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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. Moved to paid services.
  2. The "getACARSData() function returns the pilot's code in the code object. The flight number is returned in whole as flightnum. you will have to trim the variable prior to matching it. Something like: <?php $fcode = substr($flight->flightnum, 0, 3); if($fcode == 'SIL') {echo 'the image you want to display for SIL flights';} elseif($fcode == 'SBM') {echo 'the image you want to display for SBM flights';} ?> The only catch is if you use another code that is not 3 digits, you would have to add another if loop to catch that.
  3. Have you tried running firebug on it? I ran it on just the schedules page and it is showing a syntax error in the header but I can not get to the "Add Bid" function. I would be curious if it would show anything when you are logged in and hit the add bid. I wonder if there is something different in the php interpreter on your new server.
  4. As far as I know the version located here - https://github.com/nshahzad/phpVMS - is the "offical" version. Nabeel would be the one to declare which is the right one but that one has the latest updates and the beta branch. Yes, I have a couple of versions on my own github account including one that I have been working on a little correcting errors in moving to php 5.5.x but they are in no way offical phpVMS versions.
  5. Still not sure if you are looking for "Latest Flights" or "Current Flights" but either way if there is no data (current ACARS or PIREPs) in the system then nothing is going to display and the variable(s) are going to be empty. You will need to use an if statement to check for the empty variable and if it is empty do not create the loop that makes the ICAO string.
  6. Do you mean the email that is sent out when an Airmail is received if the user has that option set? If so, the date from that in the latest version comes from either line 143 or 156 of the controller file (Mail.php). Where are you seeing this date? Not sure what this means - "dates are set in the module" and "dates are not from Airmail" seem to be conflicting statements. As far as phpVMS not being updated in some time, I will stand my line, everyone is welcome to contribute to the new version and get it back moving using pull requests on the GitHub account. One or two people can not be expected to contribute the amount of time necessary to continue the development of an open source software package that has grown to include this many users and this amount of functionality.
  7. Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() This generally means that the variable you are trying to loop through is empty or non existent, in your case $flights. Do you have any ACARS data in your table that is current or within the constraint you set in the local config? After $flights = ACARSData::GetACARSData(); try putting a var_dump($flights); and see what comes out. If there is any data it should show in plain text, if there is none or it shows empty then you must have no current data in your acars table. You should put an if statement prior to the foreach to check for data in the variable and skip the function if it is empty. if($flights != '') { //do stuff } Also, I am not sure ACARS data is what you are looking for anyway, is it "Latest Flights" or "Current Flights" you are trying to display? If it is latest flights I would use: $flights = PIREPData::getRecentReportsByCount(5);
  8. You just need to delete the entire install folder with your file manager or an FTP client and the message will be removed.
  9. There is a PSD template to build all of them here -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/1590-utility-rank-template
  10. Free: https://github.com/Vansers/phpVMS_vStaff Paid: http://www.simpilotgroup.com/index.php/home/staffadmin
  11. I don't think you can do what you are wanting without making some modifications to the system if I understand correctly. The rank and pay system is tied together and the pilot will get paid the pay amount that is associated with the rank. If you have the staff ranks within the native rank system and have the pilot set to that rank then they will get the pay from that rank. If you want them to have a "rank" and a "staff title" as well then you will need to use one of the staff systems that are available.
  12. I have not built one as yet, you will have to work with the two API's and build a module to accomplish a single login system between phpBB and phpVMS. You can find the documentation for the phpVMS API here -> http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html/_/developers-guides/how-to-use-and-access-the-api-r16
  13. It needs to be in the root of your phpVMS install, where the /core and /lib folders are.
  14. it looks like there must be quotes or another special character in the users name, or the subject that is escaping the sql query.
  15. There is a lot of good information on the phpBB site on how to intergrate a single login system with other sites and systems. A few are: https://www.phpbb.co...ons-integration https://www.phpbb.co...ons-integration https://www.phpbb.co...p?f=71&t=719055
  16. Did the /pics folder get created in the root of your phpVMS install, and is it writable?
  17. If I am following your thoughts your first issue was worked in the very early going of the build. At one point there was an option for "legs" of flights and the PIREP's were tied to route database id's. If I recall it created issues on a couple of levels. When a route/schedule was deleted and the PIREPs table was reset in maintenance it caused an error or if the route/schedule was changed. When the system tried to update the PIREP from the route id it would update the pirep to reflect the new information. It was then built to fall back solely on the PIREPs for maintenance using the values that were recorded and the route id was dropped from the PIREP table. That was also prior to kACARS and I believe that fsACARS pulled by flight number and it just continued that way. Adding the column back I don't think is a big deal but the various ACARS systems will have to be changed to grab that value and return it in the PIREP. The second issue could be related to this -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/20691-admin-and-acars-timeout-errors/page__hl__timeout <- i had a few sites with the same issue and after making these changes it corrected itself. I don't know what to tell you on the third, I did not realize there was an issue with the delete bids function. Are you using the CRON for maintenance? If so check the code in maintenance.php, at quick glance I see this: if(Config::Get('CLOSE_BIDS_AFTER_EXPIRE') === false) { SchedulesData::deleteExpiredBids(); CronData::set_lastupdate('check_expired_bids'); } which I think should be == TRUE
  18. Looks like you are just suppressing the errors with that code, which is fine if it works for you, but I think that a different charting system should be incorporated into the system for future releases. From what I can tell even the version 2 of OFC was last updated in July 2009.
  19. In the first function do you have a custom field set up as "IVAO" exactly? The second function looks like it will try to grab the first row in the table that has a matching pilotid field, it could be anything.
  20. The core members of the project number less than three at this point I would say.... You can submit any updates that you author in the form of a pull request on the github account.
  21. I have been in the thought process that it was an issue of PHP versions but some have seemed to get it working other ways. Might want to go through these two threads and see if any of these fixes work for your site. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/21025-admin-panel-broken/page__st__20 http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/8192-solution-strict-standards-errornew-php/
  22. The latest official "Release" is 935 which can be found here -> https://github.com/n...phpVMS/releases The version got bumped to 936 when the OFC patch was added (https://github.com/n...2cfa00467c64129) but it has not been set as a "Release" package. It is the active version that can be downloaded here -> https://github.com/nshahzad/phpVMS <- which also includes some other changes that may or may not be fully tested. Someone else came up with a version 938 as well but I do not know where this came from but I think it was a mistake in the change log that is updated automatically. It is discussed earlier in this thread. There is also the development version available here -> https://github.com/n...phpVMS/tree/dev There is also some forked versions that you can follow here -> https://github.com/nshahzad/phpVMS/network
  23. simpilot


    Ok, open the file, look for the code similar to what I posted, change it, and save it.
  24. simpilot


    Look in your modules controller file. /admin/modules/MODULE_NAME/MODULE_NAME.php
  25. simpilot


    If you are using a version of phpVMS that uses the .php template extensions, which I am guessing as this is what happens with modules, you will need to open the module file and find the line similar to the one below and change it accordingly. public function HTMLHead() { $this->set('sidebar', 'template.tpl'); } to public function HTMLHead() { $this->set('sidebar', 'template.php'); }
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