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Everything posted by servetas

  1. Below this, there must be a Util sendmail function. Can you paste it here?
  2. There is a module like that by simpilotgroup. Also, a lot of developers have posted threads in which they are trying to find new ideas. If you have any idea, you can pm me whenever you want.
  3. Ok, if you wish do develop it there is not any problem my friend.
  4. I think this is pretty easy. You can just have a tabled which will show all the pilot's ordered by the warnings they have gotten. After that, the administrator will be able to decide what he wants to do with a specific pilot. Deleting pilots is not suggested because it will might cause problems with the va's statistics (i think but i have not tried it). If you won't do it, i can build a module like that for free. George
  5. We would like to inform you that version 1.2 has been released. We have done some minor changes. More information can be found here.
  6. Hello Guys, Sorry for that. Now it should work. George
  7. Dear All, In Greece we say "the boss went crazy", it's too hot outside so we decided to offer a 50% discount for 24 hours! From now and until 9/6/2014 22:00 (UTC) you can purchase any module with a -50% discount. Our modules can be found here. Use ONEDAY50OFF coupon code in order to purchase any module you like! It can be used as many times as you want during the discount period. If you have any problem, do not hesitate to let us know. Have a great Summer! PHP-Mods Team
  8. I think that introbb is correct. Also, i my website, i have to place index.php on my url in order to be logged in on the website.
  9. Open your Login.php file and find this: $this->post->redir = str_replace('index.php/', '', $this->post->redir); header('Location: '.url('/'.$this->post->redir)); replace it with this: $redir = "http://google.gr/"; header("Location: $redir"); you can replace http://google.gr/ with the page url you would like to redirect your pilots to.
  10. <?php require('the directory of your codon.config.php file'); // Call the phpVMS config file if(Auth::LoggedIn()) { //the data you want to show if he is logged in } else { //the data you want to show if he is not logged in ?>
  11. It is the first thing you have to check if you have any problem. You're welcome
  12. I can see that you have not installed the module on the phpvms website which is on the sub-domain. If you don't install it, it is not going to work.
  13. Does your smf database tables have "smf_" as table prefix?
  14. Hello, I am the one who removed the github link from your previous thread. I have already got in touch with Manuel. He told me that this part of code has been written for you by him in order to do the "job" you want to do for your virtual airline. Based on your github commits, you can just edited the functions names and you have removed the copyright notice. I do remove again the link. Please get in touch with Manuel in order to find a solution privately. Until then, please do not post again this part of code in this forum. George
  15. Have you tried to use this? <?php require('codon.config.php directory'); // Call the phpVMS config file ?>
  16. Personally, i do not offer support to poole not because of his grammar but because he has removed the powered by phpvms link from his website. So, let's keep this in topic as our discussion has not anything to do with the topic.
  17. You could just translate it to us without irony. Nevermind, back in topic now.
  18. poole's posts do not make sense at all. At least, i can understand PilotChase's posts. Back in topic now
  19. There was not need to create a new topic for the same problem. Topic merged
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