Virtual Airlines Discussion
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1235 topics in this forum
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Hey all, I am wanting to start a new fictional VA, actually it's the name of my old VA back in 2004-ish; Nedair. I would like to have some other Dutch (or other) FSX enthousiasts to help me get the whole thing set up, flight planning, what planes to use, etcetera. It should be regional without any of the bigger wings, think in the line of Fokker 70s, Dash 8s, Embraers... etc. The flights will be short hops and avoiding the major airports, with our main HUB being on Zestienhoven, Rotterdam. We need some testflights to set up timetables, a new Orange/Black livery for the new planes (my old livery was as shown below). Get some groundrules, set up network flying, etcetera e…
Last reply by Ehrhardt, -
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Last reply by fsxsimulation, -
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Hello everybody! I am proud to announce I have opened up a brand new United Virtual! Our website can be found here: The website uses the ObsessBlue template as the base. I have made major modifications to that template to make this website. Enjoy! UAL102 Cory Baxes | CTO
Last reply by Ariel, -
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Legend Air has some exciting news as well as a few candy shots for the public! For a few weeks now, our new webmaster has been working on a true masterpiece that will be released in the next few weeks! Rumors have been going around to what this surprise actually is, but today some of that information will be released. Here is what we have been working on behind the scenes: A custom website that will have countless features/add-ons to make the pilots experience even better! Our custom IFS system has been developed and finished, it is only V1.0 and will have updates later. However SkyOne Entertainment V1.0 looks very nice! Our very own flight tracking program is bei…
Last reply by hollinst, -
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Medium to long range aircraft order Skybus will place orders for 767-300ER's and 757-200/300 ETOPS aircraft to to free up some of the current A319 EOW aircraft. Skybus will soon be Launching Skybus connect, this is a regional service that will eventual connect smaller airports to our hubs and larger airports. the fleet for Skybus connect will be crj-200s,crj-900s,and maybe some Dash Q400s. Note: 757/767 will enter service ant the end of april to the begining of may
Last reply by wheeler, -
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Jay here from Pontchartrain VA. I am in some serious need of help!! Please, is there anyone out there that can lend a hand? I have spent almost 18 months creating a real world route system that has over 1000 daily flights. The flights work for the DC-3. I have a site at pontchartrainva,com It is ready to go. The problem is I lost my tech guy. We were to have partnered, me doing the business end and him the computer end of things. I do not have a clue of what to do. Will be happy to discuss possibilities with anyone willing to take that role please let me hear from you Thanks Jay
Last reply by Ariel, -
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Skybus Virtual Airlines has opened its doors, the fleet consist of all a319-114 aicraft for now bigger aircraft will soon come. Our routes connect Canad,the United States ,the Carribean,and Latin America.The main Hub for this new Skybus is Raleigh Durham,North Carolina with a focus City in Salt Lake City.We hope to see you flying abroad with Skybus!!!! Check us out at
Last reply by wheeler, -
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Are you looking for a new VA with a lot of flexibility? Are you looking for a VA that has professional and knowledgeable staff and pilots, who can help and provide any support when you need it? If so, then Verazano Virtual is where you want to be! We offer hundreds of flights all over the world. All the way from the Western US to Egypt to Australia you will never be bored with Verazano. So what are you waiting for? No One else can be as awesome as we are. So Join Today! David Oliveira Verazano Virtual COO
Last reply by Talisman57, -
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Hello Everyone. First of all I'd like to thank everyone in the forums for all the support they have given (including for FlyIreland Virtual) Heres a little about us: Fleet Boeing 737-800 Boeing 747-400 Airbus A320-200 Airbus A330-300 Airbus A340-600 Hub's EIDW - Dublin Intl - Ireland YSSY - Sydney - Australia EGCC - Manchester - U.K EGLL - London Heathrow - U.K CYYZ - Toronto Pearson Intl - Canada KJFK - Kennedy Intl - U.S.A waa? Your still reading this? Im also looking for feedback on my site:, Thank you, James - FlyAero Virtual
Last reply by Daniel Gallagher, -
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Hello all, I has take awile but all pilots are transfered to the new website on PHPVMS. The pilots are loving it. I want to thank this community for al the help with the little probs. A special thanks for Nabeel for making this program that brings so much for Virtual Airlines. Also a special thanks for Simpilot for his excellent modules and lorathon for making K-acars and ofcourse the V-Bird VA acars and the perfect support you all three giving to the people. Now to convert Aerosvit Virtual Airlines to PHPVMS and then get busy with Flightkeeper and PHPVMS and hope I can sort that out. Check the website here Regards, Cor
Last reply by CPC900, -
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Dear pilots, We have opened a new German airline and seek you out as pilots to fly in Europe We want to build with you the airline. Visit us at:
Last reply by fsxairline, -
Take a look at TropoSphere
by Guest- 0 replies
TropoSphere Virtual is now open! We Offer: Based out of KJAX A wide range of destinations (US, Carib, Europe) Passenger and Cargo Ops Half of the flights are less than 1.5 hours Ability to fly off network Customized ACARS xACARS compatibility for X-Plane Check us out at !
