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- New Module Proposal - Schedule Builder [jSchedule]
- Last reply by opsman,
285 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
I had added some routes for my va that fly in and out of KORD-O'hare International Airport. It shows that KORD is somewhere over in Germany?????? So I went in and manually fixed in the add/edit airports. Now the problem is in the schedules that kord is still in germany even though it is fixed in the admin center. Example is KORD-EDFH is 663....nm istead of 5000....nm
Last reply by Sava, -
- 0 replies
Hi. Maybe I posted the following lines in a wrong forum, some years ago, so I'm gonna paste them below, hoping to get some cues. Regards and thanks ------------------------------------------- Hi, I'm looking for a software which could help a VSOG (Virtual Special Operations Group) to manage fleet, and pilots in a similar way FSAirlines does, allowing to have and track individual aircrafts with particular register numbers, located in a particular place each time, as well as maintainance, risk of having any kind of failure due to bad maintainance or due to, for example going beyond the aircraft limitations. A way to enhance and provide realism to a virtual Airforce Base,…
Last reply by Gavilan, -
- 0 replies
Is there a way to add an airport to your data base? PAED Elmendorf Air Force Base Anchorage, Alaska, USA FAA Identifier: EDF Lat/Long: 61-15-04.8500N / 149-48-23.4500W 61-15.080833N / 149-48.390833W 61.2513472 / -149.8065139 (estimated) Elevation: 212 ft. / 64.6 m (surveyed) Variation: 21E (2005) From city: 3 miles NE of ANCHORAGE, AK Time zone: UTC -8 (UTC -9 during Standard Time) Zip code: 99506 Thanks
Last reply by EIA703, -
- 7 replies
Anyone have an Idea why my airline is not showing up on vacentral live map?? Regards,
Last reply by Allan, -
- 21 replies
Well, this happens the last two days: for every flight we make, our score goes down!! Since the VA got in vacentral, every flight was giving 1 point (sometimes 2 and i do not know why), but the last two days we get penalized when fly!! funny No change have been made to our schedules or pilots, and the flights made are as scheduled (aircraft, time etc), i cannot understand how this happens
Last reply by Cor, -
- 2 replies
Hi, I have just registered my airline (which has been going for over a year) with vaCentral and am now trying to build the interface from our custom web site (build in Perl) to vaCentral using the XML interface. Unfortunately I have run into some problems with uploading schedules (routes), which are always rejected as INVALID XML. I managed to update the general VA information and the pilot information without a problem, which seem to indicate, that the way I am posting is correct. Thus, I am a bit confused. Please find below the readable XML code for an example schedule update (trying a single first): <?xml version="1.0"?> <vacentral> <siteurl>htt…
Last reply by SLF68, -
- 0 replies
Recently we had a recruiting drive that netted us 22 new members, of them 8, never got out of the gate [Never made a flight] so after 72 hours if they fail to report for duty, we drop them from the roster. Now I can understand taking a hit at VA Central for deleting inactive members who have contributed to the program and just moved on. But we lost two slots for deleting pilots who never contributed a single flight? I thought I understood the formula but this has me puzzled. If we want to maintain our ranking, does this mean you never delete pilots whether they have contributed or not?
Last reply by Bluemax, -
- 2 replies
my va is emprex air and the email is tryed the reset and nothing please help
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 0 replies
hi guys i finaly got in to my VA Central account and went to register my VA and it says my Airline Already Exists how is that possable when ive checked the airline list and i didnt see it anywere my va is Eurojet Virtual code EJT can any1 help me with this EDIT: okie it is there >. but things have changed on it like the website address how can i access it can the admin change it over to this account Regards, Michael Eurojet Virtual
Last reply by LuxuryCEO, -
- 2 replies
Everytime i try to upload my logo it does not show up is there a reason for this ?
Last reply by Robert_VAE, -
- 2 replies
Has VACentral been fixed yet? freshJet hasn't updated yet. According to our profile we haven't flown since February.
Last reply by freshJet, -
- 3 replies
Hi, Nabeel just was wondering if you could approve my vaCentral registration, don't know why but both the forum and vaCentral don't want to send me emails (I turned off spam and added to my white list)
Last reply by LuxuryCEO, -
Time Zone Problem
by Guest- 2 replies
Anyway, i don't know if this has already been brought up, but i noticed that the system being used has the incorrect time for the time zones. For me it said that the last activity was @ 7:14 EST When it really was 8:14 EST, so i switched it to central time although i am in the Eastern time zone and it seems to work now. Just curious if this was happening with anyone else.
- 3 replies
hi all i have this probleme in my website a php erore !
