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623 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
-> Shop with 50% off! <- From today until day 26, lbx the whole store will be 50% off. ENJOY! Simply enter the following coupon code in your shopping cart: 2713phpVMS. Take it for a limited time. I will also be giving some point that can be redeemed for modules and skins.
Last reply by levicosta201, -
- 3 replies
I am looking to start a VA and need some help with the following: Aircraft Liveries Website Design ACARS ETC. Please post or PM me. Thank you,
Last reply by LanceDesigns, -
- 24 replies
-> Buy! <- Over a module developed by the programming team LBXweb. This module aims to dynamically display the badge of the pilot, it displays the following information: Pilot Name Pilot Lastname Pilot Country Pilot Money Pilot Rank Pilot Status (Online or No?) Current status Flight The module displays a picture stating that the URL is null, casso not receive nor a parameter, see an example here. Also, the module generates a different status for each of the pilot image, ie, if the pilot is online generates an image, whether it is offline generates another image, examples below: PILOT ONLINE: PILOT OFFLINE: ​ 
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 8 replies
-> BUY HERE <- Description: New module for systems based on phpVMS. This module is to display the Virtual Airline routes on a map. To display the routes you must enter the ICAO airport of departure and he exhibited routes inserting a marker at the airports of arrival. It also inserts a polyline for each airport. Clicking on any marker it displays a list with the names of all destination airports. There will be future updates of this map, and updates will be free to buy this module. You can view the live map here. PS.: On live map some routes in my virtual airline are: SBGL SBGR TNCM SBGO SBMO
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 1 reply
-> BUY HERE <- Hi folks, I'm here again, For skin based on phpVMS systems. This skin is a low cost, so that it can be accessible to all users phpVMS. You can view the skin live HERE. This skin has a great acarsmap suspended on top. The intention of the acarsmap at the top of the page that the user is already entering the site will see the flights available at the time. Therefore, when using this skin you must remove the link live map of your phpvms. On live map link, you will not see the aircraft in flight, since this is an inactive section of my site. If you find any error in the script should, if possible, take your questions to the forum so everyone can bene…
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 20 replies
Hello, As I need some money I decided to open little WebDesign service, I offer full skill creation(including logo etc), phpvms installing(also installing scripts), creating simple modules, helping out, graphic design, advices on VA etc. Please visit for more info! Regards, Maciej. UPDATE: The dispatch package was re written and is now managed from phpVMS admin panel, database is installed from an website level! Its really worth this price gents! £15
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 10 replies
HI i'm looking for a price for a promotional video for my VA. Please PM me for details
Last reply by yorgosGK, -
- 10 replies
Last reply by avdesigns, -
- 12 replies
App development has been mentioned before and I'd really like to do some more iOS work, so I wanted to gauge the interest for phpVMS VA apps on iOS. So far the best ways I see of going about this are: Generic phpVMS utility/administration application which gives access to standard functions, this would be free to the VA but probably have to carry a small cost on the app store White-label application which can be customised (based on pre-built modules determined by demand) to the VA style, with an up-front cost to the VA but free on the app store. What do people think to these ideas? Which method would be most appealing to you guys? Also, any and all ideas for what …
Last reply by Tom, -
- 2 replies
I am looking for someone to write a script that will automatically register accepted pilots on our phpBB forum. PM if interested
Last reply by StartVM, -
i tried e-mailing simpilot to no avail and no response. i am looking for oneworld schedules (baw, bacity, openskies, s7, flyniki, qantas, qantaslink, flybe nordic) thank you.
Last reply by LanceDesigns, -
- 0 replies
BREAKING NEWS!! All 55,000 Star Alliance routes (ready for upload) and now available! If you run a VA or are thinking about starting one, you WILL need schedules! Purchase them here for the best rate and best price that will be offered! They are in PHPvms format. I can also put them in a custom format for you! The airlines that are included are: (JP) Adria Airways (FDX) FedEx (A3) Aegean Airlines (AC) Air Canada (CA) Air China (NZ) Air New Zealand (NH) All Nippon Airways (OZ) Asiana Airlines (OS) Austrian Airlines (AV) Avianca (SN) Brussels Airlines (CM) Copa Airlines (OU) Croatia Airlines (MS) EgyptAir (ET) Ethiopian Airlines (BR) EVA Air (LO) LOT Po…
Last reply by LanceDesigns, -
- 0 replies
FNM Hosting, a Fully Managed Web Hosting provider announced the launch of Flat 50 percent discount on all its Hosting Packages. The offer period lasts until 31th May 2014. Users who intend to benefit from this offer, can use ‘phpvms2014 ’discount coupon at the time of sign-up. The coupon code entitles every user to flat 50% off on the default product pricing. Get your own hosting plan for only 1.97$!! For any questions, you can contact us at Have a great day
Last reply by elfrost, -
- 4 replies
CEO of PHPVMS Virtual Airlines Up for sale today i am offering for those of you who do not like creating each schedule individually A set of 10,000 Premade Schedules for your Virtual Airline. I am offering this for only $40 today. if this interests you please PM me and we can talk more.
