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285 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Gday Nabeel Sorry, ive really screwed this up Ive got 2 identical VA's running in VA Central, ive got one which is linked to my working account, and another which i cant delete seeing as VACentral locked me out of that account, can you please manually delete the second one, currently ranked 134 on page 14 please.
Last reply by Tylor Eddy, -
- 5 replies
I have noticed some errors in VACentral, When i submit a pirep or another one of my pilots, it defaults the flown time to flown over 4-5 hours ago, and the pirep was only just submitted, why is that? Also The first P is obviously for Pilots not pireps, so that may be needing fixing And the yesterday score, if that is not being used, why is it there? As it always says yesterdays score 0. These are just some observations.
Last reply by BastiDE, -
- 2 replies
My pilot are receiving this error when trying to submit a pirep: An error has occured in the script on this page. Line 127 Chat 2 Error Object expected Code: 0 This is in the coustom.js file. This is line 127 Any ideas on how to fix this? Happening with FSAcars
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 3 replies
Hello together! VA-Central stops since aprox 4 days (it starts with an error, shows flights without dep-arr) updating rigth. i get no score but a few flights done every day. Pireps not match witch the flights( flights 18 and pireps 34?). only flighthours, schedules and pilots match rigth. The ranking goes down.i tried wipe out all data, but without a success (only pirep list shows now right). I checked out local.cfg but everything is right there. Thx for help Andreas
Last reply by Andy, -
help bug in VA Central
by Guest lfreitas1- 2 replies
my page in VACENTRAL: English: says I have 0 pilots, but I have 18 pilots in the company. so the points of the company were to 0, going to rank 285 when 136 was in before. Also I have spoken in vacentral pireps 91, but I have 51 pireps if they can fix this bug. ps: was not changed anything in the company to give this bug. Portuguese: diz que tenho 0 pilotos, mas tenho 18 pilotos na empresa. por isso os pontos da empresa foram para 0, indo para o rank 285 quando antes estava no 136. tambem fala no vacentral que tenho 91 pireps, mas que tenho 51 pireps se puderem consertar esse bug. obs: nao foi modificado nada …
- 12 replies
In the Admin Center there is a thing saying When i click here I get this. Is it a problem from my side or is it VaCentral! thanks
- 4 replies
hi people and today i start of with a big problem with phpvms or is it my site? basicly i know how to install phpvms so i installed everything then i went onto install page entered all the database stuff etc , all is right.Now , it goes onto the 'create an admin' page where i create my info user etc. its complete now i go onto my site: and im ranked: New Hire not Admin? can you help me please if you can help me over msn thats great; sorry about my typing it;s a notebook i got for x-mas its small keyboard alot of getting use to!! thanks and hope you can help! offering: co-owner on my site (if wanted)
Last reply by jake, -
- 3 replies
hello all just to let you all know the VACentral site id back online. problem got fixed
- 2 replies
Hey, when I walked into my VA and I see errors on my VA Rank php code and I went over to vaCentral and I saw that the pages are missing, What's going on there, Upgrade or update?
Last reply by joeri, -
- 3 replies
Hi, just wondering to know how the system count the quantity of pilots on the VA site, by the last pilot ID or the real number of pilots in the database. I´m asking this thing because reading an old post why the VaCentral ranking is calculating the quantity of pilots versus quantity of flights are important, using that information i´ll proceed to delete all inactive pilots (inactive by a year) from the database. For example, total pilots 200, just pilot 001 and pilot 200 are active, deleting 198 inactive pilots whow many pilots will appear in the VAcentral system. Thanks for de answer. Regards
Last reply by lorlandi, -
Hey Nabeel, Wondering if you could possibly take a look at this for me: If I place the XML php code on my website to show the rank, it displays the error. Thomas.
Last reply by Thomas, -
- 2 replies
Nabeel, is it ok to use the vaCentral logo on VA sites and put link on it to vaCentral? (image link) Best Regards Thomas
Last reply by Daniel, -
- 3 replies
I know its a stupid question but when i try to look for the info on how to connect it i get this message: Not Found Error: The requested address '/guide' was not found on this server. If its possable could someone possably tell me how to do it? Thanks, james
Last reply by TAV1702, -
Hi Paul From AusAir Just set up phpVMS as my web site with the help of My son It is more than I had hoped for in all a very good system. As AusAir is Australian based I would like to get rid of the American Weather maps and add Australian Airport info I have added all the individual airport files to each airport entered, dut can't get them to shoe in the flight info. Can someone help Me. PaulD.
