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Everything posted by TennShadow

  1. Hi, I installed this and have it working but for some reason the aircraft column is blank. I have this code in my lstats.tpl <center> <table> <tr> <td>Pilot</td> <td>Arrival Field</td> <td>Aircraft</td> <td>Touchdown Rate</td> </tr> <?php foreach ($lstats as $row) { echo '<tr><td><b>'; $pilot = PilotData::GetPilotData($row->pilotid); echo $pilot->firstname.' '.$pilot->lastname; echo '</b></td>'; echo '<td><b>'; echo $row->arricao; echo '</b></td><td>'; echo '<b>'; $aircraft2 = OperationsData::GetAircraftInfo($row->aircraft); echo $aircraft2->name; echo '</b></td><td>'; echo '<b>'; echo $row->landing_stat; echo ' ft/min'; echo '</b></td></tr>'; } ?> </table> </center> Any ideas on how to fix this?
  2. Sorry, I forgot the closing tags. ??? Try it again.
  3. <?php if($_GET['module'] == 'frontpage') { ?> Content to hide <?php } ?> I pulled this off my header.tpl which hides a my latest pilots and latest pireps if it is on any other page than my frontpage. I'm no coder so if that isn't 100% correct I'm sure one of my PHP gurus will step in and correct it. ;D
  4. Paid - Shared hosting. No issues.
  5. Look at Nabeel's first skinning video in the Tutorials section. He uses the code you are wanting.
  6. This topic has been moved to Skinning. [iurl]http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=2053.0[/iurl]
  7. It appears the new contact_form.tpl doesn't have the below PHP code so I wasn't able to get this to work. Any ideas on how to make it work with the new form code? Util::SendEmail(ADMIN_EMAIL, $subject, $message);
  8. This one is the 2.0.854 full stable release. Is that the one your talking about? http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.full.zip
  9. Ok, thanks... I've seen the light! What was confusing me was the below quote from Simpilot.
  10. What are the .tpl files called so I can find the varibles and replace them? This is where I'm confused. Are they included in this release or are you talking about changing the below. Change this <?php MainController::Run('Landingstats', 'display_landingstats', '8'); ?> to <?php MainController::Run('Landingrate', 'display_landingrate', '8'); ?>
  11. I'm confused on this one. I have the code put where I want it but nothing shows up. I see the landing rates in the pireps but none of the landingstats tpl files are included in the new release. I'm guessing I need to download them but the attachment is gone stating that everything is included in the new release? So, as you can see, I'm confused. :-[
  12. http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=1890.msg11793#msg11793
  13. Sorry to be a pain here. I've tried <?php $last_pirep = PIREPData::getLastReports($pilotcode, 1, PIREP_ACCEPTED); ?> <li><strong>Your Location:</strong><?php echo $lastpirep->arricao.'-'.$lastpirep->arrname; ?></li> and <?php $last_location = PIREPData::getLastReports($pilotcode, 1, PIREP_ACCEPTED); echo "This pilot's last location is: {$last_location->arricao}"; ?> in the pilot center and it never shows my last location. I filed a manual PIREP after I inserted the code and it didn't work then either. Any ideas I can try?
  14. Thanks! http://bugs.phpvms.net/ticket/177
  15. I created a group with the below permissions: ACCESS_ADMIN MODERATE_PIREPS IMPORT_SCHEDULES EDIT_SCHEDULES EDIT_FLEET EMAIL_PILOTS The problem is anyone in this group can also accept or reject pilot registrations even though I don't have MODERATE_REGISTRATIONS checked. I've verified this on the latest beta and the release version. I'm assuming this is a bug? Edit: Any group I create can accept or reject registrations. Thanks!
  16. Excellent post! I do the same thing except I have a live dev site I use to test updates and addons!
  17. Hello, Couple things I've come across since I updated to the new 860. I'm running the default, unmodified template. I did read the change log but I'm not sure if I need to do anything other than just run the install/update.php. 1. I got this error when I go to My Flight Map Notice: The template file "/home/www/flypatriotva.com//core/templates/flown_routes_map.tpl" doesn't exist in /home/www/flypatriotva.com/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 227 I looked in the beta download for the flown_routes_map.tpl in the core/templates folder and it is not there. 2. I get this error when I go to View VA Finances Fatal error: Call to undefined method FinanceData::getrangebalancedata() in /home/www/flypatriotva.com/core/modules/Finances/Finances.php on line 71 Did you say you already knew about this? If there is something that I need to be doing in order to make these two thing work I'm clueless as to what it is. :- BTW, I love the new Financial graph in the admin center! Good stuff!!! Thanks!
  18. That's what I did and it works out just fine.
  19. One of the forum members name Tom has a side business doing that. His website is http://www.fstools.co.uk/ From what I've seen he does good work. Keith
  20. Are they enabled? Maybe somehow they were disabled?
  21. If you format that column as text then the leading zero will stay.
  22. Today is Sunday so you in order for Sunday routes to show up you would have had to put 0 in your import file. The days are like this: 0 = Sunday, 1= Monday, 2 = Tuesday, 3 = Wednesday, 4 = Thursday, 5 = Friday, 6 = Saturday Only routes that are scheduled for the day in question will show up.
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