Paid Services
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623 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
Hello fellow pilots! I am happy to announce that today, on Thursday, 16th of January 2014 I will be releasing payware Comments module. It just need's tidying up and some basic style to be applied that's why it wont be available until evening. This module will allow you to add Comments section easily anywhere on your page, for example in your news module or a single page of a HUB. Just anywhere. The process of adding the module will be as easy as including one line of code that will generate the rest for you! Module allows for a comment to be made and two levels of comment replies are available. Comments can be deleted and modified. Pagination of comments come in by defa…
Last reply by MaciejO, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hi all, i have my website coded in css/html but i need someone who integrate me it to PhpVms. It is also good to add the functionality of drop-down menu. Contact me if you would work and say me your price. paypal payment thanks
Last reply by Vangelis, -
- 2 replies
Hello Who should I conact if I want to get custom booking system and Acars? Thanks
Last reply by Strider, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hello, Shortly coming to the web will be my new hosting company "Cheap Web Host" offering fast, reliable and cheap web hosting for an array of websites and programmes. We aren't currently open at the minute but I will let you know when we have. For the first 100 clients to purchase a hosting package use on of the following coupon codes: BRONZE50 - Get 50% off your purchase of the Bronze Package only costing ONLY £2.87 (£5.77 thereafter) SILVER50 - Get 50% off your purchase of the Silver Package only costing ONLY £4.37 (£8.67 thereafter) What do we offer? 99.99% Uptime Fast, reliable and cheap Four packages to choose from Fully phpVMS compatible 30 day money …
Last reply by VirtualFlybeVA, -
- 5 replies
Hi, I am the owner of which is a fully functioning virtual airline. The website was originally built by Sava Markovic from my design. I require someone with experience in PHP/SQL to help make changes and modifications when and where required to Scoot Virtual. This would be paid work obviously. You can contact me on skype " Scoot Virtual " or leave me a message if you are interested. Thanks.
Last reply by smokey68, -
- 1 reply
Hello. We need a painter for our fleet. PMDG B1900C Aerosoft Beaver FS9/FSX Aerosoft Twin Otter X Lago Twin Otter FS9 Flight One ATR 72-500 fs9/fsx Anyone that can take the job?
Last reply by joeri, -
- 4 replies
phpVMS v7 only Having a hard time and/or getting errors installing your phpVMS software? We at VSA will install the phpVMS software for you to your URL on your server. The price includes only the install with no custom work. We will install your phpVMS software and turn it over to you. You will get a full basic install only. No mods or additional content. No custom work. You will able to log in, hire pilots, and use the ACARS if you purchased it. All phpVMS software is free and we are only providing the service to install. If you would like development updates installed we can provide that as well. Please make sure your server meets t…
Last reply by vsa36, -
- 3 replies
Hello we need a custom Acars, not Kacars. We are just looking for someone that can help us make our own acars system kinda like Kacars but for a little bit less. We are already looking foward for a nice custom template from Tom. But we need a Custom Acars too. Thanks Guyes! DD
Last reply by ddlidd, -
- 6 replies
Dear all, our virtual Airline is using phpVMS (with some additional modules) on PHP 5.6 right now. We now would like to switch to PHP 7.x and are looking for someone who would like to take over that project. For more information please send me a message and we can further discuss (including costs, etc.). Looking forward to your message, best regards Florian
Last reply by elfrost, -
ACARS customized Systems
by Guest lorathon- 2 replies
As some of you know I have an ACARS system that is available for free from my site. I also offer customizing services and these screenshots can also be seen at my site. If you are interested please visit my site for more information and also contact information. Thanks for your interest, Jeff FS-Products
- 0 replies
Dear CEO's Last year I made a 5-page report, based on the pireps, for the VA I used to "work for". This information helped us (the management at the time) a great deal in making decisions to take the airline forwards. Today I have decided to make this information available to you, for a small fee. What you will get is a pdf document full of stats and graphs about your airline, which will give you a statistic, objective insight in your operations. You will have numbers, black on white, that tell you the state of your virtual enterprise. The graphs will be based on your pilots reports (PIREP) data, which contain tons of information. (you do know the difference between d…
Last reply by mischka, -
- 2 replies
Thomas Rozanov will do his best to provide you with the best service and features you can possibly get. He will do all the thinking it may be making a skin, or making a VA from A-Z. He gives 1 year technical support. Contact: (Please ignore the site i am not worried too much about it at the moment) Because i give 100% of my time to my clients! Thank You Very Much!
Last reply by Thomas Rozanov, -
- 4 replies
For pricing PM Here my first VA PROMO VIDEO
Last reply by GlobalOne, -
- 5 replies
Hello All i am looking for a custom download module or a custome page is there annybody who is offering this or has it already?
Last reply by joeri, -
- 4 replies
I'm looking for a module: schedule to a type of aircraft, for example 737-400, instead of a registration? to do an "Real schedule".