Last reply by joeri, -
- 6 replies
Umm, I lead merlion Virtual Airlines in FlightGear Flight Simulator and so far we've been doing comparatively great. We also have a phpVMS website Over here but it's a shame that we can't get on vaCentral. My host doesn't provide me with cURL and when I check the phpVMS install, it says that cURL is required for communication with vaCentral. Is there any other way for our VA stats to go on vaCentral? Thanks a lot! EDIT* - To get cURL, we need to pay and my dad's not letting me.
Last reply by Zeusking19, -
- 2 replies
I was just looking at our VACentral rankings and just realised that none of our PIREP's since the 3 Feb have been recorded. Then I looked to those higher ranked than me and it seems that no one's pirep's have been recorded since aorund 3 Feb. Question then being, is there a problem?
Last reply by pupsyaus, -
- 4 replies
Hi, Has anybody lost all their VA Central stats. I have dropped from rank 105 to 226 and all my scores now read 0. Anyone any ideas.
Last reply by VAEA, -
- 26 replies
Hi My VA is unable to send VA PIREP logs to VACENTRAL.NET here is the error ; FAILED exporting PIREP #18 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #17 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #16 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #15 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #14 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #13 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #12 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #11 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #10 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #7 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #6 -…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
You have 1005 PIREPS waiting for export to vaCentral. Click here to send them then when i send them i get this..... FAILED exporting PIREP #1126 - No response from API server I tried everything to get then into the system but nothing >>>>> HELP HELP please Brian (CEO)
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 17 replies
Hey there, I'm the CEO of KLM Virtual. For about 2 or 3 days now I have been experiencing a problem with uploading my pireps to the vacentral system. The error messages I receive when attempting to send the pireps are as follows: vaCentral PIREP Export FAILED exporting PIREP #3074 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #3073 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #3072 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #3071 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #3070 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #3069 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #3068 - No response from API server FAI…
Last reply by SteveK, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I have just completed the Registration process last night and this morning I got he Confirmation email. Once that was completed I tried to login and am now getting this message "You must be logged in! " The link it is showing me in the address bar where i am getting this error is I have tried both the Sign in on the home page as well as clicking the Sign In link and then entering the info and still same thing. Get same results in FireFox and IE8 Thanks for looking into this issue. Ron S.
Last reply by ATAvCEO, -
- 5 replies
Hey, I'm having problems at vaCentral... I can't register? The error was Error: The requested address '/register/process' was not found on this server. Any ideas?
Last reply by Kyle, -
- 6 replies
Nabeel, I am interested in registering my VA with VA Central however it states that their is already a Jet2 Virtual listed. Having done some research the only other Jet2 Virtual to be operating has now suspended its hosting. This means my Virtual is the only Jet2 Carrier operating in the virtual skies. I would like to be able to list my virtual with VA central and hope this problem can be resolved soon. Rob Pearson Chief Executive Officer Jet2 Virtual
Last reply by James142, -
- 2 replies
Hey Guys i am wondering how i can add on a Module for the front page that displays current Zulu time. Any suggestions? Skylar
Last reply by Cessna1234, -
- 8 replies
Hey last week noticed our flights not showing on live vacentral map, but on our airline page at vacentral still showing our latest pireps We did switch servers last couple of days and wondering if that might be the issue Thanks Mike
Last reply by mark1million, -
- 1 reply
I recently changed the hosting of my site, but I no longer send pirep va-central. appears this error: FAILED exporting PIREP #13810 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #13809 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #13808 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #13807 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #13806 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #13805 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #13804 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #13803 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #13802 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #13801 - No…
Last reply by mattia, -
- 27 replies
I added my VA (SouthwestVirtual), to vaCentral, but it says I have no PIREPS or hours! What do I need to do to get them to show up? Thanks! -Carl Klinker (
Last reply by mattia, -
by Cessna1234- 8 replies
Hi again, i have looked at all the help/support forums on upload award images and they all seem not to be my problem. I have created a folder "awards" in the lib/image and put my award image and when i go into the admin panel pilots and groups click on awards, then click add award i put in the Name, description, and then the Path or URL, which is and when i click add award there is no image it is only like a error type image which looks like a piece of paper with white, blue, and red and a cut through it. Am i doing something wrong? This is what another forum post said but it isn't working for m…
Last reply by Strider, -
- 3 replies
Well i finally got phpvms installed and currently working on a new template. But first i have registered but it has my callsign or pilot ID as 123001, why can't i get it to be BEV001 (BEV is the airline identifier)? Thanks, Skylar
Last reply by MBrown, -
- 2 replies
Today our airline went from ranked 77, right down to the bottom. For some reason I was deducted 556 point today. Could you please advise as to why I was deducted 556 points that took the total to 0 ?? Thanks
Last reply by kbohme,