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7149 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
I know how to do that. But the question is rather, Is it possible for only admins to do this? I would think that it is but there are issues. The registration form checks to see if you are not logged in. Well you are, your the admin. The registration form has captcha and won't submit without it. Admins don't need that. I don't care to capture a users IP during registration (or in my case when admins add a user). I have read post after post about registration and no one has even hinted toward an answer. Thanks!
Last reply by RocketRod, -
[solved] An Installation Problem
by Guest Halil- 6 replies
Hi there guys, I just tried to install phpvms to my website but an error like this occured: I have installed and used phpvms in my local wamp server before and I didn't have any problems. I'm not using a free host. What is the reason of this error, I've really tried everything I can think of but couldn't solve it. Any kind of help is appreciated
- 3 replies
Morning! I'm reinstalling PHPVMS. I've uploaded all the files, created the databases correctly etc... and i try and install it and i get this error: Fatal error: Uncaught <blockquote><font face=arial size=2 color=000099><b>Last Error --</b> [<font color=000000><b>Access denied for user 'admin'@'localhost' (using password: YES) (1045)</b></font>]<br />[<font color=000000><b></b></font>]</font><p> </blockquote><hr noshade color=dddddd size=1> thrown in /home/fleetair/public_html/core/classes/ezdb/ezdb_mysql.class.php on line 99 I've had this error before, and i man…
Last reply by South West FC, -
[Solved] Another installation problem...
by Guest Jesse- 5 replies
Hello everyone, I was installing phpVMS on my ftp server (paid) but when I wanted to install it, it doesn't work. I simply don't see anything when I try to open install.php... I already ran the Install Checker, it says: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or '}' in /home/vhosts/ on line 42 Can you please help me? Regards from Holland, Jesse
- 1 reply
Hello I activated a few days the Auto Accept Pireps, only noticed it has some bug. Link of Auto Accept Pirep When the driver sends the flight the flight arrives right and so on. But the hours and the flight the pilot does not count in his statistics, is there any way to solve this problem?
- 1 reply
Is there any possiable way to auto approve pireps, i looked in the config and couldnt see nothing Regards, Allan
Last reply by Jon, -
- 3 replies
hello, you can put in the driver's personal page instead of the one written for the writing award + image? If yes, how? Thanks
Last reply by Blu-Express VA, -
- 15 replies
Hello, I am adding awards and i see the pictures on the award page but in the pilot center and profile page i can not see those images. Only says the name of the award. How can i fix this problem? Also is it easy to give awards automatically? Thanks
Last reply by OmerAslan, -
- 1 reply
Hello, Ok i add background picture and seems nice. But some long pages i have. Like pilots page. I want Fixed BG's Do Not Move. Only the text (and images) will scroll by. How can i do that? And you know like pilots page is public. What can i do make that page only available for sign-in pilots? Thanks.
Last reply by OmerAslan, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys, I've just installed phpVMS 2, added one new airport HUB (in addition of the default KJFK), and 2 scheduled flights (from and to the new airport). The new airport is LFMT, the 2 new schduled flights are LFMT to EIDW and EIDW to LFMT. I've flown these 2 scheduled flights with Xplane and xacars. All was fine. But when the PIREP was validated, the miles flown remains to 0 as my to flights have respectively 782 and 771nm (so a total of 1553nm). So in the maintenance page, I've ran the "Recalculate distances", and now the 2 PIREP's has 2627.91 nm for the distance and the total miles flown to 5256nm ! So I've noticed that the phpvms_navdata table is emp…
Last reply by elekaj34, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I have a problem when I bid a flight it add it to the DB and it says bid added BUT, when I go in my profile to view my bided flight it says "no bided flight"
Last reply by lanousbh, -
- 2 replies
Disregard, I was placing the code in the wrong file. -------------------------------- Running SimPilot's 5.5.1 Adding a bid returns the following message: "Strict Standards: Non-static method SchedulesData::setbidonschedule() should not be called statically..." The bid is successfully added though. Filing a pirep returns two 'setbidonschedule' errors plus one for CodonEvent::hasstop(). Again, the pirep goes through successfully but the errors are unpleasant. I've seen suggestions for adding a code to the local.config to ignore the errors but that code is already there -->that's because it needs to be in modules/schedules/schedules.php
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 2 replies
Hello I am trying to have phpvms in two separate folders on my website, but have them using the same MySQL database so both of them will show the same information in each folder (Long story short, I want the information from the .tpl files in the core/templates folder to show up different in the second folder) Anyway, my problem is that when I have the define('SITE_URL', '; in the local.config file, I get a blank page. (It works fine when I have define('SITE_URL', '; but that shows the .tpl files from the main folder) Does anyone know I fix to this? Thanks, James
