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You may not quite understand what it does...

It would only need to be in the action of a deletion, because when a pilot is accepted/retired they aren't removed from the database ;)

I understand what the current system can do, I have other goodies that need updating when certain things happen like above that i need triggers for :)

Example, pilot registers all the data goes in to another database that i choose, When i accept him /her in to the system the other database gets updated to allow access to other resources ie TS and the fsd flight server as well as the forum.

Those other hooks are for updating access, i have a lot of custom controls that i have built in to phpVMS. :)

  • Administrators


Some of those events are already available in the system, ie - pilot accepted is dispatched on line 535 of the PIlotAdmin file on the admin side. The only catch to that is to catch the hook you must be listening on the admin side.

CodonEvent::Dispatch('pilot_approved', 'PilotAdmin', $pilot);

also in that file is;

CodonEvent::Dispatch('pilot_rejected', 'PilotAdmin', $pilot); //line 565

There is no event for delete pilot yet, you could add something like

CodonEvent::Dispatch('pilot_deleted', 'PilotAdmin', $pilot);

in the delete pilot function, probably on line 79 would be best.

A retired pilot event would require a little more work, looking quickly, you would have to add it into the saveprofile function, an if statement tied to the retired field would have to be intergrated. I'll have to look at it a little more.

  • 5 weeks later...

Here is food for thought. Guest Account..... Demo mode. Maybe controlled in the admin panel of what rights the account has and what it dont. Such as can not change password or email, well cant edit anything for that matter. Then it would be up to those that run a VA Forum Beta by Simpilot and Tom or a gallery to NOT allow them to post or upload pics or anything.

I have been asked several times if people could get a demo account to look and see if it is what they are after and I tell them no. I think it is a very bad idea without controls on what they can and can not do though. We all know what could be the result of that. ;-)

  • Administrators

I still think it would be mighty cool if we could pay the pilots a set amount per flight. Not like 345$ every flight they fly, but an amount for this flight a different amount for another. Set it up in admin where you can choose to pay the pilot by the hour or by the flight. Hourly wages are rough when you have a small airline doing short hops and such. At 1 or 20$ an hour, it would take forever to get enough pilot pay to do anything with if we had it setup so they could do anything with the pay. See what I mean?

I think hourly pay for large airlines that make consistent amounts of income can handle to pay a large amount per hour to pilots. Small airlines can not. Not every single flight flown is going to make money, and when they do, it would be nice to be able to compete pay wise with some of the big guys. I got some more to add to it all but you get the idea of my idea I'm sure. B)

I'm not sayin, I'm just sayin. It would be sweet.

Feature Request:

- Pilot special pay per Route. it would be great if it would be possible to set up special pilot Pays per Route so the Va´s would be able to offer special Routings for Pilot to earn like double payment per route or something

I'll look into the above two - so if there's a pay amount for that flight (a total pay), it uses that, instead of per hour?





be added to the mysql that runs when rejecting a pilot application or pirep respectively, so we don't end up with completely random numbers?

Or would that mess things up?

I'll have to see. I'm not sure what else that does under the hood.


Some of those events are already available in the system, ie - pilot accepted is dispatched on line 535 of the PIlotAdmin file on the admin side. The only catch to that is to catch the hook you must be listening on the admin side.

CodonEvent::Dispatch('pilot_approved', 'PilotAdmin', $pilot);

also in that file is;

CodonEvent::Dispatch('pilot_rejected', 'PilotAdmin', $pilot); //line 565

There is no event for delete pilot yet, you could add something like

CodonEvent::Dispatch('pilot_deleted', 'PilotAdmin', $pilot);

in the delete pilot function, probably on line 79 would be best.

A retired pilot event would require a little more work, looking quickly, you would have to add it into the saveprofile function, an if statement tied to the retired field would have to be intergrated. I'll have to look at it a little more.

I've added the delete pilot hook upstream. Thanks!

  • Administrators

Here is food for thought. Guest Account..... Demo mode. Maybe controlled in the admin panel of what rights the account has and what it dont. Such as can not change password or email, well cant edit anything for that matter. Then it would be up to those that run a VA Forum Beta by Simpilot and Tom or a gallery to NOT allow them to post or upload pics or anything.

