Ah I see.
Available is spelled wrong in the config string.
Just wondering - why are you doing glob, why not just include 'lang/LANG/lang.php'; which could then include the other files included:
$base = dirname(__FILE__);
include $base.'/file1.php';
But glob might be ok. But, there might be a faster implementation, rather than using glob (which is pretty slow), like this function
Or the FileIterator, but that might be PHP 5.3 only.
And what's in the language file? For the config file, inside the en.lang.php file there is:
$trans = array(
Perhaps instead of an extra XML file, just add another array:
$lang_info = array(
'name' => 'English',
$trans = array(
Just a suggestion
And the loading language from the cookie looks interesting. Let me know where you make out with this, perhaps I can roll this back in upstream