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Everything posted by servetas

  1. The website lloks good but you have removed the "Powered by phpVMS" from the footer...
  2. I would like to let you know that i have uploaded version 1.4. The changes are: - Files Cleanup - Added Auto Awards Function based on pilot’s nautical miles. - Updated the Version Check System Update to work with all the servers. - Updated the module to be compatible with PHP 5.4+ . - Added a new version for the websites which use the .php template extension. - Other minor changes. If you have any question or any problem, do not hesitate to let me know.
  3. Yeah, that is correct. I always confuse them.
  4. This error has come up quite a lot during this past. Do a search and you will find the solution.
  5. This is a default setting of cpanel. If the user tries to login into the cpanel or his webmail and he does approximately 3 mistakes in a few minutes, the server automatically bans its IP. Of course, there might be differences between the providers. If your IP is static, then you can just restart your router in order to get a new IP. Otherwise, you will have to get in touch with your web hosting provider in order to get your IP removed from the ban list.
  6. Wherever you want to place it inside the file. Do not expect everything on your plate. Do some tests on yourself and you will find out where you can place it.
  7. He was not talking about the username. He was referring to the event that both accounts are using the same IP in some of the posts...
  8. Do you have a previous backup of your files? I think that this can solve your problem...
  9. In order to get your pilot's signature you can use this: <img src="<?php echo SITE_URL; ?>/lib/signatures/<?php echo PilotData::GetPilotCode($userinfo->code, $userinfo->pilotid); ?>.png" alt="pilot signature" />
  10. As a phpVMS Forum member and developer, i want to point some things. When you are accepting an offer from a developer, you should not send the full payment before you are sure that your website will be OK. Of course, the developer has the right to request a deposit in order to start the project. Also, i would suggest to you to do all the payments via PayPal. As i remember, you have 45 days to open a case on PayPal and request your money back from the person you got the money. Of course, you should be able to prove it. Last but not least, although i do not know what has happened because i have not heard both parts, in many cases the deposit is not refunded. If you as a client decided that you do not want the website, the developer can keep the deposit. All these are based on the terms you have accepted. Personally, in my offers, i include a list of terms in order to ensure the safety of both parts (me and my client's part).
  11. When your pilots file their pireps manual can select the aircraft they flown...
  12. It has come up quite a lot in the forum. Do a search before posting.
  13. Can you specify if you have the core part of your acars or not?
  14. servetas

    ice v1

    I moved the thread to the correct part of the forum.
  15. Hello, I have developed a module which does something like this for another virtual airline. Pm me if you are interested. George
  16. Also, you can check the Live Flights Board developed by php-mods.
  17. If i remember correctly, it will be shown as 0$ (or the currency you are uaing on your phpvms). I will add that on the changelog for the next version. George
  18. You can use this link: https://cert.vatsim.net/cert/vatsimnet/idstatus.php?cid=xxxxxxx Where xxxxxxx you should replace it with the pilot's vatsim cid. You can create a code which will get the data from this page and place it on your website. Unfortunately, i have never worked with xml so i can't help you more. George
  19. The schedules you get on the user part are based on the days you have selected.
  20. Congratulations guys, i wish you all the best. ΣυγχaÏητήÏιa!
  21. Send me a pm and let me know what you would like to edit.
  22. What can't you understand from the answer i gave (in public) above?
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