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Are you looking for a new VA with a lot of choices? Are you looking for a VA that has professional and knowledgeable staff and pilots? If so, then Virtual UPS is the place for you! We offer hundreds of flights all over the world. All the way from the Midwest US to China you will never be bored with vUPS. So what are you waiting for? Join today! Austin Claus vUPS Cargo CEO
Last reply by austin4362, -
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I recently decided to use Joomla for my web site and integrate PHPVMS into it. There is no bridge that I'm aware of, so I just did it manually; accomplished the task in about four hours. Check it out if you like...the Pilot Center is in the registered members area, and I access the admin for phpvms totally separate from the Joomla, but you can see a lot of phpvms pages I've made public. I use the Joomla login rather than the phpvms login. I guess one other unique thing is that we aren't just a VA, we also like other sims, and right now, I've got enough activity with virtual golf, that I've integrated some of that into the theme, as well. I still have some small thi…
Last reply by greertr, -
- 31 replies
Quantum is Now Open Go to This topic should be closed. I'm not reading it anymore.
Last reply by joeri, -
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Hello everyone, I would like to invite those who want to start flying in a virtual airline with us: LAN Virtual. LAN Virtual is a virtual airline which simulates the operations of the south american airline LAN Airlines from the airports of Santiago, Chile (SCEL); Buenos Aires, Argentina (SAEZ and SABE); Lima, Peru (SPIM) and Guayaquil, Ecuador (SEGY), LAN also operates flights of some of the airlinesof the OneWorld Alliance within U. S. and Europe. We are going to start our operations on the first week of april. So, we expect that you will enjoy flying with us. Agustin Lopez CEO LAN Virtual
Last reply by Agustin Lopez, -
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Hi all Does anyone know what's happened to Phoenix Virtual?
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GreenJetGreenJet Virtual as now open, we are seeking staff and pilots @ The fleet dc-9-30s a320-232 b767-300 b717-200
Last reply by wheeler, -
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Canadian Air Virtual Is Now Open Seeking A Events Coordinator And Pilots. For More Information
Last reply by deactivated, -
Has anyone ever install any stats from fseconomy on there website to monitor the the pilots.
