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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Err, I don't see that in the code anywhere... it's just inserted on install, but if you've removed it, it shouldn't be adding it. It will calculate a pilots rank on registration based on what ranks are entered in
  2. Ah, that's def a bug - let me see
  3. Yep, I do domain registration. Doesn't have to be VA related, have plenty of other domains which aren't
  4. Remove that rank from the admin panel? Or just edit it to say something else
  5. Run checkinstall Latest versions (betas) actually check which group you have set as default.
  6. Changed Files: m core/common/PilotData.class.php m core/version m install/hashlist m install/structure.xml reset pilot pay bug View complete changes Download from here
  7. Changed Files: m admin/modules/PIREPAdmin/PIREPAdmin.php m core/common/PIREPData.class.php m core/common/PilotData.class.php m core/logs/errors.txt m core/version m install/hashlist m install/structure.xml pilot pay per schedule, moved into status change code View complete changes Download from here
  8. Changed Files: m admin/modules/Operations/Operations.php m admin/templates/ops_scheduleform.tpl m install/install.sql m install/update.sql front-end changes for per-schedule pay View complete changes Download from here
  9. That's a bit difficult to do, there are a lot of changes which would have to be made
  10. Changed Files: m admin/modules/PilotAdmin/PilotAdmin.php m core/logs/errors.txt added delete pilot hook on admin side View complete changes Download from here
  11. I'll look into the above two - so if there's a pay amount for that flight (a total pay), it uses that, instead of per hour? I'll have to see. I'm not sure what else that does under the hood. I've added the delete pilot hook upstream. Thanks!
  12. Just be careful, they could delete you if they wanted to be an ass. That's why I didn't include that permission in there, perhaps I can change that so admin can only be deleted by other admin?
  13. Changed Files: m admin/templates/pirep_edit.tpl m core/classes/Debug.class.php m core/version m install/hashlist m install/structure.xml pirep edit form fix, debug enhancement? View complete changes Download from here
  14. Changed Files: m core/modules/FSFK/FSFK.php thanks to Cors for FSFK distance/time fixes View complete changes Download from here
  15. Locked out? Did you do forget password?
  16. So it was an e107 vulnerability? I have to review some of that registration code, though I have before, but I'm always a little paranoid. The best solution is to use prepared statements, however, not everyone is using mysqli. I'll have to see if there is some other way around it, but I think it would be difficult this stage in the game.
  17. Nabeel


    What are you using to display it? If you search on 'profile field', there are a lot of threads on that
  18. It could be a permissions error. Could be that your server doesn't support the .gif extension. Which version are you on?
  19. Haha, my first computer was a 486, kinda crazy that my cellphone is much more powerful
  20. Mark, I forget, was this the same one advertised on VACentral? Is there anything I need to update for that?
  21. Haha yeah, whatever style works for you
  22. I like to use CSS class names for that, using Jeff's example: if($pirep->accepted == PIREP_REJECTED) { $text = 'REJECTED'; $class =' pirep-rejected'; } elseif($pirep->accepted == PIREP_PENDING) { $text = 'PENDING'; $class =' pirep-pending'; } else { $text = 'ACCEPTED'; $class =' pirep-accepted'; } echo "<span class='{$class}'>{$text}</span>"; Then the CSS: span.pirep-accepted { color: #00ff00; } span.pirep-rejected { color: ....; } span.pirep-pending { color: ...; } Either way works
  23. Just to note to anyone who might be looking at this, it was fixed, just some PHP packages were missing, mainly the php-mysql package (for debian/ubuntu)
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