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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. If you are going to offer long term support for the system I can create a forum for it if you would like. Let me know.
  2. I would guess you do not have the negative (-) sign in front of the longitude value, that would put it in the middle of the North Sea. They should be - 55.950785 -3.361453
  3. You could use the Finance Data class to get the info in an array, something like $month_info->timestamp = time(); $finances = FinanceData::calculateFinances($month_info); Then you should have the $finances variable filled with; revenue gross fuelprice pilotpay so to show total revenue for the month you could use echo $finances->revenue
  4. You are probably looking for <%=flight.flightnum%> You can use that and trim all but the digits that you need off of it, or create another variable coming from the controller.
  5. Are there any enabled aircraft or completed PIREPS in the database?
  6. Most likely your host is running php 5.4 or greater. Some help can be found here -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/15623-fatal-error/page__hl__%26%23036%3B_files
  7. Moved to paid services.
  8. @toyuko - Using that is just going to load the template with out any data. In your controller for your pilot center add these; $this->set('airports', OperationsData::GetAllAirports()); $this->set('airlines', OperationsData::getAllAirlines()); $this->set('aircrafts', FrontSchedulesData::findaircrafttypes()); $this->set('countries', FrontSchedulesData::findcountries());
  9. The "Cannot re-assign auto-global variable _FILES" message strikes me that they upgraded php version on you. As Tom said about other files, are you sure that the skin is uploaded in the correct place and has a layout.tpl file in it? Usually the template not found errors are just due to a file not being where it is supposed to be.
  10. Not much you can do outside of asking them to stop that I am aware of. Legal action would be a long shot, especially if it is hosted in another country. If you have a copyright notice on your site and can somehow prove that they are using your data there is an outside chance you could get the host to take it down.
  11. simpilot

    No data

    And the solution was?
  12. simpilot

    No data

    I am not sure how you have it working as if you are using the same controller for all four I do not know how it determines which folder to go to, much less which template (profile_main or frontpage_main) to use. However it is working, you need to look at the function that gets you to that page and make sure the data (in particular the events data) is set to a variable within the function (ie - $this->set('myvariable', 'mydata') ) so it is available within the template, unless you are using a direct call out of the template, which if that is the case, could be the issue.
  13. simpilot

    No data

    How do you get to the page? Through the profile module controller? /core/modules/Profile/Profile.php ? Do you use that same file to gain access to all the pilot centers in the different folders? If not, does the function within that file have the variables set as the others do? If you do use the same module controller file to get to it, how does the system know which template to use? Is the data transferred in that?
  14. simpilot

    No data

    How are you getting to the other folders? Using a controller I am assuming and within the function to call the page are all the same variables filled as in the other pages that are working? Or are you using some kind of javascript to url extension to determine which template to use while using the same controller?
  15. simpilot

    No data

    Are the same data calls in the controller as in your others?
  16. Are the flights in the database multiple times when this happens or just one row? If they are only in the data table one time there must be something in the code that is loading the flights multiple times but I would think if that was the case it would display the same amount for each flight. If they are in the table multiple times I would look at timeout errors for ACARS users and/or the site. You can also empty the ACARS table from the admin panel and see if that helps. Have you enabled error logging to see if there is anything showing up there? How to get debug info -> http://forum.phpvms....ging-issues-r31
  17. If it is only on the PIREP accept function I would look at your code that is contained in that function and see if there is something added that may be making it use more memory than expected. Looking at the approve_pirep_post function I see these functions in a default install; SchedulesData::IncrementFlownCount($pirep_details->code, $pirep_details->flightnum); PIREPData::ChangePIREPStatus($pirepid, PIREP_ACCEPTED); // 1 is accepted PilotData::UpdateFlightData($pirep_details->pilotid, $pirep_details->flighttime, 1); PilotData::UpdatePilotPay($pirep_details->pilotid, $pirep_details->flighttime); RanksData::CalculateUpdatePilotRank($pirep_details->pilotid); PilotData::GenerateSignature($pirep_details->pilotid); StatsData::UpdateTotalHours(); If this is the same as what you have I would try disabling the UpdateTotalHours function and try approving a PIREP and see what you get. I know that uses a fair amount of memory. Unless you have changed it the UpdatePilotPay can also use a lot of memory as it recounts the pay from all of the pilots PIREPs.
  18. @curshad - the code to do this is covered in the topic. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/2989-touchdownstats-10/page__st__20#entry21408
  19. @AmericanAirlinesVirtual - I have no opinion on the start up of a new American Airlines Virtual but I will say that your response is what we need more of, well thought out and on point.
  20. I just went to your site and you get the same error on the contact form -> http://www.canadianclassicairlines.com/CPCbeta/index.php/contact <- so it has to be something with the recaptcha library and/or its files. The permission denied part makes one think that the folder/file permissions are wrong, but if you are sure that is correct then I would look at the files themselves. Are they corrupted or have names been truncated in the upload process? Not much more I can give you from here.
  21. There is also some memory usage issues with the old top pilot module I wrote some time ago if you are using that. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/8785-out-of-memory/#entry58776
  22. You can place however many backgrounds you would like in the /lib/signatures/background folder. When your user goes to the pilot center and chooses edit profile they will be able to choose which signature background they would like. (Example below) If you want the system to automatically pick their background you will have to do some editing to the PilotData.class.php file, namely the generateSignature function. If you make changes to this file remember that they will be overwritten in an update. btw - Easy on the caps lock.....
  23. Attached is what I get. It is saying that the link leads nowhere. (404 not found) Does ACARS work, or anything else that uses the action.php route? Maybe the permissions on action.php? Did the schedules.php controller file get cut off and lose the addbid function? Even just going to http://www.vdelta.org/action.php gives a 404 but should give you a frontpage with no template. I would start looking at your action.php file that should be in the root of the install. Does your host have "action" blocked as a filename?
  24. It is only comparing the first three digits of the flightnum variable - which I am guessing is SIL or SBM. If you have more codes than that you will need an if for each one.
  25. If I follow your question, I think you are having retired pilots submitting PIREPs, probably through kACARS which in turn sets them back to active and allows them to login. If this is the case, there is a little known item in the file PIREP sequence that does this. In ACARSData.class.php file in the filePIREP function there is a line of code that sets them back to active around line 323. # Set them as non-retired PilotData::setPilotRetired($pilotid, 0); Not a big deal if they are trying to login and submit manually because they never get to that point due to not being able to login. But, using kACARS even if they are retired they can submit a PIREP. You can either comment out the code above which will allow them to submit a PIREP but it will not show and they will not be able to login the site as they will still be retired, or you can add a couple of lines in the "case'pirep'" function at the start to check if the pilot id retired and if they are then just stop the script. $pilotinfo = PilotData::getPilotData($xml->verify->pilotID); if($pilotinfo->retired == 1){exit;}
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