Paid Services
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623 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
Hello I am currently looking for a graphics designer for a simple project. They will need to make awards images/banners and come up with a neat award idea for each image at the same time. I would need 25-50 awards done with the option for more. The payment will be negotiated between client (myself) and the graphics designer. An example of what i am looking for would be like this: I could very well do this myself, but i am very busy with work now, so my time is limited. Thank You
Last reply by SkiesTheLimit, -
- 0 replies
Hello everyone, I am looking for someone to design a layout design for my soon-to-be Virtual Airline website. It will be Alaska Virtual Airlines, and will need somewhat of a classy design, please research the real world airline for inspiration and make it look like it could be a real world airline website. I do not need a coder, just a design and coulour scheme for the layout of my site. I would also need a drop down menu design included. You may be brought on as a staff member of our virtual airline to design other items such as aCARS, signatures, logos, etc. depending upon how well you do. Shoot me a number at and we can see if we can work somethi…
Last reply by Tkelley96, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I would like to have a new logo for my airliner.only I have no idea how and what.I been busy with photoshop, but always came to the desired result. I hope someone wants to make a logo for me. of course I pay for!
Last reply by bteixeira, -
- 2 replies
Last reply by avdesigns, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by avdesigns, -
- 1 reply
Mile High Hosted Shared Hosting | VPS | VPN | Shared Exchange | Dedicated Servers Our Website: **50% off offer!!** Right now when you use the coupon code : UHFMW0YM2TIS34IA you will get 50% off any of our shared hosting plans for the life of your account! Locations offered: Chicago, IL Dallas, TX Montréal, CA Starter Hosting - 2.95 per Month : Order here! 5GB RAID Storage 25GB Bandwidth cPanel Softaculous Business Hosting - 4.95 per Month : Order here! 10GB RAID Storage 50GB Bandwidth cPanel Softaculous Preimium Hosting - 6.95 per Month : Order here! 15GB RAID Storage 75GB Bandwidth cPanel Softaculous Ultimate Hosting - 9…
Last reply by Sammy, -
- 1 reply
Good day! Please contact me if anyone is available to build a VA site. Cheers!
Last reply by Sava, -
- 0 replies
Hi Friend ... I am setting up a Virtual Airline, I need someone to skin the website for me as paid service, I want it done perfect and beautiful, no time wasters. My Email if intrested, thanks.
Last reply by Muhammad, -
- 8 replies
PhpVMS members we have a deal for you today, over the past week we introduced our "only a penny" promo but now we have a special just for PhpVMS users! What Mile High Hosting is giving you today is the first five members to sign up for any hosting plan using promo code: PHPVMS get the first 3 months of cPanel hosting for FREE! Our Server Specifications: 16GB RAM 1TB HDD Intel i5 Processor - 4 Cores cPanel If the promo gets completely gets used up we might extend another five, if all you can always try us for a penny! Using promo code: ONEPENNY We Hope you try us out and we look forward to being your host! If you have a question please open a support ticket through …
Last reply by Sammy, -
New News Module - FSP News
by Guest lorathon- 1 reply
FS-Products is announcing a new module that is available for purchase. A News Module that has commenting ability and also rating ability. This module comes with a user friendly settings page that allows customization without having to change the code. If you don't want ratings than you can shut it off. If you don't want comments, shut it off. No template changing necessary. More information available at
- 0 replies
Hello, I am trying to see if someone can help me out with a new SKIN for the VA and help me out with the website and get it looking better. If you call me on skype or teamspeak we can talk about prices skype name : ksmq-nj teamspeak IP Address : thank you Brian (CEO)
Last reply by brianatc30, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
I am looking for someone who knows PHP to create a script for me. My VA uses an online server, away from PHPVMS, which is FSD based. I need an online map creating in PHP that reads the flat text file created by the server, and plots the aircraft posiitions etc on a map. Anyone?
Last reply by josh90, -
- 21 replies
Hey, I'm posting back again! Remember me back from a few months ago, I have great teamspeak service and many happy airline owners. 24/7 Teamspeaks are available now! I have 6 to give out, if your paying for one, and want a free one for same quality just let me know. Rules: 1. No messing with the max. slots. If you need more just let me know. 2. Must be somewhat active. 3. Must have skype! 4. Must be active on skype, if I ever need to contact you. MY SKYPE:thebeastt9(most active on there) it every night or so) Or just comment on here, reply might not be as fast... Hope you are intrested! -Jimmy
Last reply by Beastt, -
- 1 reply
Hi everyone, My name is Amer Lawand and i'm the Chief Executive Officer for Qatar Virtual Airways. I recently purchased web hosting but now in order to import phpvms onto my website, I want a custom made template the duplicates or something that looks relative to the actual Qatar Airways website. I also really liked Air Malaysia Virtual's website template ( I want it to look professional and modern. Additionally I don't want something pricey. Please be reasonable. Thanks.
