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7147 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Hello all, so I have a problem, after ended and sent pireps of our flights we're at the last destination, I wish that when no pilot is flying the map doesn't show any pilot, it only shows flights that are being made. Thanks
Last reply by Jota Freitas Jr, -
- 3 replies
Hi guys, I have searched the forums but could find what I was looking for maybe someone could point me in the direction of or advise me how to solve the issue. I have noticed along with a few of our pilots now, the pilot pay is not right. if a pilot flies for 1 hours he gets his pay, but then if he flies for 4 hours he gets the same pay as he did for 1 hour. i.e. 1hr = $75 4hrs = $75 (but should be 4*75 = 300) is there any reason for this? Have I missed something? Thanks Deano
Last reply by Strider, -
KRNO Reno/Tahao not found
by Guest- 1 reply
When I plug KRNO into the ICAO for the Add Airport and hit enter, it tells me it can't find it. Kind of hard for KRNO not to exist when it hosts the annual Reno Air Races. Help please?
Last reply by joeri, -
- 0 replies
Hi all, I was wondering if it is possible to change the my VA's ICAO code it is currently ANG and I need to change it to NGE. Anyone know how to do this? The only reason I wish to change the code is because I was doing one of our scheduled flights on Vatsim when a controller sent me a message telling me that for my airline my code should be NGE to be the same as the realworld airline. As I was using ANGELAIR01 as my callsign which is not very professional. Any help would be great. Thanks Scott
Last reply by Angel Air, -
- 2 replies
Hi, when i write Ö or ä or something it didn´t show correct. How i can encode it correctly and where???. I tried utf-8 in local but there is no function.
Last reply by Nighthawk, -
HI guys, It has been a while since I have had to do anything with the coding or anything to do with the site ful stop, as it has been running along quite nice, so when I went to add a download to the list I forgot where I needed to add the link. The file has been uploaded to the server but for the life of me I cannot remember where to add the link, any helpers please? Thanks. just woke up and remembered where they need to be added. dumb or what (no response needed thanks )
Last reply by 5SA CEO, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I'm new to phpvms, I have a VA and was wanting to use this system in it, the document is already installed, but I have great difficulty setting up the party registration (get an error) and page editing the pilot (also error occurs ) someone could help me. My VA is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Olá, sou novato no phpvms, tenho uma VA e estava querendo utilizar este sistema nela, os documentos ja estão instalados, porem estou com grande dificuldade de configurar a parte de registro (aparece um erro) e a pagina de e…
Last reply by Victor_FAB, -
- 9 replies
this thread is mainly for the author of phpvms. it may be something for you to think about in the next release. Is there someway, you can only allow a pilot to select a bid, on a route from the airport he was last at? I know, using the fleet pages etc, you can tell via the last pirep where an aircraft is, so it must be possible. So if a pilot flies from A to B, only allow him to add bids that Start at B, and not A?
Last reply by ukmil, -
- 12 replies
hi is there any module for dispatching flights to pilots?
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 1 reply
Hi i am getting the error Switch = pirep any idea about this error. Thanks!
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 21 replies
Hi, is there anyway to show on my Fleet page if an aircraft is enabled? my knowledge of coding is poor, so would not know where to start. I see in the DB, that there is a '1' against aircaft that are enabled. So, in my FLEET page, is there a code i can enter which would look at the DB, and if it finds a '1' shows the words 'AVAILABLE', and if it finds a '0' it shows the words 'UNDER MAINTENANCE- UNAVAILABLE' thanks in advance Iknow a maintenance script has been requested but this surely is an easy way of doing it.
Last reply by Industrialshadow, -
- 0 replies
Hello all! I m asking the gurus of phpvms to make a more detailed documentation with examples on how to insert/update/delete/select data from the vms's database, creation of custom classes and other. It would be very useful for everyone of us here. The current documentation is very limited and it is not giving the ability to other people understand the core of phpvms. For example now, I m making a module with a big scenery database which is based on company's schedule, and I need to have an INSERT function to pass data from a form to database and my big problem is that I don't have a place to get an example on INSERT or something. Once again I (and more) would like to …
Last reply by dimitris, -
- 1 reply
is there a way, we can create a section where the admin can BOOT a pilot from a flight in progess? If I see a pilot, unteraking a bid, and then a flight they should not, instead of waiting to refuse the Pirep, is there some sort of way an admin module can be written to 'kick' them off the flight via acars, and stop them from carrying on?
Last reply by Jeff, -
- 6 replies
Looking to move my admin center link from main nav, to my footer. I robbed the code out of the core nav for the admin link and it gave me a parse error on site and messed up the entire layout. Here is the code I tried to use. <?php echo $MODULE_NAV_INC;?> <?php if(Auth::LoggedIn()) { if(PilotGroups::group_has_perm(Auth::$usergroups, ACCESS_ADMIN)) { echo '<li><a href="'.fileurl('/admin').'">Admin Center</a></li>'; } ?> I'm thinking I might just need to go with the following <?php if(Auth::LoggedIn()) { if(PilotGroups::group_has_perm(Auth::$usergroups, ACCESS_ADMIN)) { echo '<li><a href="'.fileurl('/admin').'"&g…
Last reply by Petey, -
- 4 replies
G'day Guys, I would like to display the minimum rank required to fly an aircraft in my fleet table, this will save me creating a rank table. i have attempted to do so with the following code i heaped together, but i can't seem to get it to work, some help getting me on the right track would be great <td><?php if($pilot->minrank == 1) { echo "<img style='padding-left:3px;' src=''>"; } elseif($pilot->minrank == 2) { echo "<img style='padding-left:3px;' src=''>"…
Last reply by Ahmad, -
- 2 replies
Is their any way to mass delete pilots from the roster instead of going into their profiles and doing it one by one? Thanks! -Austin
Last reply by joeri, -
- 2 replies
I'm new to the phpVMS setup and I have been hired as Director of IT. It seems somewhat confusing to me, but I'm looking to remove a link from the Main Menu and the menu up at the top. How do I go about doing this? The website is if you want to take a look. Thanks!
