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Everything posted by servetas

  1. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/18860-i-have-a-xxxxxxtpl-file-not-found-error/
  2. You will have to opwn your phpmyadmin and go to your pilots database table. After that go to the opetations tab of the table you are viewing.  The value is called AUTO_INCREMENT.  The number in that field is the next number to be assigned when a record is added. You can change it to last pilot id+1.
  3. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/21094-slideshow-and-add-bid-problem/page__hl__%2Broute+%2Bpassed
  4. Hello, It can be changed via the General Setting section of your phpVMS Administration Center.
  5. Have you tried lorthon's solution: Also, have you tried to edit the USERS_ONLINE_TIME setting on your local.config.php? # The StatsData::UserOnline() function - how many minutes to check Config::Set('USERS_ONLINE_TIME', 20); Where 20, replace this with the number of minutes you would like to "keep the sessions".
  6. Open your local.config.php and edit the following lines: # Google Map Options Config::Set('MAP_WIDTH', '950px'); Config::Set('MAP_HEIGHT', '550px');
  7. I think that i-frame will work. You can create a .php file, upload it on your server and after that you can wrap it on your website.
  8. This module does not get the data from any ACARS software. It shows the pilots who are online on the current virtual flight simulation networks which are IVAO and VATSIM.
  9. I think that you can keep it "simple". You can create a simple page including this part of code: <?php require('./the directory of you codon.config.php file'); ?> <?php MainController::Run('Pilots', 'RecentFrontPage', 5); ?> And after that, you can wrap it or create a simple iframe on your main website. What about this?
  10. As i said before, the live flights boarx can be added on any site you want using wrapper. I will send you a pm.
  11. Have you installed all the database tables? The flightbookingsystem.sql file has to be inserted to your database using your phpmyadmin...
  12. Are you sure that you installed the module correctly?
  13. Go to your core/modules/PIREPS/PIREPS.php and comment out this part: (it should start on line 358, i do not remember if i have edited that file previously) # Only allow for valid routes to be filed $sched_data = SchedulesData::GetScheduleByFlight($this->post->code, $this->post->flightnum); if(!$sched_data) { $this->set('message', 'The flight code and number you entered is not a valid route!'); return false; }
  14. The local.config.php is not updated automatically when you tranfer it to another location. You should have to edit the database details with the new ones.
  15. You have to download this file and replace this with the one on your live website. The problem now is that if you do not post the field named code the system returns you this error. The code field has to be filled and you removed it from the form...
  16. You can edit your local.config.php file in order to connect the database with the live one..
  17. This part of code is correct. Why did you changed the flight number field?
  18. Yes, we are able to create a simple version of the module and after that, you will be able to use iframe in order to add it to any website you want.
  19. I do agree with joeri.
  20. Which phpBB version are you using? Have you checked this or do you want something more? http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/6167-phpbb-auto-12
  21. Can you check if the bid is being added to the bids database table? You can chack it via your phpmyadmin.
  22. What do you mean? Magicflyer told you how to install a web server on your computer in order to be able to do all the changes and updates without having to update your page on your live host... This hasn't to do with the hosting package your are using. Of course, if you do a format on your pc, you will have to reinstall the localhist web server...
  23. Check this: http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/1152-how-to-do-dynamic-non-scheduled-routes/#entry9245 I would suggest you to read the whole thread because there are some instructions you have to follow as soon as you install it (for example, you should not use the recalculate distances function etc...).
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