Off-Topic Banter
Flight sim talk, or anything non-VMS related
627 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
The default Boeing 737-800 in FSX doesn't use the correct amount of fuel. I believe it is using twice as much fuel as it is supposed to be. Which setting do I change in the aircraft.cfg file so I can fix this problem?
Last reply by tutmeister, -
- 21 replies
Hi guys, Just thought I'd post about my open-source project of which I am the head developer and project leader on, ZPanel which is written in PHP and supported on Windows, Linux and UNIX is an opensource alternative to the likes of cPanel and various other control panels. The latest version 6.1.1 is fully tested on Ubuntu 10.04, CentOS 5.2 and FreeBSD 8.2 as well as all versions of Microsoft Windows. Maybe this may be of some help to some people out there that are thinking about purchasing a VPS for running their VA on but don't have that much experience with Linux or FreeBSD or simply don't have the money to rent a Windows VPS. I'm not spamming the forums to try and…
Last reply by twelka3, -
by Guest- 2 replies
Hello, i was just curious if anyone knew what operating system uses?(because i dont think its PHPVMS) I am curious becuase it looks really nice and cool. Also, the only other operating system i know of is VABASE. But i can not figure out VABASE, i own it...i just cant figure it out. Thanks- Ryan
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 8 replies
Should i put an index.html in the site so it would say.. Enter this virtual airline or not? I have recently found a couple sites with them and i would like to know your opinion? Thanks, Edmundk
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 50 replies
Ok, Let's start this post off by stating this post is only covering the law in england and wales (UK). This post has come about after an interesting post meeting discussion with my company lawyer regarding virtual airlines copying real world counterparts. I showed the lawyer several UK virtual airlines that mirror real world counterparts (some part of VA central, some not) and whilst he had no idea that these things existed (he has little interest in FS) he was actually extremely suprised that they were there at all. The crux of the matter, as he explained it, is simple business protection. Now lets say Airline A is a succesful british airline doing well and is prima…
Last reply by cloudsurferuk, -
- 0 replies
I can pay, send me a link to your portfolio, and some pricing based on per-page basis. I have a concept, just need help with some definition... just stuff in photoshop. PM me, if you are interested, or know of anyone...
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 4 replies
Let's get a group together! I'm on Death Wind Corridor... spicymcwookie!
Last reply by Edwin, -
- 2 replies
Is it a good idea to use Cloud Flare? If so, does it update after every so long? Is there a way to change it in the settings? Thanks, Edmund K
Last reply by edmundk, -
- 14 replies
We’re thrilled to announce that the Microsoft Flight Beta is scheduled to kick-off in January 2012 and we are now accepting applications to participate in the beta program. We will be sorting through your applications over the coming month and will get back to qualifying participants with additional details throughout our beta phases in January. As we taxi for takeoff, we will continue to provide intriguing updates about the future of Microsoft Flight so please keep checking in on our website or on our Facebook Fan Page. Fasten your seat belts, return your tray tables to their upright and locked positions, and get ready for Microsoft Flight to takeoff! The Microsoft …
Last reply by tutmeister, -
- 8 replies
I am in some need of help! I can't find anything good to go on the tail of my paint. Anyone have ideas?? Desperate Also! If you don't like my paint, tell me why please! And if you have a suggestion of any kind.. let me know
Last reply by -Nick Tyson-, -
- 26 replies
Dear phpVMS users. It is my great pleasure to announce the official launch of! Several times throughout the year, we will release a free flight simulation magazine for every registered member. It is free for anyone to join our website and receive this free magazine each time its released. Some of our features are listed below. Virtual airline List As well as a free magazine, we also offer a list of virtual airlines. Any member has the ability to add their virtual airline and like or dislike any three virtual airlines at any one time! You can view our complete list of virtual airlines here. Teamspeak 3 server Fs-Magazine provides a free teamspeak 3 ser…
Last reply by James142, -
- 9 replies
For those who want to flash up their site a bit, but don't know much about php I found a nice website with some basic stuff that can help out a bit flashen up your site There are probably numerous of those sites, but i found this one worth mentioning
Last reply by edmundk, -
- 0 replies
Hi, Ive give up on squalk box some of the aircraft are invisible anyway ive uninstalled it but there are no default AI aircraft, can somebody help? Thanks in advance Jacob
Last reply by avdesigns, -
- 8 replies
I cannot access the SB forums, so I'll do it here. I was recently forced to do a system restore last Saturday and have since been getting FS9 back up to scratch. I've had FS9 for years and had lots of tweaks, but that's all gone. FS9 itself survived as well as Addon Scenery, Aircraft etc, but I had FS problems, so I had to make a new FS9.cfg. So, first of all, I got SB4 again, which I previously used for months without any problems. My first problem was when I tried to connect, there were no server lists. That was fixed by a reinstall. Now, I can connect, but I can see no aircraft. I have searched the SB forums but can't find a working solution. I do not have Norton or …
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 5 replies
I'm having problems with FS9. I rebooted my PC recently and luckily FS9 survived and all other programs. I was able to restore all my documents too. However, I have since been unable to start FS9. I have looked everywhere and cannot find a solution. I have tried all the solutions on the Microsoft website - none work. I edited some things: I used the SquawkBox SMS generator to generate WOAI models for VATSIM I added a new aircraft, which has since been deleted I editied the FS9.cfg, but I also tried restoring it Any suggestions? I am really struggling and am very annoyed now!
