326 topics in this forum
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Is it possible to update only the phpvms files that have been modified, without having to delete the vendor file?
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
Please find attached my PHPVMS Log. I am using Steam MSFS 2020 v1.36.20 which is the most current version I have seen. I am able to use ACARS with X Plane 11-no problem. As per the Title above for some reason it won't connect to MSFS. Of course, I selected MSFS in Settings & ran the Re-Sync Scenery. I ran the scenery mode on Native. ACARS does connect to the vuscg server as it shows exactly where my A/C is staged, also it does pull in the flt plan & it shows me logged into ACARS. I am definitely not a programmer but it does seem that it was having problems finding all of the MSFS folders/files? Originally, I had MSFS installed on my C: drv SSD but I bought a …
Last reply by dpFlyer, -
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Hello, I have noticed that some pilots, for some reason, do not finish their flights, perhaps the simulator closed unexpectedly or the plane crashed, etc. When this happens, they close the simulator first and then the vmsACARS, and the plane stays on the map until they fly again The question is: Is it possible to remove those planes from the map without waiting for them to fly again?
Last reply by Alexan, -
- 2 replies
Hello , I think I have discovered an error but not sure how it can be fixed I created a folder called as a subdomain for the airline as per docs Option 1: Creating a Subdomain tip Creating a subdomain is the easiest and more recommended method, especially for shared hosting. This works well if you have a landing or promo page on your site's main domain, and then a subdomain like or something similar. Upload phpVMS to a directory with the name of your subdomain, for example, It should be parallel to the public_html folder (as above). In this example, I want to create the subdomain demo.…
Last reply by LesJar, -
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vmshost is not working at present cannot login to my profile there and both virtual airlines are down Oops! Something went wrong and we couldn't process your request. Please go back to the previous page and try again. Whoops\Exception\ErrorException: Only files produced by the PHP 8.1 ionCube Encoder can run on PHP 8.1. The file /home/vmshost/public_html/templates/lagom/core/rstheme.php has been encoded by the ionCube Encoder for PHP 7.1. in Unknown:0 Stack trace: #0 /home/vmshost/public_html/vendor/whmcs/whmcs-foundation/lib/Utility/Error/Run.php(0): WHMCS\Utility\Error\Run->handleError(16, 'Only files prod...', 'Unknown', 0…
Last reply by ProAvia, -
- 2 replies
Hello again amazing community! Here's another of my phpvms "illiterate" questions: Version is 7.0.3-dev.12 I have schedules that are clearly active and well setup in Admin but are not shown in the flight search frontend. An example is AA Flight 219. Several legs are covering all days of the week. All have appropriate sub fleet and fares assigned, yet they are not showing up..... What can cause this? As always, thanks for your help!!
Last reply by William, -
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Hello everyone, I have a question if the cronjobs are executed with these warnings. 1. are there any problems here? There are no problems with the WebCron. 2. I always have problems with cancelled pireps these are not deleted (at least not overnight) 3. the statistics are only updated once a night? I would like to update them more often, is that possible? Thanks & Greetings Thomas WebCron: Geplante Aufgabe ausführen Die Aufgabe "" wurde erfolgreich in 5 Sekunden abgeschlossen Url '' fetched Status: 200 Output: {"…
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
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Hello. I removed my installation of phpVMS 7 about 8 month ago retuning to phpVMSv5, I did not delete the database, just the file of the website. Decided to up the phpVMS 7 backup, as I had backed up all of the site before deleting it from the website host. I reuploaded the phpVMS 7 to the web host and everything is working fine. However in my profile page the email address and the API key is not showing as it was before I deleted the site. Like I said everything else seems to be working fine. Thank you for the help.
