Its php mailer standard in php,
We farmed out the mail function to google rather than hosting smtp from the server as its prone to errors and vulnerable to constant attacks.
Just make sure your not black listed as that will get your mail rejected also.
You can check on
This could be causing your problem,
550-Please turn on SMTP Authentication in your mail client.
Harry if i follow you you can use the logged in feature ie display different content for users logged in or not.
The function is,
if(Auth::LoggedIn() == false)
{ ?>
<p align="center">Your content for visitors</p>
$pilotid = PilotData::GetPilotCode(Auth::$userinfo->code, Auth::$userinfo->pilotid);
//stuff goes here to display for logged in users
} /* End the else */
Thats if im following you right.
You could look at addressing it a different way, just like the ranks, if your not using that feature you can change that function about to only display schedules to certain ranks.
Here is what im trying to achieve, any help would be appreciated as its been a while since i have dived deep in to the code pf vms.
When a pilot is deleted and their is data in the system ie from a screen shot or past event it displays the pilot as 0000, now is there a way to globally set that to echo something else out via the config file?
This is the default behavior for the schedules, front schedules does work, if your getting errors with it not showing then check your logs to see whats erroring
HI Mate this is fspax setting if I remember right, chech the va config file send out to fspax also the company created should match the correct code AZC or AZI
Ok Off the top of my head without looking at the code there is a function in the acars script that if the charter function is used the acars will generate a random flight number with a alpha character at the end so there is no way the system will confuse it as a scheduled flight.
For example TOM123A would be a schedules flight TOM123AV would be a charter flight, the system accepts this no problem then i have some manual sql queries to handle the points scoring system which fall through the net because its a charter flight. But basically if you send it the system should accept it.
Its been a year or so so i will have to dig about in the code to find out exactly what happens.
I will have to look at the code but wè never had any problems with selecting dep and arr aitports in the acars system. It's been a while but I'm sure there is nothing special to make them accept.
I use a charter function on one of my sites through the acars system, I have a switch in the code if to enable it or not, I have 95% of the world airports and the pilots can choose from the dropdown where and to.
I think pilots being able to add routes could really mess things up.
I had a quick go this morning, we have use an extensive reporting in the logs like bank angle exceeded, overspeeds, wind on takeoff and landing, com frequency and squawk code, will these be options in a paid for version?
For ease and simplicity i would say just overwrite the existing route then its fully compatible to all acars systems that pull the routes in the same way.
yeah thats what i was suggesting, most pilots do have their own personal access to current airac so this would be a way of them to add a route via the route box straight in the the existing schedules database for that flight.
I would say without looking at the program the most requests i get is routes, the ability to update a routes by pasting a valid route in to the routes section of the program then if its less than a month old it gets updated to the database if not the existing route remains.
For va's that have thousands of schedules keeping routes updated is impossible on a monthly bases, its a win win situation
Also check your permissions, if you are using the beta version then i would suggest you replace your .tpl files to php as this is a major change.
Just make sure you have a backup or things will go wrong fast.
My charts work fine, there was an initial fix released then a revised one, its been a while since i have been in to the code but download the latest development version and check the ofc charts folder against your version. DO NOT replace your whole version as this will cause you more problems just compare files and see whats different.