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Everything posted by servetas

  1. I would like to inform you that version 1.1 is available. The changelog can be found below: - Added the option to disable the version check system from the admin panel. - Changed the position of the money unit. - Update the purchase function due to some problems on the previous version. - Added Latest Purchases function. - Other minor changes If you have any question or request, do not hesitate to let me know.
  2. Yes, it is because the databse table names are different between the versions, on my website the first option works too.
  3. The first can be done, as for the second one, i do not think that you can do it except if you edit your database and some of the default phpvms files...
  4. Very good, is there any screenshot of the module? Also, i would suggest you to post it on Github as the forum attachments will might get lost anytime...
  5. I do not want to be ironic but unfortunately i will... Some months ago, you published a thread letting the others know that you are able to offer skin services. Some days ago, you published a new post letting the other members know that you are in need of someone who can make a skin for you. Today, you published this... So finally, do you know how to skin or not? Personally, as a virtual airline manager, i believe that the website is the MOST important part of a virtual airline. If you (not you Collin, i am speaking in general) do not know how to build it or you do not have the money to pay a developer to build it for you, then there is no need to waste you time starting a new virtual airline. Trust me, there are A LOT OF other ones which do their job great. However, i wish you all the best...
  6. I did not know that there was such a function on phpvms. On my website, i use: <?php echo $userinfo->totalpay; ?> <?php echo MONEY_UNIT; ?> Can you check it?
  7. Hello, Please let me know via pm what do you want exactly if you are interested. George
  8. Ok, i found out the solution. The new version of the module uses a different database prefix. Please replace the old function with this one: public function countpending() { $query = "SELECT COUNT(id) AS total FROM phpvms_screenshots WHERE file_approved='0'"; $check = DB::get_row($query); return $check->total; }
  9. What do you mean nothing appears? Can you send me your ScreenshotData.class.php and sidebar_dashboard.tpl files?
  10. Pilot Academy V2.3 Minor design changes on the admin part of the module. The new version has been updated on the demo system. Also, we decided to reduce the price for this module in order to help you buy it and offer trainings/checkrides to your pilots. The new price is 40$ and it will remain forever (it is not just an offer). Of course, there is NOT ANY difference in the module due to the price reduction. The Pilot Academy module can be purchased via our billing system. More information can be found here. Thank you all for your great support! If you have any suggestion or request do not hesitate to get in touch with me!
  11. Put this function on your ScreenshotsData.class.php file: public function countpending() { $query = "SELECT COUNT(id) AS total FROM screenshots WHERE file_approved='0'"; $check = DB::get_row($query); return $check->total; } and after that, edit your sidebar_dashboard.tpl file and use this: <strong><a href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/index.php/screenshots/approval_list"><?php echo ScreenshotsData::countpending(); ?></strong> ScreenShots Pending</a><br />
  12. The solution is the same with the plugin manager module. Just change the extensions of the files which are on the templates folder of the module from .tpl to .php.
  13. You can find it on David's Github... https://github.com/DavidJClark
  14. This is a quite old module. I would suggest you to use Vanser's one. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/7937-vfleettracker-v13/
  15. I don't think that it's what he wants. I understod that he want to assign specific ranks for each staff member via the admin center. I think that it can be done, of course you need to turn off the auto ranks calculate.
  16. I have created a function which counts the pending screenshots. After that, you can include that on your admin center sidebar Please let me know if you are interested...
  17. Please check this: http://forum.phpvms...._20#entry112412
  18. This is the correct url: http://joinbbva.org/rank_firstofficer.png
  19. Do a search before posting. The answer is just on the previous page of this post... http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/6978-plugin-manager/#entry84715
  20. I think that this guy can do it for you... http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/20677-paid-services/
  21. As for the 2, i has come up quite a lot during the past in this forum. Do a search and you will find the solution.
  22. I can do something for this... Maybe during the next two weeks.
  23. Why don't you tell it from the beggining? You want us to customize a table in which we have not access to it? In the database function which selects your pilots, add this: ORDER BY joindate ASC Let me know if you have any question.
  24. Open screenshots_random.php file on your templates/screenshots folder and replace this line: echo '<b>Random Screenshot!</b><br /><img src="'.SITE_URL.'/pics/'.$screenshot->file_name.'" height="125px" width="180px" alt="Random Screenshot" /> with this one: echo '<b>Random Screenshot!</b><br /><a href="'.SITE_URL.'/index.php/Screenshots/large_screenshot?id='.$screenshot->id.'"><img src="'.SITE_URL.'/pics/'.$screenshot->file_name.'" height="125px" width="180px" alt="Random Screenshot" /></a> PS: Just submitted a pull request on github.
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