loop. As this is mostly a "theming" issue, you can check below example from my theme and apply the change in your duplicate (or your own) theme. https://github.com/FatihKoz/DisposableTheme/blob/e7e635a8d62c9aee90370c4c52104dc0fabb0747/resources/views/layouts/Disposable_v3/pireps/show_finance.blade.php#L58-L64 @foreach($pirep->transactions->where('journal_id', $pirep->airline->journal->id) as $entry) @if($entry->credit == 0 && $entry->debit == 0) @continue @endif <tr> <td class="text-start">{{ $entry->memo }}</td> <td>@if($entry->credit){{ money($entry->credit, $units['currency']) }}@endif</td> <td>@if($entry->debit){{ money($entry->debit, $units['currency']) }}@endif</td> </tr> @endforeach https://laravel.com/docs/9.x/blade#loops
  7. No problem, we all had the same feeling back in time There is a place at GitHub for "Feature Requests", if anything comes to your mind and if this is not a bug somewhere you are always welcome to create new request. And if this is good for all users, it gets attention. Not everything is implemented in and response is not lightning fast but it gets considered, been discussed with other users etc most of the time So use it please, otherwise your ideas will remain in your mind or get lost in the forum/discord channels etc. Safe flights
  8. Yes [short answer to your question, long answer follows below] Don't get me wrong, but I think you are just enabling disabling settings and hoping things to happen as you wish... Where did you read that flight list follows that setting ? Probably nowhere, it is just your wish And even you tested it with ranks and get the same result. So neither subfleets nor ranks are killing you, it is simply lack of knowledge and experience about v7 systems confusing you, or your expectations do not match with what v7 offers (and both are normal, nothing wrong with any of them) If you look closely to your admin settings area, you will see that "Restrict Aircraft By Type Ratings" (and the same for ranks are) listed under PIREPs section (and it is about aircraft as the name says), on the other hand "Only allow/show flights from current location" (like the one you left disabled) is listed under PILOTS (and it is about flights). With the info above and your current test, one can easily say that "Flight list is not limited according to user ranks (or type ratings)", as far as I remember this was discussed either in this forum or maybe in Discord, there may be a feature request about it at GitHub too (I am not sure about this). Maybe someday in future, somebody implements that feature by adding new settings to PILOTS section something like "Restrict Flights By Type Ratings" / "Restrict Flights By Rank" and then you can enable them to get your desired result. Or maybe that someone can use the settings at PIREPs section to achieve that goal (I do prefer having them separated though). Hope this help and clears your mind a little bit. As I wrote before, good luck and God speed
  9. As a professional aviator I am pretty aware of pilot and aircraft type ratings sir. Your country may not be issuing something for "Single Engine Piston" but there is something for it too and phpvms v7 is not designed only for FAA/US Well, if you do not want to use type ratings then do not enable it... If you want to use it, then you need to assign type ratings too as I explained above. When you do not assign ranks to your subfleets and enable its setting, same thing happens too. System checks what you are capable of. So as an example; You do have a B737-300/900 type rating assigned to your pilot, then he/she is ONLY allowed to use aircraft which requires that same type rating to operate. Good luck and God speed.
  10. You can use both if you wish to or you can use only one of them... In either solution you need to manage your subfleets, no matter what their maximum takeoff weight is. You need to assign a rank or type rating (or both) to them according to your wishes about managing this. And as far as I know, even a single engine piston (like lightweight Cessna 152) needs a type rating. Not a C152 type of course but you should hold something for SEP or MEP being used backwards. Safe flights
  11. Well, I am not using decoded weather and not a member of your VA anyway, so whatever you did on your end is ok for me. I would suggest opening a bug report for phpvms v7 (+your idea about double display mentioned above), maybe the developer (or someone else) fixes it for good. As you know this is not an addon/theme issue and related with phpvms v7 core itself, all should go through github. Developer will not see your problem or request here. Safe flights
  12. So you made every airport report visibility in miles ? Hope it does not mess up with peoples brains and non-us airport reports.
  13. Try cleaning your "view" cache if you are sure you edited the correct file... Admin > Maintenance > Reset Caches > Views (button) I already wishes you luck 2 times, if it is not enough then only "God Speed" can help you
  14. What you find is an example file, what I wrote above is the original file location (with the note you mentioned) What I still hardly suggest is following explained duplication procedure, edit that original or example according to your needs. What I do NOT suggest is what you plan to do (unzipping the example over the original) Good luck
  15. Considering that W11 is a polished W10, there is less chance that kAcars will be incompatible with OS, most probably your pilot is missing required .net packages (or maybe some vb runtimes). W11 does not come with old .net editions which are not supported anymore, this makes old software fail most of the time.