Last reply by ProSkyDesign, -
- 3 replies
Example Website -
Last reply by joeri, -
- 5 replies
Looking for someone to make some banners etc. for the site. if available contact me via email
Last reply by JustinRomaine, -
- 0 replies
We need to consolidate a project within a short period of time therefore we are looking to open a business partnership with a programmer with excellent expertise in the following fields: 1) PhPvms interface 2) PHP coding 3) CSS Styling 4) Ajax & jQuery Personal requirements are, flexible, open minded and optimal communication skills. Must have either Skype or Team Speak (client side) and a PayPal account. Initial work assigned will be a quick project involving easy to medium skills in order to establish qualifications. Long term relationship is possible after the evaluation period. Please reply to this post or contact us directly at human_resources@flystarall…
Last reply by Fly Star Alliance, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hello I have modified a chat script from php to PHPvms format for your websites you can have a look at it here I was thinking of charging it for 5 euros just so i can go and drink a beer If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me
Last reply by Vangelis, -
Hello everyone, I am happy to present yet another online store for Virtual Airline Products! vCrew Sys ---------------------------------------------------------------------- As of now we have 2 products: 1. Skin for phpVMS 7 (Laravel) 2. Connecting Flights Module for Classic phpVMS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Payment Options: 1. Paypal 2. Debit Card 3. Credit Card ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Requirements: Basic Details on Registration Page and that's it! ---------------------------------------------------…
Last reply by Yash, -
- 5 replies
Anyone has a service that offer a schedule pull... We need to get schedules off 7 different airlines for my multi-alliance VA.
Last reply by TAV1702, -
- 4 replies
With over 15 years of interactive media, we can make your visions and ideas a reality. Our full time staff of designers and developers have the skills and tools to make any project a success. We have been involved in many types of projects including; Content-management systems, Social Networking, and E-commerce implementation for both big and small business. We strive to make every project as successful as possible. We offer amazing PHPVMS Skin templates, at very negotiable quote. Every design is built within 14 days guaranteed, or your money back! Visit our website today and lets get started on your design.
Last reply by vader21, -
- 2 replies
Hi y'all! Express Regional needs a skin for about $30 I need it to have a good "flow" in other words it has simplicity but looks very appealing to the eye feel free to communicate me via the contact information below! Skype: plane57 Email: Team Speak 3: Collin Shea CEO Express Regional CLOSED
Last reply by CollinShea, -
- 3 replies
Hey, Im currently looking for someone to make a new website for a va for around £40 if you are interested please PM Me. Thank You.
Last reply by magicflyer, -
- 3 replies
In the past I attempted to reach out and offer my services unfortunately due to health issues in the family I had to put that on hold. I am pleased to announce that at this time I would once again like to open up my services to the FS community. Technical Writing Services: The backbone of any virtual airline is technical writing. Whether it be your website or the policies that govern your daily operations you will notice that words are everywhere! What is Offered: -Terms & Conditions -Standard Operating Procedures -Pilot Handbooks -Web Page Text -And more! (Per Discussion) Financial Information: All documents are uniquely written and created under the full g…
Last reply by Britishroyal, -
- 4 replies
Hello all once again, For those of you who don't know me I am Collin Shea from Dallas,TX y'all . I am also the founder and CEO of Express Regional Virtual Airline! I started a topic a couple months ago describing how I know HTML & CSS for about 2 years, all though that is true my younger self described in a "false" way! I have learned a lot from the past couple months. I want to increase my knowledge in the web design world and possibly later on become a web design free lancer! So I come to you today to tell you that I will be doing free skins! I can not guarantee that it will be the best looking site of the phpVMS world but I can give you some what of a good lookin…
Last reply by benboy123, -
- 6 replies
Hi, I'm offering service such as developing your website. Helping you in the admin panel, this could be doing routes for you or anything else. About developing the website,unfortunately I do not make skins but lets say you have a skin and you don't gave time to set everything up I can at a low price. If you would like a quote, please message me I don't charge allot and I really need money to help my family.
Last reply by Sava, -
- 3 replies
- 2.1k views is offering website skinning from as low as $80. We can do custom website templates which start at a base price of $80, and go up as more features are requested. We understand that a Virtual Airline does not make profit and thus provide a flexible price range to help everyone get what they need to run their Virtual Airline. Upon emailing our team, we can give you links to our past works that we have done, as well as an accurate time frame on which your project will be finished. We never resell the same skin, and we do not require that you keep our name on the skin, as we respect that you should be able to use the skin however you like. We currently h…
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 4 replies
Hi there, I am looking at creating my own Virtual airline, but have no experience atall when it comes to creating a website and installing VMS etc.. I have Adobe Dreamweaver yet dont know how to use it, and dont have a clue what to do with skins and codes. Sorry to be such a pain! any help with this matter, or even a web designer willing to create me a website (I will pay if required), would be greatly appreciated, I also need a few repaints done, I have taken time to create a ZIP file with all the details needed including my logo and a design templeate, colours and everything else you require to make the reapints. Please get back to me via email southwest.exoti…
Last reply by Flightguy123, -
- 3 replies
Hello there! Looking for a beautiful logo, banner, or pretty graphics for your virtual airline? I offer graphic designing services for virtual airlines, for a decent price. I'm NOT a web developer. I'm learning to be one... I use photoshop and Illustrator, and for motion graphics I use sony vegas and cinema 4D. my site: Thanks for your time! Gal
Last reply by gal2808,