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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. You can use the AmMap plugin for creating the maps on the fly. -> http://www.ammap.com/ It will take data input from your system to create each map dynamically.
  2. The module has been updated on GitHub. The method that is used in this exploit example is also over a year old, the module was updated in March 2012 to normalize the functions within the phpVMS environment. If you are using the version that was updated in March of 2012 you only need to replace the PopUpNews.php and PopUpNewsData.class.php files, or make the edits to them. If you are using the older version that used the "$_GET" method I would suggest updating to the latest version. Commits can be found here -> https://github.com/DavidJClark/phpVMS-PopUpNews/commits/master Module can be found here -> https://github.com/DavidJClark/phpVMS-PopUpNews
  3. If you are still in need of help with this module please open a ticket at http://www.noticeablehosting.com/clients/ and it will be addressed.
  4. You need to replace the link in your template that is in place for the default schedules with this one.
  5. Looks like the server you are using does not have the php zip extension installed.
  6. This will only work if you have installed phpVMS using git originally. If this is the case you can run the commands from the same directory using your command line (SSH) depending on how you have GIT installed on your server. If you did not install it using git it is just as easy to use the method above the GIT method here -> http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html/_/getting-started/upgrading-r3 When I update a site I usually use the command line and get the new files directly from github using wget and then unpack them on the server, this saves the time involved with updating all the files using FTP.
  7. If you are using the TopPilot module I wrote a couple of years ago it is part of the reason for the increased memory usage. When I wrote it I did not figure on VA's having 10k + PIREPs in their database. Try removing that module and see if the memory usage declines some. There are also some other calculations that go on when a PIREP is accepted within the core of phpVMS. I have moved most of those to the daily maintenance function that is run using a cronjob for my own va. I have been thinking that there needs to be a way to archive PIREPs that are older than X months or years and remove them from the main table.
  8. You should be able to remove the functions you do not want and modify the existing jumpseat functionality to work as a stand alone module.
  9. All files are located on my GitHub account. Link in my signature.
  10. In the main index.php file there are two lines that you can change depending what version of the template system you are using; $BaseTemplate->Set('title', MainController::$page_title .' - '.SITE_NAME); $BaseTemplate->Set('page_title', MainController::$page_title .' - '.SITE_NAME);
  11. You can place that in the template where you would like the map to display.
  12. The system automatically builds a link for each page you create in the system and injects it into the navigation template using the line <?php echo $MODULE_NAV_INC;?> You can remove that line and manually link the pages as you would like without ny problems with the system, just in the future when you create a page you will have to manually add the link to your site.
  13. I have had a client requesting me to modify this template for their va and I found some interesting things. "Design By Luiz Fernando" - No Once again Luiz you are distributing copyrighted material. http://themeforest.n...emplate/2543290 http://themeforest.n...preview/2543290 I am removing the download link and will lock the thread if you can not supply a full extended license for the template from the author.
  14. I made a bunch of changes for a VA in order to make all the maps upload. You can find all the changes on my extended version of phpVMS on my GitHub account, it is the FSFK.php module file that you need to change. https://github.com/D...phpVMS_extended
  15. The error message tells me that either there is no user "username" or that the password is not "password"
  16. Answered here -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/2599-eventbooking-beta-13/page__st__120#entry57302
  17. Yes, you can use the function "get_upcoming_events()" from the EventsData.class.php file and use the returned data array to populate your calendar.
