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7147 topics in this forum
- 6 replies
Airline with code FLY,032,EGLL,LOWW,,FLY1003,,688.323,09:20," 11:40"," 0"," "," 300"," P"," 16"," 1" does not exist! Skipping... Airline with code FLY,033,LOWW,LBSF,,FLY1003,,435.457,12:40," 14:15"," 0"," "," 300"," P"," 1"," 1" does not exist! Skipping... Airline with code FLY,034,LBSF,LOWW,,FLY1003,,435.457,15:55," 17:45"," 0"," "," 300"," P"," 1"," 1" does not exist! Skipping... Airline with code FLY,035,LOWW,UUDD,,FLY1003,,901.619,19:00," 21:45"," 0"," "," 300"," P"," 1"," 1" does not exist! Skipping... Airline with code FLY,036,UUDD,LOWW,,FLY1003,,901.619,02:35," 05:35"," 0"," "," 300"," P"," 2"," 1" does not exist! Skipping... Airline with code FLY,037,LOWW,LCL…
Last reply by 5SA CEO, -
- 4 replies
I have searched for the answer I seek and am coming up empty handed. I am curious if it is possible for the pilot center to recognize a pilots Airline of choice and output that info to their pilot center. Say for example, I open up Wild Animals Airline and their callsign is Wild then I go and add another airline and Call it Wild Express and their callsign is Casper (for lack of anything better). Now If Pilot A registers for the airline Wild Express, then when he or she views the pilot center it would give them their airline name and call sign with all their profile info up to by rank hours flown etc etc. Possible to do?
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 6 replies
When trying to access my site was receiving this message, I went into my database and noticed that the table was showing phpvm_settings error, I used a backup to restore the table, but keep getting this message: Notice: The template file "/home/mixavia/public_html//lib/skins/CURRENT_SKIN/header.tpl" doesn't exist in /home/mixavia/public_html/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248 Recent Reports No reports have been filed Newest Pilots Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/mixavia/public_html/core/templates/frontpage_recentpilots.tpl on line 3 Users Online There have been 0 user(s), and 2 guest(s) online in the past 20 minutes. Notice: Th…
Last reply by mix, -
- 15 replies
Hi guys, more issue, today I uploaded some jps of ranks to the lib/ranks file no issue. a while later I need to go and check the site and add the ranks but all I got was a blank page.'> I have checked with my host provider and there is no issues with the server and php is running ok, but I cannot get to login. We are also having an issue with a connection error with kACARS which has been happening for a couple of days now. I hope to get these sorted so we can move forward. Thanks for your support. Deano 5SA389 5SA0001 5 Star Virtual Avaiation CEO
Last reply by 5SA CEO, -
- 5 replies
Anyone have a problem with the Guest Online count way off base?
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 2 replies
I am looking for some help, on inserting the Pilot Id & Password into the acceptance email. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Regards, Allan
Last reply by Allan, -
- 3 replies
Help Help I have about 50 route on my airline and i cant see any route's in the Pilot Centre View Flight Schedules. I'v replaced the template files for all of the .tpl file that start with "schedule_" and there is no diffrence. Anyone know how to fix it. Yes the route are enabled!
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 5 replies
I need help with making my website look better. So I have a couple of questions. Info: I'm using obsess blue skin. I'm a noob 1) How do I make my var ticker ( the black moving text) and my normal text box. Not be on every page of my site? 2) How can i make my right menu (obsess blue) be different from my upper menu? In other words how do i seperate the two menu's in core_navigation.tpl? Thanks A Lot!!
Last reply by Thomas Rozanov, -
Need Help!
by Guest- 3 replies
I Need Help with my callsing, i want to start my callsings like Example: EXP001 not EXP0001, i will like it to be with only 3 numbers no 4
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 2 replies
I don`t know what happen but my PHPVMS website is not working every time when you go to the main site it comes up with a blank page can anyone help. Thanks Eric Maresh CEO Virtual ERA Alaska
Last reply by Eric Maresh, -
- 5 replies
Hello Friends ... I have a serious problem, my "live map" does not work properly ... he be problems in the script ... Have reinstalled 3 times, and did not work ... See the photo ..... I await aid and answers ....
