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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. I'd ask for details on what files. They could also be referring to a vulnerability list with "open-flash-charts" on it, which had a vulnerability, that I patched in subsequent versions a long time ago (when the vulnerability in that library was first reported)
  2. There's gotta be some error logs somewhere, they wouldn't just fall through. You'll have to get in touch with the xacars developer
  3. Version 5.x


    This is the phpVMS classic version, compatible with PHP 5.3+ (it was updated to support PHp 5.3/5.6/7.x). This isn't updated anymore. See https://github.com/nabeelio/phpvms_v2
  4. I'll put the previous version download in the downloads section
  5. Yeah, that will depend from host to host. Thanks for sharing it.
  6. I've heard good things about vultr but haven't tried it out myself. Thanks for your offer, though. I've got more than enough hosting places lol
  7. Are you trying to install on shared hosting? You don't need to do all that. The readme has the link to the tarball that has everything already in it. All you will need to do it upload it. If you're cloning, you need to run `composer install` in order to get all of the dependencies and stuff. I'll update the wiki page to remove all those instructions. The error 500 could be because you haven't done that. It's impossible to know without looking at your server's error logs, which is where I would start if I were you
  8. It's being worked on with the new version of phpVMS. It wasn't worth the time effort to rebuild it
  9. Linode is great. It's where this site is hosted. For small dev stuff, digitalocean is a good bet as well
  10. Nabeel

    ACARS Devs

    Docs: https://github.com/nabeelio/phpvms/wiki/acars I'm making some changes to how the PIREPs are filed. I don't have a list of who all the current ACARS devs are, but I suppose this is as good of a place to make it known. I'm compiling a master topic on Github issues, here: https://github.com/nabeelio/phpvms/issues/118 I'll make notes, etc. Once of the changes that will be is that the file PIREP endpoint is going to require passenger information. When a user selects an aircraft, a request should be made to get the fare information for that aircraft, and it should be passed to the file PIREP endpoints. Otherwise, financials might not be accurate. If a plain passenger count is supplied, I'll manually fill out the fare classes, starting with the cheapest seats, until it fills, before moving on. Feedback, of course, is welcome.
  11. What do you mean you can't select them as a hub? If you hit the checkbox, they don't save? Someone else was having that issue as well, but it seemed to have been fixed. Let me know if you have any more details. Bid options in the settings panel? And the PIREP field, is it the same where the option isn't saving or is it something else?
  12. Did you have to do anything special?
  13. Just making sure everything is working as expected. There's still a lot to be done functionality-wise
  14. Got it. If it's your own server, you can also run on nginx and php-fpm, you'll get better performance. The good thing with your own server as well is that you can setup other services for caching and speeding things up. I'll write a guide for that soon but that can be later. So it's working now?
  15. I'll be reorganizing it once the new one is out.
  16. Yeah this sounds like the htaccess rules aren't working correctly. Who's your host? Do they run Apache? You can also PM me the files zipped in storage/logs
  17. Not yet, I have a migration plan in place first to accommodate existing customers who are on the older phpVMS versions that required 5.3
  18. Raw data is just that - the raw data, and hasn't been touched or manipulated. Whoever is passing that data in is not setting that field correctly. It just passes through.
  19. Can you try now with the latest tar? You'll need to reinstall, sorry. The accept/reject pireps is related to the airport lookup error, I think I've fixed that one but from what I heard last (before this latest round of fixes), there was a problem. Are you installing in a subfolder?
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