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Everything posted by Parkho

  1. This module is to publish certain phpVMS site data into a JSON file for third party use. Install: Download the repository here. Unzip the repository. Upload the files in folder's order. Access it by Enjoy! Demo: At my website www.parkho.ir (Modules-Admin). Support: Use "contact me" at my website. Screenshots:
  2. The other domain, is it on the same host? If not, you need phpVMS API to achieve that and I don't think phpVMS has an API. If your other domain is on the same host as phpVMS then it is possible to write a code to connect to your DB and pull the information on the other domain.
  3. Go to my website www.parkho.ir and "login" then in "Modules-Pilots", click "Statistics" and tell me if that's what you're looking for.
  4. What version of phpVMS u are using?
  5. I would replace the index.php file with the original one. If your host's PHP version was changed to a higher number then you would get errors almost every where not just the front page (index.php).
  6. Some changes were made to "toppilot.css" for adjustment. Please download and replace it to resolve the CSS issues. Regards
  7. You will need a separate module to achieve that. For pilots there is a stand-alone code: <?php MainController::Run('Pilots', 'RecentFrontPage', 5); ?> Also for the PIREPS: <?php MainController::Run('PIREPS', 'RecentFrontPage', 5); ?> But if you want all those data together, you'll need to create a module.
  8. The file extensions don't really matter. The difference is that .php is more to date that .tpl
  9. That version of phpVMS is in beta, so there might be bugs that need to be fixed.
  10. Put your <img> tag outside of the "foreach" loop.
  11. There is only 1 rank table but it's being used in 2 other tables. Pilots and Aircraft.
  12. Perfect, Can I help?!!!!
  13. The manual pirep filing is based on schedules you add to the system. If you say it was working before you add schedules, it is because the code was written to use all airports when the schedules are not added yet. The Kennedy airport is your HUB by default. In your airport list click edit for KFJK and uncheck the HUB check box, that will remove the airport from the drop down in manual pirep filing page. Cheers
  14. I have created a module called "Statistics". You can look at the demo at my website.
  15. You are using an email address that is not associated with your domain. Try using an email address that is at your domain on your installation. (ex. yourname@yourdomain.com)
  16. Alternatively, you can do the following: if(!$allawards) { echo '<td align="center"> No Rewards Yet! </td>'; } else { foreach ($allawards as $award) { if ($i % 5 === 0) { cho '</tr><tr>'; } echo "<td>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src=".$award->image." alt=".$award->name." /><br>".$award->name." &nbsp;&nbsp;</td>"; $i++; } } This will show a message that the pilot has no awards yet instead.
  17. For the ranking limitation you have two tables to work with. First is the aircraft and second is the pilot table. In aircraft table u can use any of the table rank columns, so it doesn't matter if they're different but use the one that is more correct for your system. And finally, you'll have to hide those schedules that are assigned to an aircraft with higher rank than the pilot rank. Use the following code inside "foreach" loop in "schedule_results.php" and you should be fine. $aircraftrank = OperationsData::getAircraftByReg($schedule->registration); if($aircraft->ranklevel >= Auth::$userinfo->ranklevel) { continue; } Note: "ranklevel" can be replaced with "minranklevel". Normally they are the same in DB but in your case they're not.
  18. Copy and paste those codes into your local.config.php and set up a cron job on your server. Alternatively, u can use deleteexpiredbids () function in your frontpage_main.php to delete them once your main page is opened.
  19. Here is one from Jasper Bussemaker. It provides real world flight board for free as well as VATSIM and IVAO. You'll need to give it a 3 letter call sign if you want to go specific.
  20. I just checked my server and I don't have PHP 5.3 installed.
  21. Hi, I can confirm that the system is up and running on PHP 7 and so far has no issues until further notice. Good Job. P.S: The file extension has been changed from ".tpl" to ".php". All system are up and running. Cheers
  22. Yes. I sent a request for the host to enable that.The system is now up and running and so far has no problems. One thing that is still not working is "Airport Look Up". I'm still trying to fix that. I added "http://api.vacentral.net/" but still no go. I think it's the "js" file. P.S: Second error has been resolved.
  23. A small bug has been fixed. During the installation when KJFK info is inserted into airports table "HUB" section must be 'true' otherwise after installation the "pilots" page wouldn't show up. I changed and fixed it and now it's okay. Also, I will have to change the file extension from ".tpl" to ".php" if you agree. Cheers
  24. Okay! The first error is fixed by changing " mysql_get_server_info() " to " mysqli_get_server_info()" in " Installer.class.php " line 365. The second error on Dashboard I think is again missing built-in function on my server but other than that, so far so good!. Cheers
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