I have been asked several times if people could get a demo account to look and see if it is what they are after and I tell them no. I think it is a very bad idea without controls on what they can and can not do though. We all know what could be the result of that. ;-)

That's a bit difficult to do, there are a lot of changes which would have to be made

  • 2 weeks later...

That's a bit difficult to do, there are a lot of changes which would have to be made

Yeah, that's kind of what I was thinking. That is why I never took a crack at it either or asked in the addons thread.

Here is one for you though that may be doable..... I like the way schedules can be exported and imported as a csv file.

Would it be possible to do the same thing with finance reports? I have a guy that is working on getting the finances strait for my VA and he does weekly charts and breakdowns of the VA finances. He uses Excel. He can copy and paste info but it is a PITA. He asked me could he export like the schedules and I told him no not at this time.

Not sure if that is a needed thing for all VAs or just mine. If it is only needed for mine, I could try like hell but it probably would not turn out well. :D



It's me again Margaret!

I think it would be mighty nifty if we could do and advanced search for schedules by the type like a charter, cargo or passenger.

If we can already, my apologies for missing it.

As well, I would be REAL interested in the schedule briefing to show how much money per flight they are going to make if it is a pay per flight. If not maybe it could catch their rank and show how much an hour. And if it would show the type of flight it is such as charter, cargo , or passenger.

  • Administrators

Yeah, that's kind of what I was thinking. That is why I never took a crack at it either or asked in the addons thread.

Here is one for you though that may be doable..... I like the way schedules can be exported and imported as a csv file.

Would it be possible to do the same thing with finance reports? I have a guy that is working on getting the finances strait for my VA and he does weekly charts and breakdowns of the VA finances. He uses Excel. He can copy and paste info but it is a PITA. He asked me could he export like the schedules and I told him no not at this time.

Not sure if that is a needed thing for all VAs or just mine. If it is only needed for mine, I could try like hell but it probably would not turn out well. :D


What would you need for an export? What format, etc?


What would you need for an export? What format, etc?

I have a guy on my site that is a numbers guru. He likes to keep track of daily stats as well as weekly and monthly. Somehow, he gets the information from the website and plugs it into excel to create charts and graphs and tables and stuff like that. I have no clue how he does it. He said something about he could copy and paste what is already on site from the balance sheet, but some of the numbers format in excel as numbers and others paste in as text. He said the ( ) and the $ stuff jacks with his system somehow.

I really wish I knew what he was talking about. I do nothing with the numbers. That is his area. If I find out more, I will let you know.


If you can find out more, and maybe an export format, I can definitely take a look

Here is what I got back in a return email about this.


If I understand your question, the best format to export finances to my desktop would be Excel. Some sites even have a provision where if you right click on a table on a site, a drop down menu will appear that has an option to “Export to Excelâ€. But, coping and pasting works just fine also.

Plain numbers such as $23,000 or 23,000 or -23,000 would work as opposed to ($-23,000) for example. Excel views the last example as text instead of a value (number) which requires either applying difficult conversion formulas to convert the text to a value or manual data entry into Excel which always involves a risk of errors in the transposition of the “numbersâ€.


And there you have it. I don't think he understands when we say format, what type of file maybe such as like exporting the schedules into the csv file. But either way, I asked him about the format and that was his reply.


I have a general feature request that is NOT specific to any one VA out there. This request would put a smile on MANY a web admins face.

When phpVMS is put in to maintenance mode, it shuts the whole website down to everyone including Admin. I think it should be that everyone gets redirected to the current maintenance page EXCEPT for anyone with Admin access. It would be real nice to be able to keep people off of the site during certain upgrades or maintenance schedules.

I learned this very fast through the years of picking apart phpBB and modding the hell out of it. Any time I put a phpBB site together, the first thing I did was install advanced board disable for this very reason. So admin CAN be on site for updates/maintenance. I hate to have anyone on site doing anything while trying to update.

Maybe this can not be done, but if so, that would be freakin awesome as hell! ;)


Good Idea!!! I'm intrested too!

Oh yeah for sure! It would be sweet.

On a side note, I would really love to be able to skin the down for maintenance page to look like the rest of the site though just for the sake of doing so.


Certainly, I have been scratching my head wondering how I can go to the site while others can't when I'm trying to update something. I am definitely interested.

  • Moderators

You can just include a iframe in the schedules, so would be something like ,

Would be better making a module and including the template though.

