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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. You'd have to do a LIKE query $division = '-NOC001'; $params = array( "s.flightnum LIKE '%{$division}%'", ); $allflights = SchedulesData::findSchedules($params); Something like that
  2. In the l ocal.config.php put DEBUG_MODE to true, and in the /core/logs folder, make sure xacars.txt is writable. Then try turning on ACARS, see if anything comes in the log. If not, then XAcars isn't reporting to your server. If there is, pastebin the log file or send it to me and I can take a look
  3. On the PIREP page, not the airport. Are your flights all chartered flights/from ACARS?
  4. Try a different browser and see if it works there
  5. http://docs.phpvms.net/api/codon_core/StatsData.html#AircraftUsage http://github.com/ns....class.php#L325
  6. Strange, if it happens again, run install/checkinstall.php to make sure no files are corrupted
  7. Pastebin your code. It's probably a CSS issue I'd imagine, try adding some clear:both, etc
  8. Look in the schedule_results.tpl file, there are comments in there explaining which code it is. you can just copy and paste those in. I doubt simpilot has the time, I've also been extremely busy the last few weeks
  9. That's in the default layout.tpl file
  10. Not sure what you mean, on the phpVMS side? You have to write an ACARS module and however you pass a detailed log to it you have to store that
  11. "Not working" is a bit vague
  12. Is your division based on airline code, or did you add a new field?
  13. What browser? Are cookies enabled?
  14. There's a function which does that already in statsdata
  15. You can probably just copy the filter from the default module
  16. Nabeel


    Putting a / in front of the image path goes to the domain root. That's probably not what you want. Use an absolute URL
  17. If you edit the PIREP, which values for prices are showing up?
  18. You're doing: foreach($allairlines as $allairlines) It should just $allairlines as $airline, then you use $airline in the loop
  19. Nabeel

    Pilot Pay

    Ray, if you can add that request to the bugs site as an enhancement I'll see what I can do
  20. Yeah, you've got to reupload all those until it shows no errors, got some weird stuff goin on there
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