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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. If you create a php info page, does it show as running on PHP 7.1 as well? That line is the nullable type feature, and was new in 7.1: http://php.net/manual/en/migration71.new-features.php#migration71.new-features.nullable-types
  2. Not without seeing that line. Is this phpvms 7 or a different version?
  3. Problem was the .htaccess file needed this line, under the "RewriteEngine On" line RewriteBase / I've fixed it in the next dev version, but posting it here FYI for anyone else looking
  4. If you're on PHP 7.0 it will mostly work, but you might run into some issues.
  5. Hey, it's not released just yet It looks like the stylesheets aren't loading. Is there a URL I can look at? Did the installer look fine? Who's your webhost, is it shared hosting?
  6. At this point it'll require a reinstall. But from the beta on, I'm hoping that just uploading the files and then going to the update URL will suffice.
  7. The joindate probably isn't in the SELECT clause for those other pages
  8. Hi everyone! The 2nd alpha version is available for people to test and play with: Download: https://github.com/nabeelio/phpvms/releases/tag/v7.0.0-alpha2 Docs: http://docs.phpvms.net The biggest changes are that PHP 7.1 is required now. There are tons of bug fixes and extra features, which are documented in the changelog, and some things to make things easier, based on feedback. Bugs, etc, should posted in the issue tracker on Github. The next release will be a beta version, with finances working, and hopefully finalized all features for a major release. No, I don't have a timeline *NOTE* ATM, there are no ACARS compatible. The API won't be changing much, so see the docs if you're wanting to develop your own ACARS application, or to update yours to add compatibility: http://docs.phpvms.net/developers/acars
  9. Awesome! Maybe something didn't get uploaded properly.
  10. This means that the rewrite rules aren't working. Does your host use Apache? Make sure that the htaccess rules are active, sometimes you need to enable it in an admin panel or something.
  11. That's kind of out of scope for someone to help you with here. You'll have to contact your host, or if it's your own server, you can google some guides for your OS
  12. Can you try the latest dev version, just do a fresh install, delete the env.php and config.php http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms-v7.0.0-dev.tar.gz
  13. You can clone it on github and create the right lang folder for Chinese (which dialect do you speak?) and I'll look at the pull request. And you can amend it as needed.
  14. Who's your host? There is an error: [2018-02-04 11:25:47] dev.ERROR: putenv() has been disabled for security reasons {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): putenv() has been disabled for security reasons at /home/vol9_5/epizy.com/epiz_21535679/nair.cf/htdocs/phpvms/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php:924)
  15. Hey, you don't need to do this anymore
  16. There is, it's not complete yet: resources/lang. Probably after alpha2 I'll start integrating the lang stuff in the admin and other pages.
  17. There aren't any ACARS compatible yet. You can only file manually
  18. Hi everyone! After many months of work, the first alpha is available. Download: https://github.com/nabeelio/phpvms/releases Docs: http://docs.phpvms.net Do note that at least PHP 7.0 is required, with htaccess and mod_rewrite enabled by your host. Right now, the main focus is ensuring the installer works on a variety of hosts, and all the basics are working as expected. Suggestions to make skinning, modules, widgets, and documentation updates are all welcome - please post in the appropriate subforum in the 7.0 section of the forum. Bugs, etc, can be posted in the #development channel on Discord, though I will likely ask you to create issues in the tracker. Also, if you're running into an issue, check the Issue Tracker that it hasn't already been reported. I suggest reading through the Concepts page in the docs. There are some major changes to some fundamentals between the older version and newer version, mainly to address a lot of shortcomings of the older version, including multiple aircraft to schedules and fares. Finances are not working at the moment, but is a planned feature. *NOTE* ATM, there are no ACARS compatible. The API won't be changing much, so see the docs if you're wanting to develop your own ACARS application, or to update yours to add compatibility: http://docs.phpvms.net/developers/acars The documentation for addons/modules, widgets and theming is on-going, and will be a focus for the upcoming alpha/beta releases.
  19. Hey, can you zip and send me your storage/logs folder/files in there? The install pages all worked? Did a config.php and a env.php file get created in the phpvms root folder? And who is your host?
  20. This is now workable in the new version. There's 3 parts: the flight number, flight code and flight leg. If you add one flight with the same flight number, you'll get an error saying you need to specify a code or leg. ACARS can also specify the code or leg.
  21. I sent Webroot an email. That's really strange since there are no executables and the zip is directly from Github
  22. Thanks, I'll look into this. This is super weird. I'm guessing it's because of the OFC library. I'll try to get in touch with them and find out more.
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