  16. You probably missed looking to : Resources\views\pages It is the default file location for it, shipped with Dispo Special, you need to duplicate that file under your own theme as explained in documentation (and here in this forum) Good luck
  17. Other two ? Premium only displays the Splash Screen Banner (during startup) and the Dashboard Logo (at home page of acars, top right section). If it is displaying only one check the files, check if you can reach them directly by entering the url to a browser window, check vmsacars module settings, and lastly check your acars log to see if there are any errors. Safe flights
  18. Weather decoding is not a part of Disposable Addons (neither Disposable Theme nor the modules), it is handled by phpvms v7 itself. As far as I remember, wx visibility is reported in statue miles in US (and FAA rules following countries), rest of the world uses meters. So a conversion to nautical miles (nmi) is not logical at all, it should be either miles or kilometers. (this may be the cause of non-conversion by the core) Safe flights
  19. Upload and use this version, keep the file somewhere safe along with my v3.0.19 addons Once you upload, please clean your cache (follow docs for manual deletion of cache if necessary) then visit yoursite.com/update to trigger any migrations etc. Then if you encounter errors please do provide logs Good luck and God speed
  20. @KnightAviation , grab it before it gets deleted
  21. View File phpVMS 7.0 Dev Version for PHP7.4 (Not Supported Anymore) WARNING WARNING WARNING This is the development version build supporting PHP7.4 and using LARAVEL8 phpvms 7.0.0-dev+220307.00bf18 (07.MAR.22) THIS IS NOT THE LATEST DEVELOPMENT (DEV) BUILD !!! THIS FILE IS ONLY FOR PEOPLE STUCK WITH PHP7.4 (DUE TO HOSTING SERVICE PROVIDER LIMITATIONS) NOT SUPPORTED, ONLY PROVIDED FOR BACKUP Submitter DisposableHero Submitted 01/05/23 Category Add-ons
  22. Version 7.0.0-dev+220307.00bf18


  23. Technically we need to see the logs, as written several times (here at this forum and a million times at Discord) "500 : SERVER ERROR" really does not help... It only tells us that you have a problem Nothing more to identify and help. Some static info first; 1. Dispo Addons do not require any other Dispo addon to work, you can have dispo theme, or dispo basic, or dispo special alone or use dispo basic/special with a default theme (or your own theme). You need to read the main requirements about my addons, some buttons (and visual features) will not work with a cloned default theme due to Bootstrap changes (I am using v5, default theme uses v4) 2. Pireps associated with Missing Aircraft > This is important and may cause issues, can be solved with some tricks during usage (with additional failsafe code if we miss any, not advised to have lots but can be solved by the VA) 3. Acars data entries associated with Missing Pireps > Nothing important, just wasted database space (and this info is at the top of the same page you are checking) 4. Without knowing the exact version of your core phpvms v7, I can not even speculate. As I wrote above, if you need that specific latest version just let us know (so we can upload it to somewhere you can download and use) Most probably your version is not matching what module needs (or designed for). Check admin side, try clicking on the version number, it should show something like this : Don't get this wrong, we are here to help but repeating ourselves is not nice and makes us stop helping others and look the other way So please provide logs with error details as explained here : https://docs.phpvms.net/help Good luck
  24. If you are stuck with php7.x and older versions of both phpvms and my addons, you should NOT update, that simple is the solution. You should NOT try to match up your old phpvms with new versions of my modules, or with new versions of some core v7 files. It may look harmless to you at first and you can think that only one page/link is not working but in the background there are lots of changes which do require php8 + laravel9 + latest phpvms. So for your own mental health, you should really use the latest available versions matching your server configuration as below; For phpVMS v7: Latest available version is phpVms 7.0.0-dev+220307.00bf18 (07.MAR.22) => php7.4 and laravel8 For Disposable addons: Version v3.0.19 is the latest one compatible with phpvms mentioned above, php7.4 and laravel8 If you need the v7 build mentioned above, please let us know, I think I have a copy saved somewhere. My addons are available via GitHub, just scroll down at releases page and find the ones you need. And really stop following updates, 'cause there is no workaround, there is no quick fix one click solution, only way is changing your server settings (or changing your hosting service provider) Nothing else will work. Also, for future matters, please do always inform people you are using an old version and stuck with php7.4, skipping this critical info will cause huge amounts of wasted time for all involved Good luck and God speed, your situation is not good at the moment, hope you can find a stable solution for your install. ---- As an example, I am using some php8 functions in my addons, which are only available in php8 series, also some functions are changed in php8, their requirements and outputs are different compared to php7 series. Same applies to phpvms and laravel8 => laravel9 switch It is really not easy to figure out each of them and revert back to php7, even if someone tries to do that, it will not be possible at a point and all your time will be wasted.
  25. Technically what you assume is wrong, when an update is released it may contain both backend and frontend changes, another bad news for you is some backend changes do need mandatory/following frontend changes too... In theory you should NOT be editing the default template directly but have your OWN duplicate, which you can play on safely. You can check this forum for how to duplicate a theme properly and make your changes safe during updates. https://docs.phpvms.net/installation/updating https://docs.phpvms.net/customize/theming `If you want to edit only select templates (also recommended), set the extends value to default. Then you only need to copy over the templates that you modify, instead of all them (this makes it easier to update phpVMS, and you also know what you've modified).` But if you wish, you can try what you assume, it may work for one update and fail on the next. You will never be sure about that. Good luck and God speed
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