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Everything posted by servetas

  1. Yes, you do put numbers.
  2. I think that it is not so easy because you will have to edit the default phpvms database (the bids table)...
  3. Why don't you try to find a free solution for your website's template? There are a lot of in this forum and you can do minor changes on them...
  4. Unfortunately this can't be done with the current default functions. If you want to do something like this, you will have to edit some of the default phpvms functions and files. I have already though of it during the past.
  5. servetas


    Practically no but it has been discussed several times in the forum.
  6. servetas

    Need Help

    You will have to remmove any changes you have made on tha file. Also, please use more usefull titles on your threads...
  7. Why do you want to split the departing and arriving hours in hours and minutes?
  8. Please add me on my skype. It is servetas1. As soon as we find a solution, i will post it here.
  9. Hello, Do you have access to your phpmyadmin? If yes, please find your TABLE_PREFIX rules table and check the "rules" field collation. Is it utf8_general_ci?
  10. The easiest way is to disable the auto ranking system. After that, yoi will be able to assign a specific rank to each pilot.
  11. I do agree with Eddie. kAcars free version is great! On my virtual airline we have created an acars which does not look like the others and the functionallity is pretty good.
  12. I would not suggest FsAcars as it has many errors and currentlt it is not supported by phpVMS. Both kacars and xacars are good. Also, phpVMS supports Fs Flight Keeper and Fs Passengers...
  13. Unfortunately i am not able to help you. If you can't do it on your own, i would suggest to get in touch with a developer who will might be able to do it.
  14. This acars is not supported by phpVMS. If you have the coding skills (i think), you can integrate with phpvms but i don't think that is is so easy.
  15. Version 1.2 has been released and it is available for download. The changes are: - Added the option for the pilots to request a refund. - Refund requests can be enabled/disabled via the settings page of the module. - Updated the product giving function. - An email is being sent to the pilot whenever he purchases a product. - Other minor changes
  16. On my virtual airline, we have added an airport with ICAO code AAAA named "For the Unscheduled Flights". Also, we have added a schedule with flight number GRW0000, departure airport: AAAA and arrival airport AAAA. The pilots can go to the File a new pirep page and fill this form using the following: Select Airline: GRW Flight Number: 0000 Departure Airport: Select the airport he departed from. If he can't find it on the drop down list, he can select the AAAA. Arrival Airport: Select the airport he arrived to. If he can't find it on the drop down list, he can select the AAAA. all the other, the same as the scheduled pireps. If he has selected the AAAA in any of the departure or arrival airport, he has to include the correct icao codes on the other information field. (For example DEP/LGAV ARR/LGTS) Of course, there is a module which can do what you want by simpilot.
  17. Contact your hosting provider.
  18. I would suggest you to reinstall the whole website and just use your previous database.
  19. Wrong... Download this: https://github.com/phpVMS/phpVMS/archive/master.zip
  20. From where do you download the latest phpvms version?
  21. replace your admin folder with a new from a fresh installation (make sure that you have backed up your previous admin center folder)
  22. What does these schedules include? Which area for example?
  23. servetas


    The groups can be managed via your admin center->pilot's & groups->Pilot Groups. A group can be assigned to a pilot via the admin center->pilots & groups-> view all pilots->find the pilot and press edit and after that go to the pilot groups tab. As for the second one, i think that you will have to get in touch with a developer in order to request his help or open a new thread on the forum.
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