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Parkho last won the day on May 6 2021

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About Parkho

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    Shiraz - Iran
  • Interests
    Flight Simulation

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  1. I have the code for V5.x if you're interested. $c['pid'] = PilotData::GetPilotCode($c['code'], $c['pilotid']); $fieldvalue1 = PilotData::GetFieldValue($c['pid'], 'IVAO ID'); $fieldvalue2 = PilotData::GetFieldValue($c['pid'], 'VATSIM ID'); if($c['online'] == "ivao" OR $c['online'] == "IVAO"){ $c['online'] = '<a crossOrigin="anonymous" href="https://www.ivao.aero/Member.aspx?ID='.$fieldvalue1.'" target="_blank"><img src="https://status.ivao.aero/'.$fieldvalue1.'.png?dark=true" width="150px" height="auto"/></a>'; } if($c['online'] == "vatsim" OR $c['online'] == "VATSIM"){ $c['online'] = '<a href="https://stats.vatsim.net/stats/' . $fieldvalue2 . '" target="_blank"><img src="https://my.vatsim.net/indicators/' . $fieldvalue2 . '" width="150px" height="auto"/></a>'; } if($c['online'] == "offline" OR $c['online'] == "Offline"){ $c['online'] = 'Offline'; } Place the above in your: Make sure the field values are spelled exactly the same as yours in your system. This will show the pilot badge for either IVAO or VATSIM on live flights table and on the badge it shows if the pilot is "online" or "offline". This will work for both smartCARS2 and smartCARS3. Let me know if you need help implementing this.
  2. Good day, Progressive Web App (PWA) allows users to "install" websites as an application on their desktop (or mobile) and access it like a native app. Interested? send me a PM. Cheers
  3. Yeah, I am maintaining a few airlines and they're not willing to move on to v7. Besides there are not many developers for v7 and admins can't do simple tasks on their own as V7 is pretty complex for them.
  4. Well you're right the post is 3 years old and I came across it today. I think it's best if we close the unsolved old posts so people like me wouldn't dare to reply to them so late. Thanks for the update anyways.
  5. function lookupICAO() { var icao = $("#airporticao").val(); if (icao.length != 4) { $("#statusbox").html("Please enter the full 4 letter ICAO"); return false; } $("#statusbox").html("Fetching airport data..."); $("#lookupicao").hide(); var url = "https://virtualairlines.eu/airports.php?icao=" + icao + "&callback=?"; console.log("URL: " + url); $.ajax({ url: url, dataType: "jsonp", // Specifies that the request is for JSONP success: function(data) { console.log("Data received: ", data); if (!data.airports || data.airports.length === 0) { $("#statusbox").html("Nothing found. Try entering the full 4 letter ICAO"); $("#lookupicao").show(); return; } $.each(data.airports, function(i, item) { console.log("Processing item: ", item); $("#airporticao").val(icao); $("#airportname").val(item.name); $("#airportcountry").val(item.countryName); $("#airportlat").val(item.lat); $("#airportlong").val(item.lng); $("#fuelprice").val(item.jeta); $("#statusbox").html(""); $("#lookupicao").show(); }); }, error: function(jqxhr, textStatus, error) { var err = textStatus + ", " + error; console.error("Request Failed: " + err); $("#statusbox").html("Error fetching data. Please try again."); $("#lookupicao").show(); } }); return false; } Change your function to this, it's been tested and working on both Chrome and Firefox
  6. Only submitted pireps will be recorded in pireps table. Live flights are recorded in acars table and will be deleted after the pirep is submitted.
  7. Unfortunately, yes!
  8. It is not possible to recover the deleted account unless he registers with the same email address. There is one more possibility, Check the bids table, he might still have a bidded flight after account termination. I know acars softwares check for flight bids table to fetch some data
  9. You're welcome, the acars table only updates when the software is connected to the website and is sending flight data, so he might have some other access accounts to your website like the main email and password (just a guess).
  10. Like I said the acars software is still on and makes the table refresh, check the pilots table for the pilotid, if it's there, delete their record manually Repeat this process for them in pireps table.
  11. Hello there, if the flight comes back up after removing it from acarsdata table, that means the guy is still connected to your website through the acars software and that means their account is still active on your system
  12. Parkho


    Version 0.3


    This is a my converted TopPilot v5 module to v7. Install: Download and unzip the file Place it in your .../modules Log In and open Admin page. On the left side bar, click addons/modules The module should appear on table bellow. Click "Activate...". Support: You can ask or send issues to my Discord Channel
  13. View File TopPilot This is a my converted TopPilot v5 module to v7. Install: Download and unzip the file Place it in you .../modules Log In and open Admin page. On the left side bar, click addons/modules Click Activate. Support: You can ask or send issues to my Discord Channel Submitter Parkho Submitted 09/13/23 Category Add-ons
  14. Yes it could but only if you're willing to do a donation 🙂
  15. This is correct and can be done for v5.x as well
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