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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. Addressed and solved directly, had nothing to do with php version.
  2. SimBrief is a little different animal I believe. It has a very nice briefing system but I do not believe it provides live real world flight schedules, and you also have to pay for a subscription to NaviGraph if you want to use the full routing capabilities using the current AIRAC.
  3. Thank You - I have not had too many issues with users not being happy with it outside of the cost. I do not know where it is going to go from here. It seems that most feel it is to much to pay $10.00 a month for 500 requests to the system. As I have to pay for the data I am getting as well as support the site it does not make sense to do it for less or even as some expect, free.
  4. You can use the update phpvms_pireps rawdata = '', log = ',' route = '' where submitdate <DATE_SUB (NOW (), INTERVAL 3 MONTH) part right in your phpMyAdmin interface for your database, or include it all in a php script within your system.
  5. I have built this in a few different ways including SimDispatch and I have one word of warning, be very careful how you select data. For the purposes of what a VA generally wants, you have to make at least two calls to the API but be sure that the first call includes a return with the FlightAware ID of the flight or you will be limited on what you can get from the second call; if it is for example flight plans as that call can require the FlightAware ID, not just a flight ident or city pair. There is also no developer option to test your scripts so you are paying for data from the start of development. It would be nice if they provided a sandbox for developers, even if it was old data.
  6. It is an error that is encountered when you have pilot names that have a apostrophe in them. It breaks the sql syntax. If you are using the latest version of airmail from my GitHub account it should be escaping it. If it is not you will have to escape the name field prior to it going in the database.
  7. Using echo to show that data is not going to work, you need to use the method described in the instructions as you have started to do in the post above.
  8. Have you installed the sql file? Is there any data in the table? Does the VA have any flights for the current month?
  9. There is no option for this. You could add some code into the data class to find the appropriate airports and filter the rest out.
  10. <?php echo TopPilotData::top_pilot_hours($month, $year, 5) ; ?> This code simply returns an array with the information from the database, you need to use it to build a table or list group if that is what you are trying to do. You also need to assign values to the $month and $year variables. You may just be wanting to link to tthe main page - mysite.com/index.php/toppilot There are instructions for the module here -> http://forum.phpvms....-10/#entry14824
  11. http://david-clark.net/phpvms-codon-framework-modules/
  12. There is no real update to be had, if you replace or patch the one affected file as it is spelled out here -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/16598-21936-security-patch/ <- there is not really anything else to be updated. If you were hacked, you will need to clean your site. There is no absolute set if directions to do that, every one is different.
  13. If the file is actually there and where it is supposed to be then it is possibly a permissions issue or an error in your server config.
  14. You have to create a condition in the case of $totaldistance being zero(0) - you can not divide by 0 and it causes an error in the background. Something like if($totaldistance == 0) {//then assign a fixed number}
  15. There is a lot of good information in the thread here -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/6996-phpvms-vanilla-forum-bridge/ It is probably related to this -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/6996-phpvms-vanilla-forum-bridge/#entry113237
  16. The solution is in the second post of this thread.
  17. I just tried running it on an old install of mine and it works as it should. What is the error you are getting?
  18. There are two files included in the distribution that should help. The first shows all the available fields coming back from vatsim - https://github.com/DavidJClark/phpVMS-VatsimReader/blob/master/core/templates/vatsim/vatsim.tpl The second has a small table example - https://github.com/DavidJClark/phpVMS-VatsimReader/blob/master/core/templates/vatsim/table.tpl
  19. There is also this guide that a member made some time ago - http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html/_/getting-started/phpvms-for-dummies-guide-r36
  20. Look in the module that is calling the template and see how it is formatted. It should be something like; $this->show('acarsmap.tpl') or $this->render('acarsmap.tpl')
  21. it is acarsmap not routemap. My mistake.
  22. Did you make an update to the site as well before this started happening? I took a look at the site using Firebug and it shows a number of javascript errors and when you look at the source you load different versions of jquery at least 11 times that I see. There is also an error of - Error: fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net : server does not support RFC 5746, see CVE-2009-3555 - Maybe try removing the facebook code, at least that is what I think that is referring to. This error also seems odd to me; Error: SyntaxError: missing ; before statement Source File: http://airmalaysiavi...ndex.php/career Line: 1, Column: 45 Source Code: MM_preloadImages('active wninf','g1 active') document.theForm.theButton.disabled=true Are you trying to load a form with the layout template every time a page loads? I have no idea if this is the issue either but also have no idea what I am looking at without having the actual files. I had also mentioned the htaccess file earlier but see now you that it looks like you are on a Windows server which ignores htaccess files, it requires web.config files to achieve the same purposes. Maybe the update by your host changed some of the requirements associated with that process. Are there any root error logs that can help you?
  23. It may be that the module is calling the template as routemap.php - if so change it to just routemap. Follow the action backwards till you find a difference between the methods it is using and the methods a functional page is using.
  24. It is actually the opposite, the static definition needs to be added. I have updated the file on github here -> https://github.com/DavidJClark/phpVMS-Event-Booking/blob/master/core/common/EventsData.class.php
  25. http://forum.phpvms....ge__hl__$_files http://forum.phpvms....ge__hl__$_files http://forum.phpvms....iles#entry85887
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