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  On 5/3/2010 at 1:46 AM, simpilot said:

REALScheduleLite beta 1.0

phpVMS module to create a realistic aircraft placement scenario including jumpseat ticket purchases within your phpVMS managed virtual airline allowing pilots to fly flights available from their current location.

Developed by:



Developed on:

phpVMS 2.1.934

php 5.2.11

mysql 5.0.51

apache 2.2.11


-Download the attached package.

-unzip the package and place the files as structured in your root phpVMS install.

-use the realschedulelite.sql file to create the table needed in your sql database using phpmyadmin or similar.

Open local.config.php and add

# Jumpseat Ticket Cost Per NM
Config::Set('JUMPSEAT_COST', '.25');

Change the '.25' to what you want to charge per mile of flight for a jumpseat ticket for your pilots. As it stands it is set to 25 cents per mile.

Create a link for your pilots to get to the Real Schedule Lite dispatch center

<?php echo url('/RealScheduleLite'); ?>

If you are requiring your pilots to use the Real Schedule Lite routing system you must disable all links to the built in phpVMS schedule listings. Any /index.php/schedules links will take the pilot to the native scheduling system and allow them to bid on any flight in the system.

Aircraft and Routes

EVERY aircraft must have a looping routing system, in other words, it must return to the airfield it first started at on its last flight leg or it will become stranded. It does not matter how many flight legs are in the route for the aircraft but it must only go to each airfield one time.

example of a looping route:

flight 1 - KBOS - KATL

flight 2 - KATL - KDEN

flight 3 - KDEN - KORD

flight 4 - KORD - KBOS

Each aircraft in your inventory can only be assigned to one looped route.


A new pilot is automatically stationed at the hub he is assigned to.

An active pilot will be placed at the arrival location of the last filed PIREP or last jumpseat ticket purchased, whichever is most recent.

If a pilot gets "stranded" at an airport all the jumpseat tickets to airports with available aircraft must be purchased but the cost is set at $0.

I have included the basis to count how many jumpseat tickets a pilot has purchased, more functionality will come in future versions with this part of the module.

Any aircraft and routes that do not follow this method need to be disabled in the admin panel.

This is a VERY BASIC BETA version of this module. It only includes basic functionality and does not include the New England Virtual route builder and mapping functions.

Nabeel has set up a bug tracker for REALScheduleLite here -> http://bugs.phpvms.net/browse/RSL Please use it to report bugs,, THANKS! ;)

Released under the following license:

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

Some Screenshots




Is there a way to intergate this into the page where pilots make their bids? if you know what i mean :S

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  On 10/27/2010 at 7:55 PM, jamesbarrett142 said:

Is there a way to intergate this into the page where pilots make their bids? if you know what i mean :S

You can build the template for your pilot bidding with the code provided, just include the necessary data elements from the realschedule module in the method called to display the pilot bids.

  On 10/28/2010 at 1:08 PM, simpilot said:

You can build the template for your pilot bidding with the code provided, just include the necessary data elements from the realschedule module in the method called to display the pilot bids.

Is there a right way to do it? cause when i do it i get errors or nothing shows up.


first of all REALScheduleLite is a great add-on :rolleyes:

but like many other people I came to a problem when flying for example Austrian Arrows Flightplan with Plane getting stranded





my question is their a workaround to get flights takeoff fly to destination and return and takeoff from Location of first flight?

thanks in advance


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  On 11/1/2010 at 3:28 PM, Txmmy83 said:

first of all REALScheduleLite is a great add-on :rolleyes:

but like many other people I came to a problem when flying for example Austrian Arrows Flightplan with Plane getting stranded





my question is their a workaround to get flights takeoff fly to destination and return and takeoff from Location of first flight?

thanks in advance


You will have to make some modifications to the core of the addon to accomplish being able to visit the same airfield within the same route without duplicate routes being available for the aircraft. You will have to find a way to get the aircraft location and look at the last PIREP for it in order to grab the correct schedule for the next leg when you are at an airfield that is visited twice in the same route.

  On 11/7/2010 at 4:15 PM, simpilot said:

You will have to make some modifications to the core of the addon to accomplish being able to visit the same airfield within the same route without duplicate routes being available for the aircraft. You will have to find a way to get the aircraft location and look at the last PIREP for it in order to grab the correct schedule for the next leg when you are at an airfield that is visited twice in the same route.

If my loop for one of my aircraft is, as an example, the following:





Then with the current system it would only show the route ZE101 KJFK - KMIA. Why not show both ZE101 and ZE103, then the pilot can choose which of the two routes departing KJFK he wishes to fly?