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 14 replies
So here is the problem, the acars map on a web site I'm helping make just isn't working. When they originally made the site the map did not work, then they switched to my server and it still didn't work. We built a new skin on another phpvms install and then copied over everything except the config files (thus pretty much a fresh install). The map still does not work at all. When you look inside of the database the information is being populated but it is not on the map. Again, this is a brand new map so everything should be working. I even reset the acars in the admin panel, and I'm on host gator. So, any ideas? Would it be a config file error, database error, or CHMO…
Last reply by flynryan692, -
- 2 replies
Just wondering is there a way to pull a Pilots last 5 PIREPS so it can be placed on his Crew Page. I know how to pull all of a pilots PIREPS but I just want to get the 5 latest. Is there a way to do this? Thanks
Last reply by Joshua John, -
- 0 replies
Your Stats Open Flash Chart JSON Parse Error [syntax Error] Error at character 0, line 1: 0: {
Last reply by deactivated, -
- 0 replies
Ok, After looking at many helping posts I am still VERY confused on how to make it exactly. All I have right now is the login(VB) but using xml how does that take there username and password and login. I understand I need to make a module for this but I am clueless on excatly how its done. If anybody can walk me though it or give me a SDK of an acars or anything would help Thanks!
Last reply by Bikekid260, -
- 9 replies
Hey is there a way to make the pilot who has done a flight only be able to do a flight from that airport they landed at instead of juts being able to fly from they airport they started at the last flight. So I fly from EGLL to EGCC then I can only do flights starting from EGCC instead of being able to do this flight EGLL to EGCC then EGLL to KJFK If you get what i mean
Last reply by Stealth - QCX002, -
- 2 replies
Nabeel, Is it possible to add a button to the admin side of the pilot profile to resend the welcome information? email_registrationaccepted.tpl
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 6 replies
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/canada/public_html/core/local.config.php:1) in /home/canada/public_html/core/modules/Login/Login.php on line 154
Last reply by deactivated, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys, I have over 1,000 flights to burn into my database, and I used to bring like 500 flights and during the import, I get the Exectuion Error Max time reached. Is there anyway for me to boost up the php Exection limit or add anything? Thanks.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 23 replies
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 78643200 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 76 bytes) in /home/simaerobatic/htdocs/core/classes/ezdb/ezdb_mysql.class.php on line 273 Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 78643200 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 81 bytes) in /home/simaerobatic/domains/ on line 273 used the sql import that was posted here in phpvms forum
Last reply by Txmmy83, -
- 5 replies
Hello I know i have posted alot in this forums asking for help and I do appreciate it but Im stuck again On my site there is ALOT of javascript/ jquery for the image slider but, I have noticed that the schedual page does not work at all (in IE it redirects to and in any other browzer it just ends up being a blank page. I have no clue how to use javascript and any help will be appreciated. - This is really starting to annoy me now because I thought we got the problem fixed in an older post. (also if i remove any javascript from the layout.tpl the slider will not work and i have also noticed that the slider only works…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 3 replies
Is there a Code to give out the awards, when they are achieved? Regards, Allan
Last reply by Allan, -
- 8 replies
I have recently installed the pilot shop, and my Admin Nav Bar is screwed any help would be appreciated. Image viewed at
Last reply by Allan, -
- 3 replies
Hey there I'm got a website (*No links work site is incomplete* and I would like to embed curtain part of PHPVMS into the website, so for example the Live map to be on its own inside of my Websites layout and having the pilots centre on a page that is linked into my website but without having all of the top banner that you get if you were looking at( So to recap I want to know if there is a way to intergrate or imbed the PHPVMS into my site that i am making! Thanks in Advance Stealth
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 5 replies
Hello again Build 822 , in "view my Pireps" >>> Clicking on a flight number for a previously filed pirep now loads the Log details i.e additional log information ... expanded on first view, without having to click on the "view log" link
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 1 reply
Hi there, Is there a way I can link my Aircraft registrations to bids? At the moment, there are several flights for each aircraft, and several pilots can bid on flights that involve the same aircraft. I want flights that have the same aircraft reg number, not to show up once an aircraft is booked.. Any help?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 reply
Alright, I have begun making an ACARS for my VirtualAirline in VisualBasic .NET. Anyways I have worked everything out EXCEPT the XML sending and receiveing including the "Login" for it. Other than that it is coming along good. Can anybody explain in detail on what to do? Thanks in advanced, Chad
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 5 replies
Hi Again, Is there a way I can customise my site, so I can set waypoints for pilots, AND the waypoints show up in the map, instead of a straight line? I know something similar is possible, as i saw it on another site Thanks, Jakes
- 7 replies
Ok so have searched and found nothing. I change the font colour on frontpage_main.tpl and it changes the top of each side box header. It changes to the right colour on every other page though: I've experinced this a lot with other skins. Any ideas? Jon
Last reply by James142,