Last reply by bward624, -
- 3 replies
Hello fellow pilots! I am happy to announce that today, on Thursday, 16th of January 2014 I will be releasing payware Comments module. It just need's tidying up and some basic style to be applied that's why it wont be available until evening. This module will allow you to add Comments section easily anywhere on your page, for example in your news module or a single page of a HUB. Just anywhere. The process of adding the module will be as easy as including one line of code that will generate the rest for you! Module allows for a comment to be made and two levels of comment replies are available. Comments can be deleted and modified. Pagination of comments come in by defa…
Last reply by MaciejO, -
- 4 replies
Hello all once again, For those of you who don't know me I am Collin Shea from Dallas,TX y'all . I am also the founder and CEO of Express Regional Virtual Airline! I started a topic a couple months ago describing how I know HTML & CSS for about 2 years, all though that is true my younger self described in a "false" way! I have learned a lot from the past couple months. I want to increase my knowledge in the web design world and possibly later on become a web design free lancer! So I come to you today to tell you that I will be doing free skins! I can not guarantee that it will be the best looking site of the phpVMS world but I can give you some what of a good lookin…
Last reply by benboy123, -
- 2 replies
Hi y'all! Express Regional needs a skin for about $30 I need it to have a good "flow" in other words it has simplicity but looks very appealing to the eye feel free to communicate me via the contact information below! Skype: plane57 Email: Team Speak 3: Collin Shea CEO Express Regional CLOSED
Last reply by CollinShea, -
- 3 replies
UPDATE: Applications have closed As demands for websites grow, we are looking for a creative mind to handle weekly projects. Position: Phpvms Web Designer (Paid) 1 available Duration: 4 Weeks pending extension on availability Requirements: Prior work w/ at least 1 project in Virtual Airline design Excellent Knowledge of HTML, and CSS Some Knowledge of Php Able to speak and write English Experience with Phpvms Ability to accept payments via Paypal Hate Internet Explorer as much as we do, yet are able to make your sites compatible. Benefits: Working with a motivated team …
Last reply by magicflyer, -
- 4 replies
Hey Guys, because some of you had asked about my modules i have decided to share some of the modules that i have created for hellenic airways as payware. Currently the following Modules are released: Company Routes Search Vacancies Administration Executive Flights Division I'll release a few more modules within the next day when i get the chance to have the Hellenic Airways styling removed from the templates and to change some functions to make it work on standard phpVMS installations. Besides that i'm still offering phpVMS skinning at You can get the stuff at Crazycreatives. Please understand that all modules are payware as i originally h…
Last reply by biokemisten, -
- 4 replies
Hello everybody, My virtual airline, BritishBlueVirtual needs a skin done. We are looking for someone to do it for around £20-£25! I look forward to your responses! Cheers, Myles
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 4 replies
For pricing PM Here my first VA PROMO VIDEO
Last reply by GlobalOne, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hello everyone, I am offering an iOS app development opportunity for your VA. iOS development is a very complex process and I am still in the process of learning everything, so meanwhile please consider the following information below: Whats currently possible: A static app with some limited dynamic interaction Everything that can be coded in HTML5, javascript, CSS Whats currently not possible: Dynamic interaction with phpVMS (i.e. pilots filing pireps, accessing pilot profiles etc.) Live flight tracking from vatsim Complex interaction with MySQL databases (I will add to this list). I am offering a service whereby you can place an app coded in HTML5, CSS …
Last reply by GlobalOne, -
- 7 replies
Last reply by StartVM, -
- 0 replies
Hi there, I run and I'm looking to accomodate our Route Map page to show us our route details. A good example that I'm after is here: We have two hubs at the moment, Dubai and Birmingham. I'd like a map to operate so when I click either of these hubs, it will then show all of the destination airports just like that link above. When you click on the destination, I'd like a line to be drawn between departure and arrival airport. I'd also like it to bring up a bubble stating the flight numbers associated with that route, the route distance and the aircraft that fly those routes. I'd also like an improved search …
Last reply by Rnaetsar, -
- 14 replies
Hello All, Thanks for your comments on my previous posts. Due to a shortfall in sales on the fresh template we have decided to focus on creating templates to order rather than just put a template out and hope for the best. If any of you are interested in the fresh template you can view it at And you could own this skin for a small fee of £9.99. We have now put a price structure in place that we think is reasonable. You can see what we offer at Please note that our current site is a holding page while our new site is under development. If you require a quote for a bespoke design please contact …
Last reply by StartVM, -
- 11 replies
Last reply by sparky, -
- 0 replies
Hello All, I am looking for someone to repaint the Default FSX A321 with a Hawaiian Airlines texture for Hawaiian Virtual Please drop an email to me at if interested. Cheers! P.S It needs to look like the following (As if it was an A321)
Last reply by StartVM, -
- 0 replies
Problem Solved, thanks!
Last reply by edmundk, -
- 10 replies
Hi all! I will begin to make skins for $10 as for I am a "newbie" anyway $10 is quite a steal on here I will try to meet all of your expectations just simply email me for more information! or Skype me at plane57
Last reply by simpilot, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hello, My name is Collin Shea and I am offering free skinning services. Skype me at plane57 or email me at for more information.
Last reply by benboy123,