Last reply by FSVKenny, -
- 2 replies
Hello everyone, I have a question regarding passenger numbers and cargo calculation per aircraft. These values are set in the Fares section. However, the same aircraft type can have different configurations. Is it possible to send the values dynamically to SimBrief using "AUTO" so that SimBrief calculates the passenger count and cargo weight based on the specific aircraft configuration? These values could then be automatically transferred back to phpVMS. This would reduce the maintenance effort and prevent issues when an aircraft has a different configuration than the one predefined. I hope I have explained my request clearly. Thanks in advance …
Last reply by DisposableHero, -
- 1 reply
got it to install
Last reply by flyalaska, -
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i have followed the download instructions and got the page PHPVMS not installed ok (http://localhost:8890/phpvms/) , when I click on head on to the installer, i get the error "The requested URL /install was not found on this server." (http://localhost:8890/install) is there anything i need to do to correct this ? I have checked PHPINFO and i am on php 7.21 and all extras loaded
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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Hi, I am new to phpVMS and have installed v7 alpha 2 on a shared Strato hosting. i am thinking about moving from VAM to phpVMS. In the manual, an alpha 3 is mentioned. Where can I find it? And would you recommend using version 5.x until v7 has made further progress or should I stick to it? Also, did I understand it correctly that an csv import for airports, and the expenses are not available at the moment? Regards T1m
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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I need someone to service this site. Whoever was doing does not answer my calls anymore. urgently please
Last reply by garcez, -
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Hello, Trying to install V7 Alpha 2, have uploaded all files to my domain however its giving a PHP error and not displaying the installer, I am running 7.2 php as well. Anyone know what is possibly wrong? Many thanks, David
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 reply
So I created a static About Us page for my theme in phpVMS 7. Here is the code in the app/routes/web.php file: Route::get('/about', function () { return view('about.about'); }); It's just a very simple function to return a view as this is the only way I know how to do it at this time. So my views folder for my template has (template name)/About (folder)/about.blade.php and it works but it seems confusing to me. Should I have named the file index.blade.php and put it in the About folder. Seems like this is how other blade templates are referred too in the code? Thanks, guess I'll just try it and see if it works! So instead of what i have now …
Last reply by in2tech, -
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Good morning, I am hoping someone can help me with an issue I have. My issues is that a flight will duplicate it self on the live flight map inside the crew center. I’ve attcahed a image of what I’m exactly talking about. All of the “Live Flights” shown, are the excat same, I’ve just redacted a user’s name. Image
Last reply by Yash, -
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I see GMP - GNU Multiple Precision - is required. And the install will not continue until this requirement is met. My shared hosting does not offer this php extension on their shared hosting plans. In doing some research, it seems many (most??) shared hosting plans do not offer GMP as an option. Of course, we could move to a scalable cloud VPS platform - for almost 10 times the monthly cost. Yeah, not gonna happen. Is there another option to use instead of GMP? Possibly bcmath? Any options for afforable hosting that includes the GMP requirement? Presently paying about $5/month with yearly prepay.
Last reply by ProAvia, -
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Hello, Please could we get the entire database of airports in phpVMS. Or an external one? Thank you
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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Hi,how to install phpvms?Unfortunlately,im korean, so im not very good at,i already install phpvms realease 7.And,To know phpvms install, saw phpvms guides for dummies and install tutorial on website.but,i dont know how to install.could someone help me?(i have already install phpvms realease 7)
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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Hello, I need help installing phpVMS on to my shared hosting thanks
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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Hey guys, So yesterday i decided to try a fresh install of the beta 7. version 7.0.0 (build 191119.a335ed) to be exact. Everything went well actually. Installation and all. Up until today. Yesterday i added some airports just to test everything out and today when i tried adding more it no longer looks up airports. Not sure if its my hosting, internet, or the website itself that maybe causing this. Since i was playing around with a few things yesterday and changed a few files i did a fresh install today with a whole new database and airport lookup Any input is gladly appreciated. NOTE... i only did the install for testing purp…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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Is there a possibility to create an airline (For Codeshare flight purposes) but not have it show up as an option when the user registers?
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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have install error. I dont undersutand it at ll.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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Hello, I have several issues with phpVMS (I tried both 7 beta 3 and beta 2): 1. I can't add airport by website - 2. ACARS can't log into website (cACARS and CCFTracker -> Connection timed out) 3. Trying to accept user - Config: /home/mzymla/domains/ <- PUBLIC folder here /home/mzymla/domains/ <- core folder Hosting is legit, no issues with them before PHP 7.4, but also 7.3 and 7.2 tried.
Last reply by Nabeel, -
- 1 reply
hello I've installed the phpVMS 7 beta from github but having trouble getting it to send emails. I've configured the laravel smtp settings in env.php and config.php and even config/mail.php but it's not even making a connection to my SMTP server. the storage/logs/laravel.log has no useful information, is there some way to enable debug logging in there?
Last reply by barf, -
- 1 reply
I get the following error in the logs when mail is trying to send. Can someone tell me if this is a host problem or something I have set up wrong. [2020-08-13 16:56:09] prod.EMERGENCY: Error emailing admins, malformed email=proc_open() has been disabled for security reasons Thank you
Last reply by Cloudpanda, -
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I Have change my domain from to In Config File i have new Domain but i have an Error See Thanks
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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In the previous version of PHPVMS (V5), each flight could be assigned a specific aircraft, but now I can only do it by subfleet. In our case for the Boeing 777-200 Freighter fleet we have 3 aircraft and now any of them can be selected for flight. As a cargo airline, it is very important to assign a specific aircraft to each flight so that the fleet has a similar use and avoid excessive wear of some of them and also to avoid the same aircraft flying at the same time on different routes. For now we have fixed that by assigning each aircraft as a subfleet, we have 22 aircraft and 22 subfleets. Each flight has been assigned to a specific aircraft. The flight_subfleet dat…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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Im getting a strange page when i visit my VA site, has it something to do with my database?…
Last reply by Nabeel, -
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Swift_TransportException Unsupported sendmail command flags []. Must be one of "-bs" or "-t" but can include additional flags. Trying to use sendmail but keep getting error'd out. Even though proper flags are configured in the driver. 'sendmail' => [ 'transport' => 'sendmail', 'path' => '/usr/sbin/sendmail -bs', ---------- Have tried using smtp, but that ends up with another error about: ErrorException Undefined index: host host is configured in both config.php and config/mail.php
Last reply by Nabeel,