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Everything posted by mark1million

  1. OK well thats your problem then, go to your site admin and download all your aircraft in the csv format, edit the names and upload again, that should fix your problem.
  2. Just replied. Like the rest of us we don't usually reply to pm requests as the community benefits if its a public post
  3. Hi i created this board myself so i cant comment on how other have done it or what code your using in yours. Basically all you need to do is access the api and read the data from your acars table which will translate in to your board. This is the code to access the entries in the table, <?php $flights = ACARSData::GetACARSData(); if ($flights OR $fsfk > 0) { if($flights) { foreach($flights as $flight) { $pid = $flight->pilotid + 100;?> Then all you do is access the table row names with, <?php echo $flight->aircraftname?> Use the $flight->yourtablename?> and it will show. Hope that helps.
  4. Ha Tom we must have posted together
  5. Do you have that directory? If so it has to be 777 full read write access. Do you also have a image in the background directory?
  6. Thanks Nabeel, that's working ok now. Another thing for your radar, Finances, http://www.easyjetva.com/index.php/Finances Pilot Pay is frozen across all entries to the same amount. I see the twitter update, is there something i need to do to get the feed to push to Twitter?
  7. Ok i get you now, it was with the added pages using the api and also i have created other php pages and linked in to the codon config which started messing about.
  8. Sorry the most recent update caused the admin template to get screwed up. Rev v2.1.934-121-gd9f78aa - fixed approve all pirep bug, changelog update
  9. Currently all of them, when you go to admin the pages load within the existing active pilots skin minus the nav bar on the left.
  10. Now the admin side is displaying using my main css lol. Its all good fun running a VA
  11. Just looking at the codon config this line is missing at the bottom. define('SKINS_PATH', LIB_PATH.DS.'skins'.DS.CURRENT_SKIN); I will readd it to see what happens
  12. Ok so i have been digging about and where ever i am using for example <?php Template::Show('core_navigation.tpl');?> <?php Template::Show('footer.tpl');?> Also i know why my mage is not showin either, MainController::Run('Tour', 'details', $id) No longer works so its in the codon config i believe Its not showing them just defaults to the core templates not my skins, how strange.
  13. Nabeel, im not sure which update has done it may have been this one or the next but some pages on my site are reading from the default core template files and not the skins folder. Trying to track down what's causing.
  14. Yes post the activity feed to the Twitter account.
  15. Im sure you guys know of this but i use teamviewer.com to rdc to my guys, its lightweight and can be run instead of downloaded and installed if required, its a great support tool.
  16. You could use the same code above but you need to include the codon config to phpvms at the top of the new page to access the api.
  17. core_navigation.tpl
  18. Any chance of getting that twitter feed to go the other way? post to the airlines account the activity feed?
  19. I replaced that function with Jeffs update in the other post and it seems to work ok again now for the public profile the total hours are displayed, still the same "0" for pireps and hours running the maintenance script. public static function getPilotHours($pilotid) { $sql= 'SELECT SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(`flighttime_stamp`)) AS `total` FROM `'.TABLE_PREFIX.'pireps` WHERE `accepted`=' . PIREP_ACCEPTED.' AND `pilotid`='.$pilotid; $totaltime = DB::get_row($sql); if(!$totaltime) { $totaltime = '0'; } else { $totaltime = explode(':', Util::secondsToTime($totaltime->total)); $totaltime = $totaltime[0].'.'.$totaltime[1]; } return $totaltime; }
  20. Currently for some reason some pilots hours are at 0 this morning and i have this in the logs, PHP Notice: Undefined variable: total in /core/common/PilotData.class.php on line 554
  21. Yes have a search here, I had one working the code is here somewhere, the only downside was when users registered on the main site an admin or moderator had to manually accept in phpbb in to the correct user group and approve the account. It worked well if you can live with that.
  22. What seems to be happening is that Easy_Upload_Templates/unzipper.php is starting a session, so does phpvms, you can either try to distroy the Easy_Upload_Templates/unzipper.php session, but im thinking its there for a reason or if the thing is working just put error reporting='0', At the top of the page put between the php tags, error_reporting(0);
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