  18. You should be able to, as long as you only have one class with that name to avoid any collisions.
  19. Eddie is correct, I have nothing to do with the GLO VA site, I really have no idea where that would have come from.
  20. You can adapt the Vatsim data reader that I have on GitHub. Vatsim and IVAO has the same type of data file as the wazzup.txt file you are refering to. You will just need to adjust the parameters to meet your client section so when it parses the data it knows where to start going through the clients connected. There is also a Google map adaptation included in the package. Forum Thread -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/5946-vatsim-data-reader/ GitHub Link -> https://github.com/DavidJClark/phpVMS-VatsimDataReader
  21. In frontschedulesdata.class.php try adding another AND statement; change this public function findschedules($arricao, $depicao, $airline, $aircraft) { $query = "SELECT phpvms_schedules.*, phpvms_aircraft.name AS aircraft, phpvms_aircraft.registration FROM phpvms_schedules, phpvms_aircraft WHERE phpvms_schedules.depicao LIKE '$depicao' AND phpvms_schedules.arricao LIKE '$arricao' AND phpvms_schedules.code LIKE '$airline' AND phpvms_schedules.aircraft LIKE '$aircraft' AND phpvms_aircraft.id LIKE '$aircraft"; return DB::get_results($query); } to this; public function findschedules($arricao, $depicao, $airline, $aircraft) { $query = "SELECT phpvms_schedules.*, phpvms_aircraft.name AS aircraft, phpvms_aircraft.registration FROM phpvms_schedules, phpvms_aircraft WHERE phpvms_schedules.depicao LIKE '$depicao' AND phpvms_schedules.arricao LIKE '$arricao' AND phpvms_schedules.code LIKE '$airline' AND phpvms_schedules.aircraft LIKE '$aircraft' AND phpvms_aircraft.id LIKE '$aircraft' AND phpvms_schedules.enabled = '1'"; return DB::get_results($query); } and also change; public function findschedule($arricao, $depicao, $airline) { $query = "SELECT phpvms_schedules.*, phpvms_aircraft.name AS aircraft, phpvms_aircraft.registration FROM phpvms_schedules, phpvms_aircraft WHERE phpvms_schedules.depicao LIKE '$depicao' AND phpvms_schedules.arricao LIKE '$arricao' AND phpvms_schedules.code LIKE '$airline' AND phpvms_aircraft.id LIKE phpvms_schedules.aircraft"; return DB::get_results($query); } to this; public function findschedule($arricao, $depicao, $airline) { $query = "SELECT phpvms_schedules.*, phpvms_aircraft.name AS aircraft, phpvms_aircraft.registration FROM phpvms_schedules, phpvms_aircraft WHERE phpvms_schedules.depicao LIKE '$depicao' AND phpvms_schedules.arricao LIKE '$arricao' AND phpvms_schedules.code LIKE '$airline' AND phpvms_aircraft.id LIKE phpvms_schedules.aircraft AND phpvms_schedules.enabled = '1'"; return DB::get_results($query); }
  22. A link back to my site somewhere on your site would be greatly appreciated, it does not have to be directly in the module layout. Front Schedules I do not believe is set to skip inactive schedules. You should be able to add it to the data query though. As far as not allowing pilots to fly a flight on a non-scheduled day, you could probably do it a few different ways. You could check the schedule when the user tries to get the bid from the site using acars, but if they already have it loaded into their client from a previous connection they will be able to get past the check. You can also check it on the submission of the PIREP and reject the PIREP if it is filed on a non-scheduled day, although I think a pilot may get a little miffed if he just flew a long flight only to have it rejected. You could also check it everytime that acars data is submitted to update the live map, although short of sending a message back to the pilot I don't know how you would actually stop them from flying the flight. The other thing I would think about is server time versus fs time from the user, if they are not the same I think it would cause some issues if a flight is close to midnight.
  23. I know it is on a new server for you, but it is a complete new install of phpVMS? What version is it?
  24. The flight phases in all the acars programs are created within the client except for a little difference in FSAcars. In fsacars.php you will find the following code that you can adjust to your needs. FSAcars provides just a phase number that corosponds to the formats below. $phase_short = array('null', 'Boarding', 'Departing', 'Cruise', 'Arrived'); $phase_detail = array('FSACARS Closed', 'Boarding', 'Taxiing', 'Takeoff', 'Climbing', 'Cruise', 'Landing Shortly', 'Landed', 'Taxiing to gate', 'Arrived'); For the other ACARS clients you are going to either have the client changed or change what is shown on your site using some if statements. Example <?php if($phase == 'taxi to gate'){$phase = 'Flight Complete';} echo $phase; ?>
  25. 1 - If you are using the default schedule search you should not be getting the disabled schedules as the function skips any schedule that is set to 1 or "true" in the enabled column. I would check to see if the schedules are actually disabled (set to 0 or "false" in the enabled column) in the database. If you are using an addon search module it may not be set to filter out the disabled schedules. 2 - There is nothing default to accomplish rejecting a PIREP if it is not flown on the scheduled day. The scedules_results template should be skipping over anything that is not flown the current day of the week. You should have the following code to skip non current day schedules in your template. /* Skip over a route if it's not for this day of week Left this here, so it can be omitted if your VA doesn't use this. Comment out these two lines if you don't want to. */ /* Check if a 7 is being used for Sunday, since PHP thinks 0 is Sunday */ $route->daysofweek = str_replace('7', '0', $route->daysofweek); if(strpos($route->daysofweek, date('w')) === false) continue; /* END DAY OF WEEK CHECK */ 3 - Yes, I believe that the proper format for time in the csv is - 12:15
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