Last reply by joeri, -
- 1 reply
I truly think that we should all do a flight on Christmas or around that date... Just the Ceo's... That would be fun and a nice get to know everybody.. You get on Skype or something Just an idea.
Last reply by twelka3, -
- 5 replies
How do all of you guys get thoes moving forum badges? Is it hard? If not.. What is the script to do it??
Last reply by joeri, -
- 9 replies
Hi guys, I know this is a bit broad but I was wondering how most of you VA owners configure your flight prices against your fuel prices. For example, this evening I did a flight from Stansted to Jersey and lost £8,000 due to fuel prices to that of the ticket prices. I ideally want to setup my VA to have realistic finances, I believe that the live fuel prices only work in the US and as my VA is only going to fly within the EU I assume that I cannot use the fuel prices so could someone recommend a good or semi realistic fuel price to setup in phpVMS. At the moment I left it as the automatic 5.10 but changed my fuel measurement to KG maybe this has something to do with …
Last reply by vcal, -
- 17 replies
Just wondering what is your favourite airlines. post them here!
Last reply by James142, -
- 10 replies
Hey, Guys i liked the Charter center that simpilot made on NE. I like to have one of them for my site. Do you have any plans for making as a add-on for phpvms, simpilot?
Last reply by tutmeister, -
- 2 replies
hi all I had another account before this, but now I can no longer do I log-in has been eliminated. Why? watch the last post of this topic: this was my Profile:
Last reply by mattia, -
- 0 replies
Hi. Since my website somehow corrupted itself I have to completely recode it. Last time I was uploading files directly to the web server instead of doing it on my computer. I used to use wampserver until I upgraded it. Now it gives me an error whenever I try to use php on it, it gives me an error. When I use xammp, it freezes on me and wont do anything when I try to run it. Is there anything else like these programs that I could try? Kindest Regards, James
Last reply by James142, -
- 5 replies
Hey guys. I have a Teampseak 3 Server that I don't use anymore and im trying to give it away. I have a lisence so dont start gripping at me. I can only give away 1. If you are interested, please PM me! Thanks. I am running it off of my home server. 10 megs up, 50 megs down.
Last reply by danielkang1234, -
Hello i was wondering if someone can help me with a skin. I was also wondering if they can put it on there for me
Last reply by jauger, -
- 3 replies
Please visit
Last reply by jauger, -
Does anyone know how to get new skins for free or know how to make them.. i also want to know how to change pilots rank and hours... and to ask more questions when they sing up please help
Last reply by Kyle Watkins, -
- 3 replies
Hi where can you get free images to use on my website without needing pomission or giving and credits? thanks chris
Last reply by tutmeister, -
- 2 replies
For Kacars charts, the charts need to be in png format. I was hoping that someone may know if there is a collection of uk/eu/us charts in png format readily available? Thank you.
Last reply by tutmeister, -
- 19 replies
Currently I'm on shared hosting and so far it is working fine but I know as my airline grows I may need to move over to a dedicated server. I'm asking any who have dedicated hosting plans what they would recommend. Thanks!
- 6 replies
When someone bids on a flight, is that flight only available to them until it is completed? I always thought "bid" was meant as "select" and that any number of people can select it. What's the scoop?