Any ideas of how to get that working? Remove a certain if statement in the code?


  • Administrators

You will have to change the parameters of the sql call in the data class for realschedule, right now it only pulls the fist matching flight it comes to.


Hi Simpilot!

I looked at your scripts and codes, and one thing is in my mind. Regarding that loop thing, so we can only make one loop with single aircraft...it is nonsense, but system works like that. Ok. BUT, if u change in codes that schedules are not shown by a/c id then by arricao maybe or something like that, so system will show all flights but sorted by arricao which are sorted by arrtime...so all flight will be in sight starting with first which comes earlier to destination and so...Is that possible? Im not so familliar with php coding, but my sense teel me something like that ;)



Maybe i do something wrong, and that is verry posible,

but when i click on "add to bid" at a airport for the next step of the loop

(i stand on ENBR and the next step is ENGM) this massage will appears.

No route passed

Can you tell me what do i wrong

I have added the program as told in the instructions.

I added specified steps from airport to airport including waypoint


VA Surfcity

Fabian Hamans

  • Administrators
  On 11/8/2010 at 9:50 AM, shiljo said:

Hi Simpilot!

I looked at your scripts and codes, and one thing is in my mind. Regarding that loop thing, so we can only make one loop with single aircraft...it is nonsense, but system works like that. Ok. BUT, if u change in codes that schedules are not shown by a/c id then by arricao maybe or something like that, so system will show all flights but sorted by arricao which are sorted by arrtime...so all flight will be in sight starting with first which comes earlier to destination and so...Is that possible? Im not so familliar with php coding, but my sense teel me something like that ;)


I am sorry that you find my script to be nonsense, I built it to try and accomplish what many at the time were wanting, a realistic aircraft placement module and this is what I came up with for that endeavor.

If you show all the flights leaving an airfield then does that not defeat the purpose of aircraft placement? If you are looking for something to only allow pilots to fly from the airport they are at, you do not need this module, you only need to add some code to your schedules and bids forms to only show flights from the airfield that the pilot is at.

You are also welcome to extend the code as you please to accomplish what you would like to do, just remember to follow the license requirements.

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  On 11/8/2010 at 10:22 AM, Faban Hamans said:

Maybe i do something wrong, and that is verry posible,

but when i click on "add to bid" at a airport for the next step of the loop

(i stand on ENBR and the next step is ENGM) this massage will appears.

No route passed

Can you tell me what do i wrong

I have added the program as told in the instructions.

I added specified steps from airport to airport including waypoint


VA Surfcity

Fabian Hamans

The no route passed error is a template error that usually refers to a javascript issue. There is no one specific solution, but you can find many threads about the issue in the support forum with the search function

Here is a good thread to start with in your search for answers - http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/3697-no-route-passed/


I invented that when I renew my layout.tpl the layout file and the layout is good.

I have a backup my website and am going to find out which file caused the problem.

So i updated to the last version of the layout.tpl (upgrade only that file and copy it to the website) and was the prblem solved.

Fabian Hamans


Hi thsnks for great add-on

I have 2 problem

1- I folowed all the replyes before this and edite all the code but until have the problem by new pilot that they dont show they current location and they are not able to add bid. they must move to other airport bu jumpeset after that they can add bid.

2- after I upload some of this addons I gote new problem that I hadnt it before. when pilot priep their flight and i want to check their log their is not show any thing in their log.


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The issue of the pilot not showing up anywhere if they have not ever flown a flight has been floating around since about 10 beta updates ago. I am not sure what has happened but if I ever extend the code I will find a workaround. It used to show the pilot at their hub to start.

As far as pireps not showing up in the pilot center, I do not believe that the module has anything to do with that, unless maybe the template code was embedded into that template. Try deleteing the addon files and see if you still have the problem.

  On 11/12/2010 at 1:36 AM, simpilot said:

The issue of the pilot not showing up anywhere if they have not ever flown a flight has been floating around since about 10 beta updates ago. I am not sure what has happened but if I ever extend the code I will find a workaround. It used to show the pilot at their hub to start.

As far as pireps not showing up in the pilot center, I do not believe that the module has anything to do with that, unless maybe the template code was embedded into that template. Try deleteing the addon files and see if you still have the problem.

