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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Can you do complete refresh with contrl f5, clear your cache and all. That error seems to be with the google maps api which seems a bit odd
  2. Why? You can see the revision log here: http://bugs.phpvms.net/log/trunk 1.0 was revision 400 last IIRC There's also https://www.ohloh.net/p/phpvms
  3. Yes there should, but it might be writing to /core/modules/acars/log.txt. I think fspax was the one I hadn't redirected yet
  4. Looks great, I'll attach it to the docs section. Can you also send me HTML format of it, so I can post the text in there as well? Thanks
  5. Arrays have nothing to do with anything here. He just needs a string
  6. Not really, it's not that simple. It depends on safe-mode settings, and if the host allows changes. MySQL settings are also completely different and depend on whether they are set to the SYSTEM, or set to their own individually. Then there are different permission sets for changing the timezone, and whether it's set for the system, or if it has to be set per-session, which could also depend on the settings. Same with PHP.
  7. Well what I meant that, on you rphpVMS site, you link to your joomla site sections, and on your joomla site, you link to phpvms site sections, that type of thing
  8. Gotcha, yeah, free hosts screw are very restrictive.
  9. Change the perms to 777, otherwise the logs can't be written to.
  10. Essentially, but there is other support code around it.
  11. Nope, only the route. But now that you've mentioned it, I added checks for that so I filter it out, incase it's included Can you give me the route for that, as well as the dep/arrival airports. I'm going to look into the import problem tonight, it seems there's about 5000 points with missing latitude, they seem to all be the lower airways. Thanks
  12. BTW, this PIREP looks okay: http://www.lunickair.com/index.php/pireps/view/4 Though one point is out of place
  13. Thanks, I'll check that, looks like an error on my generation of the navdata. Edit: yep, seems like there was an error on importing on my end But, you have to remove any SID/STARS from the route (the points should be ok, but the SID/STAR text should be removed). I'll code it to re move those in the route generation code
  14. Can you enable DEBUG_LOG (in local.config.php, set it to true), and make sure the /core/logs folders are all 777 and writeable. Then try exporting some flights, and then post that fspax.txt log file up (as an attachment), and let's see if we can find anything in there.
  15. Which airports? simroutes is a really old database - the one included with phpVMS is the latest ATM. I'm showing the AVE navpoint somewhere over the Pacific. I'd try a route from: http://rfinder.asalink.net/free/ Which is the latest database and should work.
  16. Did you update the registration template? And did you copy the core/lib folder? You don't have to replace the keys which are included, those are global keys and will work anywhere. Seems to me you're missing the files in core/lib/recaptcha
  17. If you look around in the rest of the template, it's probably there somewhere. IIRC, it's $pirep->depicao And arricao
  18. I would say setting up awards, and then having a module with the post_pirep hook. Then you can check any parameters, and you can assign awards using the api
  19. I think Brian was just using pseudo-code.. if($pilot->retired == 0) { // theyre active } else { // theyre inactive }
  20. What's the route you're using, with the arrival/departure. And what are you using to create the route?
  21. fixed <a class="closed ticket" href="http://bugs.phpvms.net/ticket/203" title="request: Better Captcha (closed: fixed)">#203</a>, fixed <a class="closed ticket" href="http://bugs.phpvms.net/ticket/207" title="enhancement: Change pilot id (closed: fixed)">#207</a> View more details, download from here The registration form template has changed, to accomodate reCaptcha integration. There's also now the ability to change a pilot's ID. That's under the pilot options. There's some caveats which are listed there.
  22. That works on only a few servers. The actual issue is MySQL which I'm now finding out.
  23. Well this isn't really an integration, just sharing a skin which looks the same.
  24. Hey, Your paths are really odd for some reason: http:\/\/www.legend-virtual.co.cc\/lib\/images\/inair\/159.png What server are you running?
  25. I decided to add the ability to change the pilot ID next release.
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