By default, the custom profile fields in phpVMS can't be set as required and most of us have issues when it comes to IVAO or VATSIM ids etc. Today, I decided to implement that feature. The changes can be found here. Let me list them here too:
1) On your database, go to your "TABLE_PREFIX"_customfields table and add a new column with the following details:
`required` smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
2) On your core/templates/registration_customfields.php (or the custom one if you are using a custom template) find this:
<dt><?php echo $field->title; ?></dt>
and replace with this:
<dt><?php echo $field->title; ?><?php if($field->required == 1) echo ' *'; ?></dt>
find this:
else { ?>
<input type="text" name="<?php echo $field->fieldname; ?>" value="<?php echo Vars::POST($field->fieldname);?>" /></dd>
<?php }
and replace with this:
else { ?>
<input type="text" name="<?php echo $field->fieldname; ?>" value="<?php echo Vars::POST($field->fieldname);?>" />
<?php } ?>
<?php if(${"custom_".$field->fieldname."_error"} == true) {
echo '<p class="error">Please enter your '.$field->title.'.</p>';
<?php }
3) On your admin/modules/PilotAdmin/PilotAdmin.php find this:
case 'saveprofile':
if ($this->post->firstname == '' || $this->post->lastname == '') {
$this->set('message', 'The first or lastname cannot be blank!');
and this after that:
$fields = RegistrationData::getCustomFields();
if(count($fields) > 0) {
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$value = Vars::POST($field->fieldname);
$value1 = DB::escape($value);
if ($field->required == 1 && $value1 == '') {
$this->set('message', ''.$field->title.' cannot be blank!');
4) On your admin/modules/Settings/Settings.php find this (there should be two items):
and replace it with this:
find this (there should be two items too):
if($data['showinregistration'] == 'yes')
$data['showinregistration'] = true;
$data['showinregistration'] = false;
and add this after that:
if($data['required'] == 'yes')
$data['required'] = true;
$data['required'] = false;
5) On your admin/templates/settings_addcustomfield.php find this:
<dt>Show During Registration</dt>
<select name="showinregistration">
<option value="yes" <?php if($field->showonregister == 1) echo 'selected'; ?>>Yes</option>
<option value="no" <?php if($field->showonregister == 0) echo 'selected'; ?>>No</option>
and add this after that:
<select name="required">
<option value="yes" <?php if($field->required == 1) echo 'selected'; ?>>Yes</option>
<option value="no" <?php if($field->required == 0) echo 'selected'; ?>>No</option>
6) On your admin/templates/settings_customfieldsform.php find this:
<th>Default Value</th>
and add this after it:
then find this:
<td align="center"><?php echo $field->value;?></td>
and add this after that:
<td align="center"><?php if($field->required == 1) {echo 'YES';} else {echo 'NO';} ?></td>
7) On your core/common/SettingsData.class.php find this (there should be two items):
if ($data['showinregistration'] == true) $data['showinregistration'] = 1;
else $data['showinregistration'] = 0;
and after that place this:
if ($data['required'] == true) $data['required'] = 1;
else $data['required'] = 0;
Then find this:
"customfields (title, fieldname, value, type, public, showonregister)
VALUES ('{$data['title']}', '$fieldname', '{$data['value']}', '{$data['type']}', {$data['public']}, {$data['showinregistration']})";
and replace it with this:
"customfields (title, fieldname, value, type, public, showonregister, required)
VALUES ('{$data['title']}', '$fieldname', '{$data['value']}', '{$data['type']}', {$data['public']}, {$data['showinregistration']}, {$data['required']})";
Then find this:
$sql = "UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "customfields
SET title='{$data['title']}', fieldname='{$fieldname}', value='{$data['value']}',
type='{$data['type']}', public={$data['public']},
WHERE fieldid={$data['fieldid']}";
and replace it with this:
$sql = "UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "customfields
SET title='{$data['title']}', fieldname='{$fieldname}', value='{$data['value']}',
type='{$data['type']}', public={$data['public']},
showonregister={$data['showinregistration']}, required={$data['required']}
WHERE fieldid={$data['fieldid']}";
8) On your core/modules/Profile/Profile.php find this:
if($this->post->email == '') {
and replace it with this:
if($this->post->email == '') {
$this->set('message', 'The email address cannot be blank.');
$fields = RegistrationData::getCustomFields();
if(count($fields) > 0) {
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$value = Vars::POST($field->fieldname);
$value1 = DB::escape($value);
if ($field->required == 1 && $value1 == '') {
$this->set('message', ''.$field->title.' cannot be blank!');
9) On your core/modules/Registration/Registration.php find this:
// Check is passwords are the same
if($this->post->password1 != $this->post->password2) {
$error = true;
$this->set('password_error', 'The passwords do not match!');
} else {
$this->set('password_error', '');
and add the following after that:
//Get customs fields
$fields = RegistrationData::getCustomFields();
if(count($fields) > 0) {
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$value = Vars::POST($field->fieldname);
$value1 = DB::escape($value);
if ($field->required == 1 && $value1 == '') {
$error = true;
$this->set('custom_'.$field->fieldname.'_error', true);
} else {
$this->set('custom_'.$field->fieldname.'_error', '');
I hope that the changes are correct and I have not forgot anything. I have tested it on my localhost server but if any of you is interested to check that too, please let me know in case you spot any issue. I am going to submit a pull request to phpVMS 5.5.2 by David as soon as you confirm that it works ok. I will be happy to answer any of your questions.
PS: I would suggest to make the changes only if you have some basic knowledge about coding in order to avoid messing up things. And, as always, BACKUP.