Last reply by servetas, -
- 0 replies
Hello, After developing Taba which is an airport in Egypt, I've decided to offer a service for scenery creation. This means ground plans based on the real airports (Gates, runways, taxiways, buildings - all in the correct places) unfortunately this doesn't include custom modeled building as what you would expect in a Aerosoft packages but it does include the correct placement of building that are included in the FSX SDK. However I can correctly place all of the airports facilitation into the correct locations including buses, terminals buildings such as fire stations and even static A/C. The work will be Attribution 3.0 Unported so you can distribute and change it. Obv…
Last reply by avdesigns, -
- 4 replies
Afternoon all, I've decided to start providing paid services again, and what better way to start it than with a 10% discount on all orders if you're a phpVMS user? I'm providing web design and module creation at affordable prices with professional quality that'll get your virtual airline noticed for the right reasons! Currently trying to source out all of the sites that I did do work for previously to construct a portfolio, I'll also have a few free modules up on the forums soon, so you see the work I do. If you're interested, please visit and contact me for a free quote. Cheers Jon
Last reply by Jon, -
- 2 replies
Idea is in the title, any idea if one: Does HTML5 work with phpVMS? if so, is anyone willing to design us a new HTML5 VA? Regards, Joe
Last reply by Toyuko, -
FS-Products Announcement - New Site
by Guest lorathon- 1 follower
- 19 replies
New Site The FS-Products site has been published and is now the main avenue to view all of my products. Please come and take a look around. Let me know if you see any errors or any way to improve the site. New VA Partners Program Become a partner with FS-Products. Send in your logo and your URL and we will put your logo in the banner rotation. All we ask is that you link back to us. You can find the FS-Products logo on the home page of our site. If you have purchased a custom system and wish to have a section set up specifically for your VA let us know. We want to help you with your PR needs. General Info I have been programming various languages for over 20…
Last reply by Strider, -
- 1 reply
Due to a backlog in work and my personal life status I am looking for a motivated freelance graphic designer(s) that is(are) capable of producing graphic images, psd templates, and advertising banners for use on business web sites as well as virtual airlines. This person needs to be able to communicate in English and in a reasonable amount of time. Work is available immediately. Prompt payment via PayPal when any work is completed or goals are reached. If you are in the USA any income you receive will be reported by my company and a 1099 will be sent to you at the end of the year. Depending on your situation you may or may not have to claim the income at the end of the ye…
Last reply by Toyuko, -
- 17 replies
Last reply by Stealthbird97, -
- 4 replies
Hello Guys, We are looking for someone who is able to create a new ACARS program for my virtual airline. I know about kAcars but i am trying to make a market research . Thanks in advance...
Last reply by Stealthbird97, -
VA Images
by Guest- 4 replies
Hey! If anybody needs any Images created for there virtual airline, ranging from Banners, to Awards, to Events....let me know. As a holiday goft, i will give anybody up to 2 banners, FREE! Delivery in as soon as 24 hours. Please email me at if your interested. Please look below to see some of my recent vDAL holiday banners. I will post some more images here in the future. Thanks. I can also make VA Logo's. And cheap web designs. Web Designs starting @ $30. Web Mockups can be made in as little as 2 days. I can also do Fleet Repaints starting @ 6 dollars per paint. **Please note, if you need a logo created and it is based off a real world enti…
- 3 replies
- 2.1k views is offering website skinning from as low as $80. We can do custom website templates which start at a base price of $80, and go up as more features are requested. We understand that a Virtual Airline does not make profit and thus provide a flexible price range to help everyone get what they need to run their Virtual Airline. Upon emailing our team, we can give you links to our past works that we have done, as well as an accurate time frame on which your project will be finished. We never resell the same skin, and we do not require that you keep our name on the skin, as we respect that you should be able to use the skin however you like. We currently h…
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 1 reply
Hey there. JAL Virtual is looking for someone who has talent in making videos in flightsim. JAL Virtual has a tradition of releasing a video to accompany a major event at our VA. Payment is a available option. PM me or email Thanks
Last reply by flyalaska, -
- 2 replies
Anyone looking to buy a domain name for your Airline or what ever else use "WOWCraftUK" at the checkout on and get 20% off
Last reply by edmundk, -
- 0 replies
no longer required...
Last reply by lewishh, -
- 10 replies
Hello All, I am going to try and go on a civil rant here. I was going to hold my tongue and bite the bullet here, but this is really starting to bother me. I have read the Pinned area of this Forum area called RULES. I think a handful of people should really read them and understand them and see what is actually supposed to be posted here in the "Paid Services". As the services they are actually posting really don't pertain to phpVMS Per se and they are also "STEPPING on someone's toes" here that brought phpVMS to the Flight Sim Community "FREE OF CHARGE" for us Flight Sim CEO's and Officers to use for an efficient Flight Sim Virtual Airline. This topic is geared t…
Last reply by Strider, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by TJ1990, -
- 4 replies
With over 15 years of interactive media, we can make your visions and ideas a reality. Our full time staff of designers and developers have the skills and tools to make any project a success. We have been involved in many types of projects including; Content-management systems, Social Networking, and E-commerce implementation for both big and small business. We strive to make every project as successful as possible. We offer amazing PHPVMS Skin templates, at very negotiable quote. Every design is built within 14 days guaranteed, or your money back! Visit our website today and lets get started on your design.
Last reply by vader21, -
- 0 replies
Dear CEO's Last year I made a 5-page report, based on the pireps, for the VA I used to "work for". This information helped us (the management at the time) a great deal in making decisions to take the airline forwards. Today I have decided to make this information available to you, for a small fee. What you will get is a pdf document full of stats and graphs about your airline, which will give you a statistic, objective insight in your operations. You will have numbers, black on white, that tell you the state of your virtual enterprise. The graphs will be based on your pilots reports (PIREP) data, which contain tons of information. (you do know the difference between d…
Last reply by mischka,