Last reply by Chris Rice, -
- 1 reply
Quick question, I found this following code: <?php MainController::Run('RouteMap', 'index'); ?> Unfortunately this shows all the routes. Is there one that links to just a certain pilot's flow route map, in Google Maps? Also, what is the code to pull a certain pilot's 5 most recent PIREP's? Thanks in advance, had trouble finding it.
Last reply by Petey, -
- 8 replies
hi, i dont know why in the live map dont show the departure and the arrival?
Last reply by loplo, -
- 2 replies
Alright i have a UAL/COA merger and for all the pireps to work, we have to enable the COA airline. However, we would like everyone to have a UALXXX PID. Is there a way to delete COA from the Select an Airline list to where they are automatically added into UAL? or even better take out the Select an airline list all together.
Last reply by Mark J, -
- 1 reply
Hello Friends I have a Problem. My Va Statistic is centered with <ul>my code</ul> I will have it on the left side with 1 or 2px from the border I have here my layout .tpl with my code for the Statistic <ul> <strong>Total Flights: </strong><?php echo StatsData::TotalFlights(); ?><br /> <strong>Total Hours Flown: </strong><?php echo StatsData::TotalHours(); ?><br /> <strong>Total Flights Today: </strong><?php echo StatsData::totalflightstoday(); ?><br /> <strong>Total Schedules: </strong><?php echo StatsData::totalschedules(); ?> <br /> <strong>T…
Last reply by Jeff, -
- 4 replies
Hi all, I am trying to improve my ugly flightboard and I'd like to add a field with arrival info such as "on time", "delay", "early". As I am using kACARS for flight logging I have looked into the config file and found out a certain "FLIGHTTIME" entry which I think is my real flight time logged by client. Now the problem is, how to make a code to control/compare the flight time recorded by kACARS with the one I have set in my schedules so that let's say if the compared time is (+) / (-) 5 minutes it will tell "ON TIME", if more than 5 minutes it will tell "DELAY" or if less than 5 minutes it will tell "EARLY". Can anyone help me with this? Cheers, Arslan PS. For an…
Last reply by airmermaid, -
- 2 replies
Is there a way to check to see if a user is currently in flight? Like an if statement: if user is in flight do this else error: you are currently not in flight something like that??? Thanks
Last reply by Strider, -
- 5 replies
I have set this flight types in core/app.config.php Config::Set( 'FLIGHT_TYPES', array( 'P'=>'Passenger', 'C'=>'Cargo', 'H'=>'Charter', 'M'=>'Military' ) In the admin center - airline operations - add schedule, the dropdown list show correctly the Military flight type and is recorded on the schedule. When i bid this military flight and send the pirep with kACARS it is registered on the phpvms_pireps table as a 'P' flight. How can i solve this problem ? What is the program that receive the data from the bid and then write on the pireps table ? TNX - Gianni
Last reply by CVV001, -
- 5 replies
I have just noticed, after looking at a few Pireps on my Va, which are all auto complied by kacars, that the 'flight' time allocated is the total time. for example, here is a log from a flight the log was started at 19:34, and filed at 20:37, BUT the Flight time, from take off to landing was only 46 mins. The pirep when filed by Kacars, had the hours allocated as 1:02. But the pilot should only get 46 mins of flight time? Is this set up correct or something I am doing wrong?
Last reply by ukmil, -
- 6 replies
Hello. I was wondering if it was possible to call all the airport information from the database into a .xml file? for example: Dublin airports lat/long is: 51.5002/-0.1262 So I wish to display: <lines> <line lat="51.5002" long="-0.1262" width="1" name="Dublin" alpha="40"></line> </lines> Any help is appreciated, James
Last reply by James142, -
- 8 replies
I was just editing (and getting to completion) part of my profile_main.tpl, and guess what I did.... Deleted it. By accident. Of course. What the hell do I do? It was fully customised, I don't know how I'll rebuild it...?
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 1 reply
Hello! First I'd like to say I am very glad that such a handsome application has been made, and is supplied for free. Very, very nice. I happen to have a problem with PIREPs. As one of the admins of the VA, I find that no automatic PIREPs are displayed anywhere. kACARS sends the Pireps, and I receive the emails that the PIREPs have been delivered, but they do not show up on the website interface. No code has been changed on the website. I've added a custom field for PIREPs, but as I understand this only goes for manually submitted PIREPs. Any help is greatly appreciated. My thanks in advance. Edit: I may add that I searched for "pirep" + "kacars" and exhausted all rel…
Last reply by Strider, -
I would like to publicly thank a person putting his name with his page in the my footer. Where is this file?
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 1 reply
I'm really struggling installing phpvms. I have upload the files to my ftpclient and now i don't understand the next bit. "Click" open and copy the URL path to the "Install.php" Highlight the location field and copy the complete URL to the installer I'm using windows 7 and smartftp any help would be much appreciated. Matt
Last reply by mark1million,