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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Hey there, What's your airline (link to it on vaCentral)? Did you add the API key to your config file?
  2. No prob, try updating to 906 now, I did fix a few things with that
  3. Ah I see. Available is spelled wrong in the config string. Just wondering - why are you doing glob, why not just include 'lang/LANG/lang.php'; which could then include the other files included: $base = dirname(__FILE__); include $base.'/file1.php'; But glob might be ok. But, there might be a faster implementation, rather than using glob (which is pretty slow), like this function http://github.com/ns....class.php#L276 Or the FileIterator, but that might be PHP 5.3 only. And what's in the language file? For the config file, inside the en.lang.php file there is: $trans = array( Perhaps instead of an extra XML file, just add another array: $lang_info = array( 'name' => 'English', ); $trans = array( Just a suggestion And the loading language from the cookie looks interesting. Let me know where you make out with this, perhaps I can roll this back in upstream Thanks!
  4. Which version are you on?
  5. Yeah, it's a good book, I used it more for a reference. The place where I learned alot was from http://cprogramming.com/ You'll probably be able to find all my posts from 2002-2005 on there haha. But it was a great place to learn the real basics. Visual Quickstart guide is great once you get started to keep going and refer to.
  6. Nabeel


    You can't delete airports, since they're logged into the system. If you REALLY need to delete it, and it hasn't been used anywhere, you can delete it through phpMyAdmin
  7. Haha.. you never know... Clear your sessions table. For some reason, it's not emptying out. Are you using mysqli?
  8. There's these books called the "visual quickstart guides", those are good for starting. The books i started programming with were: c++ the programming language (this book is THE bible) visual quickstart guide: C++ (the one i mentioned above) c++ stl but more advanced
  9. Yes you can use that for multi-lang strings
  10. There are some - in the core/lang/en.lang.php file I think it's called. All the other language is directly in the templates, since you can modify the templates you can change the language as well
  11. Nabeel


    Haha I'm serious, Wordpress is the nastiest software written.
  12. What do you mean? Do you mean language strings?
  13. Well, there is that pilot shop addon, maybe you could fix that?
  14. Nabeel


    Wordpress is the nastiest, ugliest piece of software ever, and should die in a fire.
  15. They're being fixed for beta. The height/width are actually set within the template now.
  16. Ok, here's what it is: I guess you set your MAP_CENTER_LAT and MAP_CENTER_LNG in the local.config file. It doesn't like the 00 in front of the 002.213000, so in local.config.php, just remove those first two zeros. Let's see if that helps center: new google.maps.LatLng(48.514400, 002.213000), Would then read: center: new google.maps.LatLng(48.514400, 2.213000), I'm not sure why it doesn't like that. I'll modify the template to cast that into a string
  17. Thanks, I'm looking at it right now. Are you using the default acarsmap.tpl file? It's having trouble with this line: Error : missing ) after argument list Source file : http://@@@@@/index.php/acars Line : 63, Column : 49 Code Source : center: new google.maps.LatLng(48.514400, 002.213000), That's the cause.... however I'm not exactly sure why.
  18. Nabeel


    I'd use a CMS, but I'd go with something like modx. The advantage is that they've all been tested and hardened for security and other fixes
  19. It'll show some debug output on the screen. What is that?
  20. Strange, I've seen this before... Are you on the stock template for that? And what PHP version?
  21. Can you run the install/checkinstall.php and checkdb.php and post their output? What version are they on?
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