<iframe id="EURoute" src=http://www.euroutepro.com/fp/fp_main.php?dep=<?php $schedule->depicao?>&arr=<?php$schedule->arricao?>" width=700px height=250px marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 hspace=0 vspace=0 frameborder=0 scrolling=yes></iframe>

Something like that would work in your schedule briefing page.

  • Administrators

Here is what I got back in a return email about this.


If I understand your question, the best format to export finances to my desktop would be Excel. Some sites even have a provision where if you right click on a table on a site, a drop down menu will appear that has an option to “Export to Excel”. But, coping and pasting works just fine also.

Plain numbers such as $23,000 or 23,000 or -23,000 would work as opposed to ($-23,000) for example. Excel views the last example as text instead of a value (number) which requires either applying difficult conversion formulas to convert the text to a value or manual data entry into Excel which always involves a risk of errors in the transposition of the “numbers”.


And there you have it. I don't think he understands when we say format, what type of file maybe such as like exporting the schedules into the csv file. But either way, I asked him about the format and that was his reply.

What I mainly mean, is what order? Would it be:


Or some other manner like


I have a general feature request that is NOT specific to any one VA out there. This request would put a smile on MANY a web admins face.

When phpVMS is put in to maintenance mode, it shuts the whole website down to everyone including Admin. I think it should be that everyone gets redirected to the current maintenance page EXCEPT for anyone with Admin access. It would be real nice to be able to keep people off of the site during certain upgrades or maintenance schedules.

I learned this very fast through the years of picking apart phpBB and modding the hell out of it. Any time I put a phpBB site together, the first thing I did was install advanced board disable for this very reason. So admin CAN be on site for updates/maintenance. I hate to have anyone on site doing anything while trying to update.

Maybe this can not be done, but if so, that would be freakin awesome as hell! ;)

If the site is in maintenance mode, you can still access admin by going to /admin.

You have to be logged in previously, but that should still work.

I can setup a template for the site being disabled, that's not a problem

  • Moderators

I can setup a template for the site being disabled, that's not a problem

Sounds Good Enough There Nabeel! :D


I have a general feature request that is NOT specific to any one VA out there. This request would put a smile on MANY a web admins face.

When phpVMS is put in to maintenance mode, it shuts the whole website down to everyone including Admin. I think it should be that everyone gets redirected to the current maintenance page EXCEPT for anyone with Admin access. It would be real nice to be able to keep people off of the site during certain upgrades or maintenance schedules.

I learned this very fast through the years of picking apart phpBB and modding the hell out of it. Any time I put a phpBB site together, the first thing I did was install advanced board disable for this very reason. So admin CAN be on site for updates/maintenance. I hate to have anyone on site doing anything while trying to update.

Maybe this can not be done, but if so, that would be freakin awesome as hell! ;)

What I do (as well as many others) is make the simple index.html and upload it to my public_html folder. That means you can still access the site by adding /index.php onto the end of the address because index.html is automatically made the default homepage. However, it means that anyone can type /index.php and view the site, but not everyone knows if it's a phpVMS site or it has an index.php page.


What I mainly mean, is what order? Would it be:


Or some other manner like


If the site is in maintenance mode, you can still access admin by going to /admin.

You have to be logged in previously, but that should still work.

I can setup a template for the site being disabled, that's not a problem

Ahh Ok Nabeel. I will email him real quick and try to get a response back in a timely manner. Once I hear from him I will let you know what he says. Thanks for taking a look at this.

And ok on being disabled. I was not aware that the site would allow us on like that. That is handy info. ;) And yeah the template would be cool. Kind of like when it says you must be logged in to view this feature. Then we could simply customize that page as we see fit.


If you can find out more, and maybe an export format, I can definitely take a look

Here is another reply Nabeel.

If we’re talking about all tables on a site, then of course, there would be different data for each table so the order would be different. But, the order of the data really doesn’t matter. If the data in the table on the site can be downloaded to Excel, especially using a right click option, then the Excel user can change the order of the columns however he wants. So, bottom line, the correct order would be the order that the data is presented on the site now.

The only other thing to consider is that Excel can’t handle something like ($-23,000). It thinks its text and thus one can’t perform any calculations on it. So, the best way would be to present the data and thus download it to Excel like this: 2300, 2,300 or -2300, -2,300.


  • Administrators

Thanks, also I guess separate exports for by month/year? Or just tabulate all months in one export?

Let me see what I can come up with

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