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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Glad it's working now Ken. When 5 came out there were a few hiccups, but it's been pretty well stabilized by now
  2. Well, not verbatim copy it, but you have to copy the basic structure, following the skinning guide. There are docs here: http://docs.phpvms.net As well as a few video tutorials, which should help get you started.
  3. Hey John, welcome For any of the acars, nothing has to be done serverside, except for FSFK, which needs FTP information. Any settings are in the local.config.php file, or in the app.config.php file. To change them, you copy them from app.config into local.config for them to take effect. Also, with Joomla, the easiest is created a duplicate skin within phpVMS. Several VAs have done this, it just ends up being easier in the end. Some have tried using iframes, and I personally think iframes look ugly. But the advantage with our way (create an identical looking skin as your Joomla install) is that you can customize virtually every single page to your liking. All the templates are in the core/templates folder, and to customize it, you copy it to your skin's folder, and it takes effect. You can also call any page into another page pretty easily, by calling the module then the function: MainController::Run('pilots', 'index'); And that will show the pilots list... and you can put that anywhere (template, skin, etc). Hope that answers some of your questions... if there's anything else, feel free to ask
  4. Just watch out because that ID is used in other tables as well. So if you change it there, and not everywhere else, then you'll be missing data
  5. Sure, those don't cascade.
  6. Thanks, I will post it. Include some screenshots if you can. I have some back on my desktop machine, but I keep forgetting... that setup had worked which I had the screenshots for.
  7. Nabeel

    Side Bar Help

    Hey no prob, I can't even count how many times that's happened to me
  8. It should work now, but that would be the reason it was defaulting to 0,0
  9. Nabeel

    Side Bar Help

    Ok, let's check permissions on your sidebar file, are they 775? Maybe it doesn't have read permissions from the web user. Also, maybe try renaming it to just "test.tpl" and see if that works.
  10. Is that step missing from http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html?record=24 ?
  11. In the map image it says arrival is "Z41" but your one above says "KZ41"
  12. Nabeel

    Side Bar Help

    If you try displaying a different sidebar, does it work?
  13. Nabeel

    Side Bar Help

    What's in your sidebar_events.tpl file? It seems like you're doing it correctly. Does that file exist? It should be in admin/templates
  14. At my job we have to also support IE6. It's going to kill me, soon.
  15. First thing to check - are the coordinates correct? That looks like it's going to 0,0
  16. Nabeel

    Side Bar Help

    What you're doing is correct. Create your own module and data, that way it stays clean. OH! Headers already sent - that means in your module or eventsdata class, there's some whitespace outside of the PHP tags which it's outputting. I always leave out the ending PHP tag at the end of a file, so there won't be any accidental output of whitespace.
  17. It's all good... check the docs out too, they're a bit sparse ATM but I'm working on filling them in
  18. Probably your CSS. What browser, etc
  19. Nabeel

    Side Bar Help

    Copy the other modules, I don't have it on hand to check right now
  20. Nope, those are assigned by the database, and it doesn't fill in records
  21. Template::Show('file.tpl');
  22. Contact your host, or reset your database password and change it to the new on in the core/local.config.php file
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