Ok I will delet the addons and check it but I did one more thing mybe the log problem is for that:

I deletes this codes in profil_main.tpl

<li><a href="<?php echo url('/pireps/filepirep');?>">File a Pilot Report</a></li>

<li><a href="<?php echo url('/schedules/view');?>">View Flight Schedules</a></li>

and add

<li><a href="<?php echo url('/RealScheduleLite');?>">Flight Booking</a></li>

to book flight frome here

to pilot can not file report manualy and cant see the full scheduales.

and othere code in skin layot.tpl

<a href="<?php echo url('/pireps/new');?>">File a New PIREP</a> |

again for pilot cant pripe manualy.

I didnt do any thing.

and Im withing for you to slove problem for new pilots.


  • Administrators

If I am following, I think you need to put the links back in the templates for the pilots to use to get to the file PIREP functions. They need to be there as well as the realschedule link. ;)



I check it again thats not dipent to that codes because the priep whit KAcars have normal LOG the problem is whit FSAcars and Xacars.

I a new informathon that i couldnt find in the topics. I want when one pilot add a flight to her bid other pilot can not see that flight in RLS or if they see they can not add it to their bid.

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  On 11/15/2010 at 8:43 PM, Vaff said:

Is there i way to put in a route info link under where you add the bid.

You should be able to add it right in the template. Try coping the one you want and pasting it where you want it in the RSL template. I dont have it open right now but I am pretty sure the variables are all there to make it work.

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  On 11/15/2010 at 12:55 PM, mehdi289 said:

I want when one pilot add a flight to her bid other pilot can not see that flight in RLS or if they see they can not add it to their bid.

The module would have to be changed to the core, I did not build it around routes, I instead built it around aircraft so the "disable on bid" function that is built into phpVMS is not much help.

  On 11/15/2010 at 10:22 PM, simpilot said:

The module would have to be changed to the core, I did not build it around routes, I instead built it around aircraft so the "disable on bid" function that is built into phpVMS is not much help.

Yea !! Thanks simpilot !!



One question I made to loop for one arcarft like this



but when Aircraft is on ground in Airport A only A-->B is available to add and A-->C not show

how i can slove it for the two loop will be able or RLS dont let to make two difrent loot fpr one aricraft.

  On 11/16/2010 at 8:45 PM, crnjola said:

try :


I know it work but i want to made two difrent loop for one aircraft for ex: a pilot in A have to chois to add bid whit one aircraft to A or B

  • Administrators
  On 11/16/2010 at 9:33 PM, mehdi289 said:

I know it work but i want to made two difrent loop for one aircraft for ex: a pilot in A have to chois to add bid whit one aircraft to A or B

The module is designed for one aircraft - one loop

From the readme


Aircraft and Routes

EVERY aircraft must have a looping routing system, in other words, it must return to the airfield it first started at on its last flight leg or it will become stranded. It does not matter how many flight legs are in the route for the aircraft but it must only go to each airfield one time.

example of a looping route:

flight 1 - KBOS - KATL

flight 2 - KATL - KDEN

flight 3 - KDEN - KORD

flight 4 - KORD - KBOS

Each aircraft in your inventory can only be assigned to one looped route.


Hi Simpilot, great addon idea and i like RSL and thx for your great work. I have two questions for a modification.

1. It´s possible to show up in the list only airports with aircraft (because i´ve over 560 Airports at my database and the list will going to long)?What must i change an RSL.

2. How do i change from aircraft reg to show up aircraft icao?



  • 3 weeks later...

Aloha Virtual is now using this system, one question, when a pirep is submitted via FSpassengers it moves the wrong airframe and we have to edit the pirep to get the right airframe at the right airfield. Is there a work around or solution for this?

Thanks in advance

  • Administrators
  On 12/3/2010 at 3:55 PM, Aloha Virtual said:

Aloha Virtual is now using this system, one question, when a pirep is submitted via FSpassengers it moves the wrong airframe and we have to edit the pirep to get the right airframe at the right airfield. Is there a work around or solution for this?

Thanks in advance

I have not put anything together, it is a bug that is created from FSPax not submitting a aircraft id number that corresponds with the id from the database.

  On 11/18/2010 at 11:52 AM, Andy said:

Hi Simpilot, great addon idea and i like RSL and thx for your great work. I have two questions for a modification.

1. It´s possible to show up in the list only airports with aircraft (because i´ve over 560 Airports at my database and the list will going to long)?What must i change an RSL.

2. How do i change from aircraft reg to show up aircraft icao?



Hi Andy. The answer to question number 1 is to add pagination to your website. This one has been asked and answered a time or two already. Do a quick search for pagination and that should help you out some. AS for the second question, that is best left to someone other than me.

Have fun!

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