Paid Services
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623 topics in this forum
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Hello, I am looking for a professional, paid service that is not overly expensive but affordable. I need a responsive theme that uses lots of bootstrap elements. The theme needs to be original work and look very attractive. For colours: Orange - Elements such as buttons, panels and progress bars #FF9900 Dark Grey - Text on most pages #333333 White - Background #FFFFFF I will not go far into detail as this needs to be discussed one on one over our teamspeak 3 server. If anyone is interested and has a portfolio that they can show me to prove that you are up for the job and not a scam. Please reply to the thread with an expression of interest with an estim…
Last reply by dmks1234, -
- 0 replies
Zumeweb is hiring an intern(Paid) for phpVMS Development! For more information, please visit the internship page on our website,
Last reply by magicflyer, -
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Last reply by smokey68, -
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During the last year, PHP-Mods Team has started offering web hosting services. What is better than offering something free for the phpVMS community? For a limited time only, we have decided to share with you a total period of nine months of free hosting on our Standard Web Hosting Plan. Three clients will receive three months of free hosting. The first three who will get in touch with us at info@php-mods or via pm to my account will receive the 100% discount. Below you can see the list of the requirements: You should have already registered or register a new domain name (no free domains allowed). It is not required to register or transfer the domain to PHP-Mods. You sh…
Last reply by servetas, -
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I am looking for someone who can paint xplane aircraft for my fictional va's. The aircraft are the jardesign a332, jrollon crj 200, vmax 757,777, and 767. If you can do any or all that would be sweet. Thanks for the help
Last reply by tdohrer, -
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Hello, My name is Gregor Christie and I run a small VA for my online brand (TechAttax100). Up until now I have been running my VA on free skins and have finally decided to look for a skin. My idea for the skin is for it to be ran on bootstrap and to look kind of like this for the home page although a bit more populated and if possible this for the pilot center this. I am on a rather tight budget so I would appreciate if your options where not that expensive (or even free haha...). Here is a link to the site so far - The links I added to other VA's air just IDEAS I do not want to copy them, I just like their design.
Last reply by TechAttax, -
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Looking for a website for your start-up Virtual Airline, or may you just want to update your old website? Well, in that case this is the correct place. Continue reading...! Some of you might already know us, however we do want to become even more famous. That´s why after some time, we have decided to roll new packages for Virtual Airlines developement. They were done thinking always in the customer. We have rolled 2 packages, one offers the best experience for VAs that operate at a hobby-level. And another one does for VAs that operate on a professional-level: *What are you waiting for? - Click here and discover the amazing things we do. Order it now!! Help us b…
Last reply by ctabuyo, -
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Hello, With the recent closing of, I am now in the process of creating a VA based on the One World Alliance. I am looking for an experienced template/skin developer. My original plan was to go through SimPilotGroup, but, after two weeks of no response, I am going to spend my money else were. Serious inquiries only. Please email me at if anyone is interested. I pay well; for quality work.....
Last reply by awilks01, -
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Hey there! My name is Gal, and I do graphics for virtual airlines! My services include: Repaints, banners, logos, re branding, info-graphics, website images and more! You can check out my work at Thanks!
Last reply by gal2808, -
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looking for someone that is worth the money for a amazing pilot center for a PArt 135 airline
Last reply by Michael2015, -
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Hi all, I have decided offer hosting and domain registration. I have some skins already converted for free but can offer skins and new VA construction for reasonable prices. Please visit for more information
Last reply by VAEA, -
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All, I am the administrator of a successful virtual airline. We are in need of a new developer to join our administration team. We currently do the development work ourselves however some tasks are challenging and as such, require someone with more skill and experience. Therefore we are looking for a skilled developer with experience in phpVMS, MySQL, Javascript, HTML and CSS to join us and work on our site including back end and front end systems. I will explain our specific job list of exactly what needs doing: Our simBrief link is not working. This button creates a FP using simBrief however it's no longer working when users click on it. It won't take you to simBrief…
Last reply by propilot, -
Accepting new projects
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi All, I am happy to be accepting new web development/project management projects for the beginning of the summer season. I am able to provide a low price, and cater to your budget. Currently, I am operating as a Freelancer with a backburner brand with no overhead operating costs - which is beneficial to clients. A little bit about me: In the past I owned and operated (which sold when I got busy with school, and transformed into several other services breaking up the project, including being the first to introduce schedule pulls from flightaware), worked with several VA executives getting airlines off the ground and much more. Currently, I have wrapped …
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Hi All We have a staff position available on our airline after one of our developers has become busy with other personal projects. Our airline has been transformed in recent months with our new v2 implementation which has tripled our pilot count and increased our airline ranking significantly. We are looking for someone to join our staff team with a passion for coding, aviation and a drive to implement improvements to help excel the airline. We pay an agreed price for large projects but we are looking for someone who, along with the large projects, would be willing to volunteer themselves for day to day improvements for the airline and become a permanent staff member…
Last reply by Soundman9, -
SpeedBox Hosting | £1.00 Fully Unlimited cPanel Hosting | Can Install phpVMS on Request.
by SpeedBox- 0 replies
Hello phpVMS forum members! is very proud to offer a unlimited hosting plan for only £1.00 or $1.23. This includes .Unlimited Disk Space . Unlimited Bandwidth . Unlimited Emails . Unlimited Sub-Domains . Super Fast Solid State Drives And so on. We can install phpVMS on request. We also have LiveChat which is nearly 24 hours. Thankyou.
Last reply by SpeedBox, -
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Hello, I am in need of a developer to produce a skin for an upcoming project. Please PM me directly if you can offer any services. I am in need of a fresh, clean and modern skin at a reasonable price. Thanks.