Last reply by Strider, -
- 14 replies
Hi guys, I was just wondering.. will there be a server where all the virtual airlines will fly together? I mean, we can see eachother on the live map at but we don't really fly together. I know that there is vatsim of course, but i was just wondering if there will be a phpvms dedicatied server in the future.. :-) Thanks guys! Lucas
Last reply by MrAmsterdam, -
- 7 replies
Hi, the average pireps per day not display the real information just one by day instead average 8 flights, till now we have 160 pireps thats mean 8 flights average. Someting wrong in some templates on my site?? Thanks and regards Transpolar Virtual Cargo ( #15 on VA Central
Last reply by piuozorio, -
- 8 replies
We just recently activated vacentral part of this magnificent community. At first we had problems exporting to vacentral because our web host have to make an exception to external connections. Now that this has been done, sending our schedule did result in success, but trying to send all pireps I get a: And if I try again it will tell me to wait for 8 hours... If a pilot logs a flight it will export just fine to vacentral also the live map includes our pilots. Our airline is Vacentral Virtual Norwegian If anyone have any pointers give me a shout We are currently on build 934, could this be a problem? We have done so many custom stuff to the pages so updating is …
Last reply by jantorre, -
- 10 replies
Hi, there are some issues about vacentral that i do not know how to fix: 1. the logo and/or other images do not upload 2. in the VA details page, the graph of daily pireps is inactive 3. when a pirep arrives, it is counted in the VAs list, before it is accepted. So, sometimes the flights number is not correct. If a pirep is declined, it still counts in vacentral, i think this is wrong Any help on these please?? and: * A mistake in vacentral: in the profile page, the explanation of symbols is wrong, the "PI" is the pireps, not the pilots number also: * a question: as i can understand that some airlines fly offline, i think the online flights (VAs) should be awarded…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 12 replies
Hi With my VA being signed up at vaCentral the amount of hours and pilots and rank should be updating, however this is not happening. I am just wondering why its not. thanks Icebox.
Last reply by icebox3d, -
- 7 replies
Hello Nebeel, Yesterday when I opened the VACENTRAL estranhho noticed something ... I remember that just two days my Virtual Airline was first ranking, and was in bathing suits or less 17,000 points, now I'm with 12000 points and in second place ... and there is no point in reds (lost), now Brazil Air that had no points in 1000 is now with Current Score: 22007 (+12123) and in the first place! is very strange! I await answers! Thank you.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 6 replies
Hi Nabeel, I have registered with VA Central and inserted the code into my local.config.php file, do I need to do anything else as nothing seems to be updating. Also can't upload a logo. Thanks Mark
Last reply by Nabeel, -
I was thinking that vacentral should be divided into different categories, I mean its really not fair for us small bush va's to compete with larger VA's based huge schedules and with hundreds of members. My va is going to max out at 40. what do you the community think about having different categories of VA?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
I got a question about the scoring. I read the other posts on it but I'm still confused on this. My VA has been 9th for a while and then all of a sudden we go to 19th by losing -219 points. Then the next day we are back in 9th by gaining 219 points. Today we are back in 19th by losing another -219 points. It's like we are riding a points roller coaster. Here is our link. Thanks, Keith
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 3 replies
Hey having a bit of a problem. We have only completed 34 flights yet its saying 84 PIREPS. I think this is because one of my staff click "Send PIREPS" button in the phpVMS admin and it had already been done once. Is there anyway to get the PIREPS back down to 34? Thanks
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 5 replies
Nabeel, I logged into VACentral today after your update announcement and my airline doesn't show up anymore. While it does show up in the ranking just not in my profile. I was wanting to edit the VA details but to my surprise I can't see it any more. Thanks, Keith
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 reply
nabeel have a look in Airlines Profile legend S - Schedules, P - PIREPS, H - Hours, F - Flights, PI - Pilots the legend is false legend on vacentral airline profile now reads S - Schedules, P - PIREPS, H - Hours, F - Flights, PI - Pilots corrected legend should read S - Schedules, P - Pilots, H - Hours, F - Flights, PI - PIREPS I have 4 Pilots and 59 PIREPS BR Thomas
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 2 replies
Nabeel my airline is listed at vacentral since 2 days why does Yesterday's Score still stay at 0? BR Thomas Simaerobatic Virtual Airlines
Last reply by Txmmy83, -
I just noticed that our ranking was up to #25 3 days ago. It kept showing everyday a score of +99, even though that should have only happenned one day when I uploaded the pireps. Then after a couple days of that, it dropped from a score of 100+ to zero, with a daily change of -4. Now a couple days later, we show a rank of #24 again, and again, a score of 103 and a daily change of +99. Not sure how this is all working right now.
Last reply by CPC900, -
- 7 replies
Hi all! I have problem that my VA dont have no hours or pireps on VA Central and i uploaded normally to it...Croatia Cargo bye and thanks
Last reply by Txmmy83, -
- 1 reply
I forgot my login for Japan Airlines Virtual, can someone retrieve it and send me a PM.
Last reply by Nabeel,