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Everything posted by mark1million

  1. I dont seem to have the event listener in the toup.php module, i must have changes something ages ago. Do you have the event listener piece of code?
  2. Since Daves is no longer available does anyone have the code i can look at for the auto credit of a flight for the tour system?
  3. That setting will clear your recent filed pireps not clear the acars table, if you want to clear that table then go to the admin and settings there is a link there to manually clear it or run it as a cron job.
  4. update the modules with extension php not tpl
  5. phpvms2 is no where near that phase yet.
  6. you need to update the files to public static function from public function.
  7. I thought you wanted to debug the old phpvms on php7. My mistake, sorry.
  8. Yes it's all good now. Let me know what functions you need testing as I have been playing about with things already.
  9. If you have command shell experience you can get a dedicated vps up and going for $5 a month, use code DOCS10 to get more credit when you sign up. I have experience with Linode and they can provide a dev box to work on, you do have to install everything but there are guides to get you going easily, you can deploy install sql server php 7.1 and apache or what ever you like in under 30 minutes. That is what i did to try and figure out phpv2.
  10. I have no idea, since hosts are starting to phase out 5.3 to 5.6 im hoping Nabeel can work his magic for this new version to migrate over to.
  11. For information i found out that the error was....... Changed web directory to "all" so it was allowed to parse the .htaccess file and good to go.
  12. Will do i just created a new dedicated server for this and yes it is apache, ill PM the logs over to you now.
  13. A quick update, i dont thing a rewrite is working correctly as i have to put index.php before everything and i managed to get it installed but its not how it should be
  14. Im still getting errors trying to install, the database tabes are not being created, have i missed a step or something?
  15. For some reason this module stopped working on one of my VA's i have no explanation why, it works on one but not the other.
  16. I would change the skin files to .php, enable logging of errors and look in the server logs and work through the errors you get. Comment out the includes if you have any and any added modules, thats a good place to start.
  17. Not working on my test server however on another server it it, when i go to install i get a The requested URL /install was not found on this server. any ideas?
  18. I dont know what addons you have nut i have loads of them and custom coded and they will not work, i can run base install no problems but when i start adding addons its all goes to pot. I have just deployed a new server for testing and working out the new way of phpvms currently in dev, im not going to waste any more time on 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 or 5.6 compatibility, there is just too much work to get it all together.
  19. Not for me no its all included free. I used to pay for certificates but moved host, if you have root access then you can set up for free using https://letsencrypt.org/
  20. Thats because your site is not running https:// every site not running https:// now will show as a security risk when submitting personal information.
  21. I am running on 5.6 ok with a bit of messing about, I think my VA's will probably cease when my host goes to php7 as i just can not convert everything i have over. The only option i have is to create a dedicated server with php5.4 or 5.6 and maintain it at that version.
  22. Its not compatible with v7 or 7.1, first change your local config to use mysqli and then you have to debug the rest as you go, some common errors are filing a pirep it errors with no schedule add manually amoungst loads of other issues. I have not yet been able to run this as a viable option on php v7 or 7.1 I have something running but its far from being an option with all the different addons
  23. This is the error you get when using php7, make sure your using mysqli in your local config not mysql.
  24. You need to increase the memory available to scripts, usually found in your php.ini file
  25. If i remember right use the decimal format i cant find what i used now
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