Last reply by jrobertson1, -
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MetarPro is a featured utility in our products that will help you manage your weather at an airport you are getting ready to fly towards. The metar is based off real-world weather so this module would be great for users/pilots using an external program for realistic real-world weather. The module is really simple to install and you will not have to import anything into mysql table the installation should roughly take about 5 minutes tops. wanna try it out i have placed a link below that you may visit to test it for yourself. Click Here Test out MetarPro for phpVMS Click Here for more information
Last reply by smokey68, -
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Hello: My name´s Cristian Tabuyo, and I´m the CEO of Crystal Designs. A brand new business with the purpose of changing things in the world of Virtual Aviation. I am looking for one employee to work for us. In case you are interested fill out the next questionaire: Click here The questionaire will be opened till 18th of June. If you have any doubt do not hesitate to contact me. Thanks,
Last reply by ctabuyo, -
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Hi Im looking for someone to create a skin and customize for a vams here is a link for it so if someone could give a me a pm and quote I also know the owner of tntv woulod also like a quote. regards Ashley
Last reply by Ashj24uk, -
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Hello, I am looking for people that can do repaints for FSX aircraft the aircraft are below... CRJ-700 (default) King Air 350 (default) Bell 206B (default helicopter) Cessna 208 Caravan (default) If you can repaint those aircraft please let me know by emailing me at We will not be selling the skins, so if you could do it for free with no charge that will be great... below is a image that one of our aircraft look like. Thanks Sincerely, Trey G
Last reply by treygeboy, -
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So my VA is kind of in a repaint pickle and we're looking for someone that can do repaints for us to update our outdated look. We've been looking for some time for a dedicated 'Fleet' person to paint and troubleshoot for the VA, but it's been slow to no going. My second in command took it upon himself to attempt the project and has even designed a livery, but he's now sidelined with home issues and can't do the work. We're now considering a 'per project' approach and may consider both free and paid quotes/estimates. Here's what we're looking for: - Our Fleet page tells the story for the most part. There are some we plan on retiring and replacing, you can get an idea just…
Last reply by TXA100, -
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I need a repainter who can paint freeware and payware FSX aircraft. Please PM me if you are interested and for further details
Last reply by Taran, -
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Hello all, I see when people are struggling getting their Virtual AIrlines online, They will either complain that it will cost a lot of money to keep it going. Now i started this post to tell you you can get your website up and running for just £5.00 a month! Included in our company's personal plan to help you be the best Virtual Airline out there. Depending on how many sites you want or how many email accounts you want and the certain amount of space, the prices may varies. Web Hosting: All plans are provisioned on a fully managed dedicated server with SSDs & 1Gbps connection to the internet. All accounts come with control panel access as standard. -Personal Pla…
Last reply by Drummond74, -
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Either if you are building a new virtual airline, or maintaining an existing one, give it a professional look with a sleek, clean logo. I'm here to offer branding services for virtual airlines. Logos, banners and website images, everything that'll fit your needs. You can check my website at Gal
Last reply by gal2808, -
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All of our packages include: 20x faster SSD drives Fully featured cPanel Softaculous 1-click App Installer (Over 250+ applications including WordPress, phpBB and Moodle) User configurable php version control (5.2+) through an easy PHP version selector in cPanel On Demand Support MySQL Databases + phpMyAdmin Advanced email management with optional Google Apps integration In-depth metrics, system statistics & visitor information IP blocker, hotlink and leech protection, and Mod Security WAF Easy on-demand full website backup Plus many more utilities... We also offer free phpVMS installation on registration. We will install the latest stable release o…
Last reply by Max, -
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Hello Guys, I need help with my painting. We're currently going to run our new virtual airline and have problem with create our new painting for PMDG 737 NGX. I have a image draft what we need but it's too sophisticated for anybody of us, to do it on our own. Can you help? PS: We need something like this: Of course I can pay for it if needed. Please, contact me by PM or email:
Last reply by ombos, -
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I'm able to offer a wide range of phpVMS development services, from bespoke module production to basic skin design. Project turnaround times are currently quick, as I have no other commitments for the next 3 weeks. For more information, and a free no obligation quote feel free to get in touch with me via Private Message. Regards Jon
Last reply by Jon, -
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Hello, Am looking for a volunteer repainter however I do not mind spending a bit of money. I am CEO of SkyJet Virtual Airlines an airline that has been in operation for 1 month. I need repaints done for the PMDG 737 -700 -800 and -900 as well as the 777-200LR. As for aerosoft,the a320. Blackbox A330 and aerosoft crj 700 and quality wings 757-200. I can split the job between a few people if nescessary. I already have a design,and if you are interested contact Thank you. Anthony Edwards CEO, SkyJet Virtual Airlines
Last reply by MooneyPilot99, -
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Save $100.00 Off each package until October 31, 2016! Choose from a complete package or contact us for individual services such as Pilot Center, etc... The first and ONLY the first customer to choose the presently being worked on first Turn Key Solution will receive an extra $100.00 Off! Only one customer and the first is to receive this offer. First come, first serve. You MUST purchase a template license for the Turn Key Solution! You must contact me here on the forums for this offer only so I can keep up with the first customer to accept this offer for the first TURN KEY SOLUTION! A deposit is required on all work! A portfolio of some …
Last reply by in2tech, -
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Dear phpvms community, I don’t know if I am announcing this in the right place or not if it is in the wrong place please move it to the appropriate location. I was speaking with Simpilotgroup via email about developing a module which will definitely be a change and will hopefully help you to secure your phpvms website and give your members that extra security. One time I tried to install an SSL Certificate on my virtual airline once and it just went a bit wrong. I have been for a while now wanting to create the SSL Module for phpvms. I cannot give any other information at this time as per just planning the development out, There is 3 of us on the developin…
Last reply by GTiNetworksinc,