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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Changed Files: m changelog.htm changelog updates View complete changes Download from here
  2. Changed Files: m changelog.htm m core/templates/schedule_results.tpl add route id to add bid url if ajax fails View complete changes Download from here
  3. Ah ok, I was getting to that - did you recompile, or was it system packages?
  4. There's a syntax error somewhere there, or with another piece of javascript. Try taking that entire thing out and seeing if there are any errors
  5. Nabeel

    954 issues

    Haha, I've had a few extra minutes, so I thought what better way to spend them than to mess with Ray
  6. D'oh, I should change that in the docs/code and reverse that...
  7. echo count(SchedulesData::getBids(Auth::$userinfo->id)); http://docs.phpvms.net/api/codon_core/SchedulesData.html#getBids
  8. Download the firebug plugin for firefox, then open the console, and open your page. You'll probably see a boatload of errors.. that'll be a good place to start. Hard to tell looking at a bunch of code
  9. Do you have details about how PHP was built/compiled, along with GD? Is your server a Ubuntu server?
  10. There's also a couple in the admin/templates folder, I believe
  11. Nabeel

    954 issues

    Well it's beta... there are gonna be issues. That particular one I fixed and it's been updated. I've been shifting some code around and cleaning up (particularly the schedule filters), and the PIREP pay issues (Vansers... can you double check your pirep reject pay?). There's gonna be a few issues, but thanks... keep reporting... Also keep those issues in that thread in the beta forum so I don't get confused
  12. It's probably just a call to ACARSData::getACARSData () I believe, pass in the time in minutes to retrieve (120 to retrieve in the last 2 hours) Then from there you can do some loop-de-loops on the returned data
  13. Changed Files: m core/common/PIREPData.class.php m core/logs/errors.txt m core/version m install/hashlist m install/structure.xml parse error fix View complete changes Download from here
  14. Thanks, fixed and updated. And Cors, yes, thanks, that code is in there
  15. Changed Files: m admin/modules/Operations/Operations.php m core/common/CentralData.class.php m core/modules/FSFK/FSFK.php curl useragent of phpvms for vacentral View complete changes Download from here
  16. It should refresh on its own automatically Tylor: Can you PM me your email address
  17. Do you have versions mixed up? That code was changed in one of the betas
  18. What are the permissions on your /lib/signatures folder?
  19. Changed Files: m core/logs/errors.txt m core/modules/FSFK/FSFK.php FSFK fixes View complete changes Download from here
  20. Alright, I'm looking into it.. that's so weird. Can either of you add a bug report at github (link in my sig) thanks..
  21. I've added a bug for that, I'll take a look at it
  22. You can enter anything as a tail number, so if you want to just add a b747 to cover all of your 747, then you can use B747 as the tail number. I'm working on a mass import/export for the next version
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