Last reply by bravo27, -
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JAL VIRTUAL: Earthquakes, Livery Contest, Website Adjustments, Equipment & Schedule Notices Japan Airlines Virtual has experienced a lot through the last couple of months, as is our real life counterpart. Today in Tokyo JAL Virtual has, had a press conference regard a number of issues and questions and answers. Our press conference has been delayed because of the earthquake in the Tohoku region. ======== Following is a Transcript of the Press Conference First off everyone at JAL Virtual sends their best hopes and wishes to all the people affected in the Tohoku earthquake and Tsunami, we will be coordinating a special event with VATSIM Japan, soon to help out the …
Last reply by Toyuko, -
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Hello everyone! I was looking for some feedback on my new repaint for our first event this week. Design: Finished Product: Feedback is appreciated. Thanks, James
Last reply by James142, -
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va closed
Last reply by fsxsimulation, -
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Hi all, After many hours of sitting in front of my computer neglecting my family and friends I bleieve I have got the website to the point where it is ready to be released to the general public. I would like to add that it is still very much a work in progress but the site is all working well and kACARS is now functioning correctly. So as the title says we are ready to recruit pilots and staff. here is the link to the site Angel Air VA I am sure there is still lots of room for improvement which will all come in due time. All in all I believe that this is 1000% better than my first attempt check it out and tell me what you think. Thanks Scott Bridge CEO Angel Air V…
Last reply by James142, -
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We have served 8 years in the virtual skies, we will celebrate this anniversary with a fly in the day March 20 from 17:00 hrs. local (21:00 hrs. z), with service in the FIR's SCFZ, SCEZ and SCTZ. Of course there are all invited to attend our first event which we hope to help spread even more to aviation and the quality of virtual pilots and controllers worldwide. Best regards
Last reply by lorlandi, -
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Hello folk´s I start a new VA-Project based on ObsessBlue Skin - Site is BETA on progress Comments are welcome!
Last reply by volkerjacob, -
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Pontchartrain Virtual Airlines-Help Wanted Two and a half years ago I came up with an idea to develop a virtual airline that would work as a business lab for my high school Free Enterprise students. In that time Nabeel has worked very patiently with me to help me bring this idea into reality. Hence I owe him a debt of thanks that I wish to make public here. Moreover, Pontchartrain Virtual Airlines would not even be on the drawing board without Nabeel’s help, guidance and understanding. The Readers Digest explanation of the concept is as follows. When the VA goes on line, it will be as though it were the early 1950’s. As a result we will fly the DC-3 only. I have…
Last reply by big red 1, -
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I want to announce the opening of Fly Europe Airways when everything is finished we will have a fleet of 3x A319, 4x A320, 3x ERJ-170, 4 x Dash8 Q400,3 x ATR42-500, 1 x B747-800F, 1 x C-130 Hercules, 1x PC-7 Turbo Trainer and last but not least two A380 for Transcontinental Flights with routes to destinations in Europe, Asia, Africa and America we will operate from our two hubs more will maybe follow dependending on demand LOWW - Vienna (Vienna International Airport Wien Schwechat) EDDM - Munich (Franz Josef Strauß Airport) KBOS - Boston logan & KTPA Tampa Intl. added as Hubs for American operations visit us at Best Regards Thomas Sche…
Last reply by Txmmy83, -
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scandiFLY VA At first I have to say thank you for all the developers, especially Nabeel, who brings this project forward, it’s an amazing peace of code. For “beginners†not always easy to understand, but I’m a little proud to say, with no experience in php, mysql, css…. It’s done – we are now online. (I know the Forum in and out… ;-) scandiFLY at first is a project, who comes form FSEconomy, where we made since 2009 our first steps. But this wonderful place offers only possibilities to fly as GA- Pilot with smaller aircrafts . Bigger planes as Airbusses, Boeings aren’t in their portfolio. I have to say, that I have a look since over 2 years for phpv…
Last reply by royceair, -
- 9 replies
Hello everyone Today I announce the opening of my 3 Virtual Airlines which are Airblue Virtual PIA Virtual Airline Shaheen Air Virtual Emirates Virtual LINKS TO THESE VA"s Airblue Virtual - PIA Virtual Airline - comming soon Shaheen Air Virtual - comming soon Emirates Virtual - comming soon ***ALL WEBSITES ARE EQUIPPED WITH THE PHPVMS SOFTWARE*** JOBS available at Airblue Virtual Airblue Virtual is hiring pilots now. Regards CEO Airblue Virtual PIA Virtual Airline Shaheen Air Virtual Emirates Virtual
Last reply by fsxsimulation,