Post your skins, and any skinning questions here
901 topics in this forum
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<---------SNIP!!----------> Sorry! Never Mind. Yet another useless post. My apologies. Please feel free to delete if you want.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 1 reply
Is there some one here that could help me how to work with joomla and phpvms? I had already looked the posts abourt joomla here but they aren't enough, I still whitout know anything... Give me a small tuturial is if it's possible.
Last reply by Tom, -
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Hello, I am having some problems with the live map, I have a custom skin on the site and it seems to be causing the live map to not show
Last reply by avdesigns, -
- 2 replies
hi all I am using the brilliance skin and i have put a welcome not in the layout.tpl I only want it on the home page . Can anyone tell me where to put the code please
Last reply by VAEA, -
Skin doesn't change.
by Guest Jesse- 1 reply
Hey everyone, when I change something in the skin (an image) it doesn't change on my website. I checked the link and selected the right skin in the administrator menu. I hope you can help me! Jesse
Last reply by TennShadow, -
- 1 reply
Hi im Conor! ;D I tried learning the tutorials but i just get lost and i cant do it So i was wondering would anyone like to make one for me? I have no money to offer so its a freebie so i understand if i get little or no feedback anyway if your interested email me and we can discuss more
Last reply by Conor, -
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Hello, I created a menu in javascript in the "studio DHTML menu, enter the code in layout.tpl, but did not appear in the homepage. Anyone know how to fix this? I tried using the code {literal} {/ literal} but no effect. I am grateful for everyone's help. Att: Luiz Cortinhas
Last reply by RIco Linhas Virtuais, -
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Hi sorry, how i can install a template? Thank you
Last reply by fcolirf, -
I want a new skin for Kesuk, I have an idea what I want but really don't have the time with all the other stuff going on as registration has really taken off. Anyone want to help?? I can pay.
Last reply by Kyle, -
Will Pay For skin
by Guest N402KC- 1 reply
Well ive tried and tried and i keep getting errors. If someone is willing to take the time needed to make a nice skin, i am willing to pay. If you make designs please post, and if i like, i will purchase from you via paypal.
Last reply by UAVCEO, -
- 1 reply
Hello guys, sorry about starting this but the tutorials are offline....... how do I install a skin?
Last reply by Tom, -
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hi all I put the skin "layout_dark" in admin center, but when I go on the airport list or pilots list does not appear to open the Filter button or buttons to change pages. attach photo
Last reply by mattia, -
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Hey, I wonder if anyone has like a script or something which makes a sideshow of images. I don't like the Generator one.(Tried it and don't like it) so the image fades in then out. I have a rotator that when you refresh the page it changes, and the url is /rotator/random.php so any images in the directory rotator is changed. Is there a thing for a slide show so images fade in and out. Or if there are any other things that I could do. Thanks a lot! Daniel
Last reply by Daniel, -
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Hey guys, i been looking for that type somthing like a bar in the timetable just liittle info of the flight and if i click it and it expands it and provides more info. Is that possable. I would like to see that. Does anyone have good JS, or whatever. Thanks!
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 1 reply
Can I use this s layout ???
Last reply by Wayne, -
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Found this page about one mans opinion of web site design, he calls it the html hell page. He includes Design Hell, Content Hell, Style Hell, and Extension Hell. I don't endorse it, although I agree with a lot of it, I just found it interesting and felt it gave a point of view for designers to think about when designing web pages.
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 1 reply
hello here is the new TNT Virtual Airways skin special thanks goes to simpilot for the creation of the skin.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 reply
How would the code look, if I wanted to edit the schedule_searchform.tpl to have the option to select "By Departure Airport" AND "By Aircraft Type" as one search together?!?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
ok weirdly my news module is weird when using firefox. On google chrome it is normal. any help would be great thanks Daniel
Last reply by Daniel, -
- 1 reply
Well, after a lot of work with help from Tom, I've got my first skin created and nearly finished. This won't be a release not even a beta but I'll make some skins for the community to return the favour. TO DO: Add a right hand panel Code In Admin Panel Dropdown Modules On Front Page Jon
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Does anyone know how to add Airport Charts to the Pilot Center ?
Last reply by Dominican Airways, -
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Hello, I have a problem with my ObsessBlue skin, I am trying to Add a Bid to fly and it just keeps saying "No Route Passed" this seems to be a problem with the database or there is some code missing, I have no idea which one. Help would be appreciated, thanks.
Last reply by OneSKyVirtual, -
Hey Guys, Anyone got a link to a list of PHP Tags to be used within PHPVMS. Like a code for hours till next rank and stuff like that. Browsed the forums and can't find it
Last reply by Sava, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys.... well im request a quick convert of my new web template to a phpvms skin i will pay if necessary. Im not really good at converting and splicing things etc and yes ive seen and read the tutorials but im really busy with other duties and rebuild other parts of my website (after a server crash). Im available on PM.
Last reply by Toyuko, -
- 1 reply
Hi guys! Got 2 issues here. First is when I try to bid a flight i'm being shown a blank white page and the flight doesn't bid. When I try filing a PIREP at index.php/pireps/filepirep, and enter a flight number that does not belong to a flight between the airports selected, it gives me an error message saying that.Is there a way to make a custom PIPER possible? So a pilot will be able to select a departure and arrival airport (or better yet just enter ICAO codes for any airports), enter a flight number, and that'll go into the logs. Thanks!
Last reply by spielbergsp, -
- 2 replies
Hello. Can someone either edit the templte for me or get on my Teamspeak server and help me write it. Thanks in advance. To get the Teamspeak information, my email is:
Last reply by Jacob Armstrong, -
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hello, I am looking for someone who may be able to help me skin my virtual airline as I know nothing but some very basic work with php. I already have my domain and phpvms5.5 set up any help would be grateful.
Last reply by pilotking9, -
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problem in explorer I have finish my skin In firefox everithing diplay 100 % als so the Google map but the google maps dont noth showing in explorer?? any one advise?
Last reply by CTB001, -
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Many thanks to all who help with the navigation bar. The site is coded and now all i need is the content, for those of you who are going to view the page source i have the site configured for each page to read a phpVMS created page so staff and others are able to edit without a web edit software. Comments, suggestions, questions are always welcome. Tom
Last reply by Shuttle VA, -
- 1 reply
hi, i was just trying to do the "skinning" thing for my Va.. i followed the first few steps to create a header file, and a footer file and uploaded to my website you can check it i don't see any colors and animation on it please help
Last reply by Nabeel,