Last reply by James142, -
- 6 replies
Hello. I was wondering if it was possible to call all the airport information from the database into a .xml file? for example: Dublin airports lat/long is: 51.5002/-0.1262 So I wish to display: <lines> <line lat="51.5002" long="-0.1262" width="1" name="Dublin" alpha="40"></line> </lines> Any help is appreciated, James
Last reply by James142, -
- 22 replies
G'day Guys, I am creating a popout login page, this page requires the form in a HTML document which is fine, but is there a way of calling a particular file to integrate the HTML document with my site, currently none of the php for the login form is working as its not a tpl file and im presuming the sites functions require a particular file to be called within the HTML document for any of the php to become effective. Anyone know how i can go about getting this to work ? Regards Tylor
Last reply by Tylor Eddy, -
- 2 replies
Hello, it is possible to choose the pilot when he recorded his callsign of four numbers? In order to give them in order but do not choose him? Thnx
Last reply by Blu-Express VA, -
- 1 reply
hi guys can you tell me how can i change my airlines' callsing? if it is possible
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 10 replies
I want to make a phpvms mod (of course i will add `based on phpvms` and link to the site, but... Can i? After all, i have access to the source.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 3 replies
We cannot log in, was working ok and now - every time you enter the login info and password it just loops back to login screen, no error message. Strange thing is that you can make a flight logging in with smartCARS. I created a charter and flew it, the data was showing on vaCentral and when the PIREP was filed. VA central showed the flight. Checked the DB and the flight was there also. Just cannot login either as a pilot or Admin. UPDATE: ISP had done an update on the server. They had to do a restore of the complete server to correct the issue.
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 1 reply
Say I have three airlines registered in phpVMS. The first (TRA) is the entry level airline (or for some, the "training" school) and the other two (ALA & ALB) are schedule-based airlines. I know there is no way to keep an airline invisible in the registration form without modifying core code (lost during upgrade). But how can I go about change a pilot's ID, i.e. TRA0025 to another airline's ID, i.e. ALA0025 or if not possible ALAxxxx?
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 9 replies
Hello all, I have been trying to work out how to change the fuel price from the default 5.1 (excessively high) to 2.94 as it is currently shown at our base airport. I have tried editing the fuel info in the app.config.php file however that removes all of my airlines schedules from the admin center (though they show for pilots in the flight schedule and can still be booked). How else can I go about doing this? I don't know anything about coding beyond basic HTML and CSS so please keep it simple.
Last reply by Ariel, -
- 6 replies
Hi I want to translate the text of signatures For example change: "Total Flights" To "Vuelos Totales" Where can I do it? thanks!
Last reply by ProSkyDesign, -
- 2 replies
Can anyone tell me how to change the Font Size in the Signature, & what file to edit? Thank in advance!! Kind Regards, Allan
Last reply by Allan, -
- 1 reply
Hello. i'm getting the following error in the public profile page: Warning: Creating default object from empty value in C:\wamp\www\testes\core\common\ChartsData.class.php on line 49 In line 49 has: $z = ''; $z->label = $date[1].'-'.$date[2]; # 49 $z->point = $dat->total; $dataPoint[] = $z; Does anyone know the solution to this error? Thanks!
Last reply by brunoquadros, -
- 1 reply
Is it possible to implement pages sub directories. Such as index.php/pages/training/b747 will show core/pages/b747.htm index.php/pages/operations/fleet will show core/pages/fleet.htm I am getting a lot, a lot and a lot of custom content, and being able to pop it all in sub directories would be very useful. Regards, Nout
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 10 replies
Hello, href="<?php echo url('/profile/view/'.$pilot->pilotid);?>"> I want to change this code to external page but i don't know how to change the last part of code. Thanks
Last reply by OmerAslan, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hi, body { background: url(images/mainbg.jpg) repeat-x 0 0 #fff; color: #171717; font-family: "segoe ui", tahoma, arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; margin: 0; padding: 0; } i want to add one short video from my own server instead of mainbg.jpg. So, how should i have to change the code above. Thanks. Best Regards, Omer ASLAN
Last reply by OmerAslan, -
- 2 replies
GUys, On the contact form is there a quick way of showing the pilot ID? for example when they are logged in it sends the form and shows, -name = xxx -subject = xxx -recipient = xxx -message = xxx -loggedin = true (how can i change this to a pilot id?) -ip = xxx -submit = Send Message Thanks.
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 6 replies
The Contact Us form is way at the bottom of the page. i am using the Obsess Blue Template. how do i fix it up? Thank you in Advance Daniel
Last reply by Daniel, -
- 2 replies
I have noticed a contact_form.tpl file in core > templates ?? is there a way to use this on the website? cause i could really use it I have searched the forums but found nothing aabout this file. Thanks, James
Last reply by James142,