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Everything posted by servetas

  1. As i can see your pilots are now ordered correctly... http://www.flyaka.com/index.php/pilots Which list are you trying to order because the list in the screenshot is different from the one i can see on the link i gave you.
  2. servetas

    Acars Download

    I don't think that it has to do woth kAcars. Why don't you get in touch with your web hosting company? They should be able to help you.
  3. I would not suggest this because lib folder includes also your pilot's signatures which might be placed on forum signatures, third part websites etc (like Strider's signature for example)...
  4. Ok, did you try to open it with different editors (as your editor may not show this character)?
  5. Please edit your post now and remove and database credentials for security reason!!
  6. I don't think so because they will be able to log in again even if you logged them out.
  7. Ok, can you open your local.config.php file and check how is its first line? Is there any "funky" character (for example ~,`, etc) or a space before <?php If yes, remove it and save the local.config.php file.
  8. Ok, can you please place it on your local.config.php file and let me know if it works?
  9. Ok, please check this... http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/17290-solvedpilot-list-empty/#entry93430
  10. Did you change any file in the admin panel?
  11. I managed to access my phpvms site and get some files on my mobile phone. Can you add this on your codon.config.php file and let me know if it works? Config::Set('PILOT_ORDER_BY', 'p.joindate ASC'); I have not tested it but it has to work from what i see on the phpvms files.
  12. Hello, You can get the pilot id using the following part of code on your .tpl file. <?php echo PilotData::GetPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid); ?> As for the password, i don't think that you are able to get the password as it has been encrypted on your database. From my point of you, i think that this is better because this is more secure for your users... That's all..
  13. This can be done via your PilotData.class.php file (i think). I will let you know the change specifically as soon as i get back home.
  14. Personally, i think that only your va's members can express their opinions about your va's future changes and operations as we are not able to know what does your va need. I think you understand my point of view.
  15. V1.1.1 has been released and its ready for download, for those who have bought the module, on our billing system. More information can be found here.
  16. Ok, so you can remove the pilot briefing from public and share it with the pilot as soon as he adds the flight on his bids. Pilot briefing can include a lot of information such as metars, notams, charts, weather charts, route etc...
  17. In reality, an airline pilot cannot fly any flight he/she wants. The flights are being "assigned" to the pilot by the airline dispatch center based on his (or her) capabilities, knowledge about the aircraft, etc. In phpvms, any pilot can bid a flight. Bidding the flight is like booking a flight. It means that he/she "says" that he/she is going to fly this specific flight. Of course, if he/she don't want to fly this flight, he/she can just remove from his/her bids. Also, bidding the flight gives your pilots the chance to access their boarding pass. As for the other questions, personally i have not understood what do you mean exactly and what kind of information do you want.
  18. Hello, I think that there is not any other module except Exam Center which can help you do this "job". Of course, you can get in touch a phpvms module developer and request from him to create a module which will do all this work. Personally, as part of PHP-Mods Team i can develop a payware module which will include all these functions. If you are interested, please let me know via pm.
  19. Create a php.ini on your public_html folder and use this: [DATE] date.timezone = date.timezone = "Europe/Madrid" PS: I haven't tested it.
  20. You are not correct. He can order them based on their joindate (db pilots table) which does not change when someone files a pirep.
  21. I think that this setting can be done via your php.ini file. Can you gain access to it?
  22. While listening to music i though about something ... Why don't you order them based on their submitdate?
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