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Everything posted by mark1million

  1. What code drives that data and ill check to see if its the same.
  2. Nabeel, was that to me?
  3. Nabeel, I keep getting this when the maintenance cron is run, PHP Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered in /core/common/StatsData.class.php on line 89 This is the block, /** * Get all of the months since a certain date */ public static function getMonthsSinceDate($start) { $key_month = date('MY', $start); //This is line 89 $key = 'months_since_' . $key_month; $months = CodonCache::read($key); if ($months === false) { if (!is_numeric($start)) { $start = strtotime($start); } $end = date('Ym'); do { # Get the months $month = date('M Y', $start); $months[$month] = $start; # Set the timestamp $start = strtotime('+1 month +1 day', strtotime($month)); # Convert to YYYYMM to compare $check = intval(date('Ym', $start)); } while ($check <= $end); CodonCache::write($key, $months, 'long'); } return $months; }
  4. Now there was a module about here somewhere that showed how many sectors an aircraft has flown and where is currently is if thats any good to you, ill post the files.
  5. Hi Ray, no i have not look at this.
  6. Jeff there is a limit to the amount of routes you can show, i dont think you can show them all. Mind you sating that my ops guy has managed to get all flights from a hub displayed so maybe its possible,
  7. Ok let me have a play for 5 minutes and ill post the code, Where is it your putting or wanting to show the total distance, is it the acars.tpl
  8. Or thinking about it if your creating a module use sql to get what you want.
  9. OK you have to load the schedule number, if your in the acars tpl then you can use the flight, that should work
  10. OK in that schedule briefing tpl the function in there, <?php echo "{$schedule->distance}"; ?>
  11. Ah ok great idea, let me have a look, ill get back to you.
  12. Routes are in your schedules if thats what you mean? If you take a look in to the schedule_brief.tpl you can see the code there that calls it.
  13. This really is a bit pointless * mods can you lock this....
  14. If your not logged in the exam system will redirect to your index page, maybe a screenshot would be of some help?
  15. There is a fix here on the forum about that Ray
  16. Hey guys, With the addition of the fsd server i have enabled voice in to the network using teamspeak2, why ts2 i hear you ask? Because its only ts2 that is compatible currently with FS Inn..... So all you pilots who use FS Inn can now configure the connection to use voice over the network if you use the server for your flights or events. If you want specific frequencies created then just let me know and i will create them for you. I have introduced a Unicom channel for my guys when they are connected to Vatsim and they are switched back to Unicom, then then automatically connect after switching their Com1 frequency to 122.8 to the easyJet Teamspeak channel, when they are requested to contact another controller they leave the channel and move over to live atc, this seems to be very popular especially when everything is controlled through through your flight sim. So for connection details you use FSInn to connect to the server, the address is the same as previous, the ts channel is also the same url, i will post a screen shot of the settings shortly. Here are the settings, The only other setting you may need is to tell FSFDT where your teamspeak is installed, Go to FSFDT control panel (in your taskbar by the clock) Go to the Voice tab and put in your teamspeak 2 path so most users will have it installed in C:\Program Files\Teamspeak2_RC2
  17. If you place in your skins folder it will be read from there.
  18. yes well i copied the admin code and thought yeh thats fixed lol but then i visited the site nit logged in and seen the error and realised my mistake. But yes it was after an update probably a year ago now. Nabeel is looking in to it.
  19. Ok the php you have is correct in the right templates, just remove all you html formatting, if i remember right you dont need any html. start off with, <img src="http://www.futura-va.co.uk/images/LOGO.png"/> Dear <?php echo $firstname .' '. $lastname; ?>, We are delighted to inform you that your application has been successful. You are now a fully fledged Futura Virtual Pilot! Here is some help to get you on your way...... etc etc just remove all the formatting if any the only thing needed is the br br tags
  20. Nabeel, In the finance and balance sheet page not all the expenses are populated on that pie chart, i used the admin url and the do as the data source but normal pilots would not be able to access that. Example, Using the admin url the pie chart is fully populated with the expense types.
  21. I tell you what would be good to run in that cron, a clean up of the chat log My table is getting massive lol
  22. What are your folder permissions for that, also what error are you getting now?
  23. Does all that stuff really work? Cant you just remove the tables and use <p> Forget the div formatting as well loose all that stuff if i was you.
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