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Everything posted by TennShadow

  1. I've been asked before to create sites and I've always used Joomla. It has a ton of extensions which can really make the site look good. I haven't really used anything else so I can't say it's the best but I can say I haven't found any cons in my experience with it. Keith
  2. Running latest beta. I customized the email_pilot_retired.tpl and added it to my skin folder but the system ignored it and sent the tpl from the core/template. Thanks, Keith
  3. Of course.... I'm such a goofball. That is the only thing I didn't do. Thanks!
  4. I use the below and it works for full admins and ACCESS_ADMIN. <?php if(PilotGroups::group_has_perm(Auth::$usergroups, ACCESS_ADMIN))
  5. I just did my first flight with XACARS and I landed but now I can't send the PIREP. The "send PIREP" button is grayed out? How can I do this? I checked the XACARS docs on the site but they are blank. I thought if I hit Stop Recording then it would un gray the box but it looks like I just lost the flight I just did. I do have my parking brake on but it still will not allow my to send it. What step am I missing here? Thanks!
  6. The way I have mine coded in the PHP is if they are in the ACCESS_ADMIN group they see the link. Look at your nav file and see what groups sees the link. If it is FULL_ADMIN change it to ACCESS_ADMIN.
  7. Yes, the DB column name you were using was not the same as what Nabeel called it so I had to search change the name. See, that was confusing me when I first tried to install. Nabeel told me he only included the landing states DB info and that I still had to install the module to actually to get it to work. That is when I edited the files to match the new DB column name and everything worked. It appears that people still need to install the module as well as edit it to get it to work.
  8. Thanks! I would have never looked there. I'm assuming I'll have to customize it over if I update since I won't be able to stop the overwrite? Nabeel, could we get this template moved to the non admin side in a future release so I can keep it safe from overwrite in my skin folder? Thanks for the help SimPilot!
  9. Looks right to me. Someone else was having a problem getting to the admin panel some time ago. I'm not sure if it is the same problem your having or not. Worth a try though. http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=2093.0
  10. The only thing I can suggest is to check out http://w3schools.com/. They have great walkthroughs on basic PHP, CSS, HTML, etc. You could also go to the SMF forums and search for tutorials on skinning their forum as I'm sure that has been brought up over there before. If all else fails you could try to hire someone to do it for you. Good luck!
  11. You'll have to go into your SMF template and either edit it or create a new one. You can get help with that over at the SMF forums. Like Tom said, when you are adding your header and navigation menu to the SMF template make sure it does not contain any PHP code from PHMVMS.
  12. After a pilot registers I get the below error. Invalid address: You must provide at least one recipient email address. Confirmation Sent Thanks for registering for Patriot Virtual Airlines, you will be notified via email of your registration status. Even though I get the "invalid address" warning the registration still goes through without any issues.
  13. I had reported the above earlier but I now know that it only does that if there is no PIREPS filed that month. Once I filed one it started working correctly.
  14. Hi, I'm running the latest beta on my dev site and I get the below error message immediately after I file a manual PIREP. I don't notice it any other time. Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/www/dev.flypatriotva.com/core/common/LandingstatsData.class.php on line 23 BTW, the landing stats module works fine otherwise. Any ideas on how to correct? Thanks, Keith
  15. I've customizing the registration email templates but I can't seem to find one of them. The template I'm looking for is the one sent to a pilot after I accept them into the airline. I can't seem to find it in the core/templates folder. I'm sure it's in there but I just can't seem to locate it. I had no trouble finding the others. This is what the email template looks like: Dear <PILOT NAME>, Your registration for <WEBSITE NAME> was accepted! Please visit us at <WEBSITE LINK> to login and complete your registration Thanks! <WEBSITE NAME> Staff Thanks for the help!
  16. Monthly Finance Report has the below error where the chart should be. Open Flash Chart JSON Parse Error [syntax Error] Error at character 0, line 1: 0: <br /> That's the only error I've seen so far.
  17. I'm guessing a complete reinstall since you have mixing versions?
  18. Hello, I'm running the same version on my production site and I tried to recreate your error using Firefox and Chrome but was not able to. What I did notice was that the departure drop down will disappear if you deselect the airline but returns when you select the airline again. But, it still show all my airports so no error there. In IE8 the departure field never disappears.
  19. First off, go to http://w3schools.com/ . This place will help you get some of the basics down. You will honestly need to learn a little bit in order to work on your site. Sometimes it's hard to find a webmaster. As for commenting, remove the /* for the code you want to use.
  20. Check out http://w3schools.com/ . This will teach you a lot.
  21. When I did my auto retire test last week I never got an emails. In fact, I didn't know this was an option. Good idea though.
  22. Not a problem at all. Thanks for looking into this. I sometimes have a hard time explaining myself in words. :-)
  23. I wasn't really sure how auto retire worked so I set my dev site to retire after 1 day. In the database the pilots were retired but if you looked at the pilot on the admin site it still said "Active" instead of "Inactive". The reason I went with SimPilots mod was because even though they were "retired" in the DB they still were showing up on the pilot roster. I wanted retired/inactive pilots not to show up. So, they are being retired in the DB but there status in not changing. I choose to mod on the public pilot_list.tpl because I wanted to see all the pilots on the backend. That is why I was suggesting a filter based on active / inactive.
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