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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. It should be in order, maybe that variable isn't define()'d yet. Does this happen to all you guys?
  2. Nabeel


    Does your host allow InnoDB tables?
  3. Right.. read the error messages: Check file/folder permissions.
  4. Nabeel


    What version are you trying to use? Is the local.config.php file completely blank, meaning, file size of 0
  5. If its happening on some pages nad not others, it must be a problem with the pages its happening on then, not on the tables.
  6. You should be all set, sorry about that
  7. Are there any errors on the 'Error Console' in Firefox?
  8. That's strange, it should be 4. Was the column size in the database changed? Look in the airports table, what's the length of the ICAO column
  9. I'd reupload that file, itmight be corrupted.
  10. Pretty cool! Thanks alot guys. I'm currently travelling but about to hop on my flight back home, so I'll check it out in some more detail tomorrow hopefully
  11. phpVMS doesn't use the GPL license, it uses this Creative Commons license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ Under that, you must retain attribution
  12. I'd check the FIrefox error console. You also have to add in the Javascript they give you on the .tablesorter element
  13. Glad you got it working, sounds like a file was corrupted on upload
  14. Strange. I'd do a fresh install, something didn't install correctly
  15. Nabeel

    Roster list

    Read this thread from the beginning, it explains how
  16. Nabeel

    Roster list

    In that loop where it shows the pilots, you can do something like if(count($pilots) == 0) { echo 'No pilots based at this airport'; }
  17. Do a search for 'pilots list' or something similar, it's come up before. I'd check the "Code Snippets" forum as well
  18. I will take a look, thanks. Can you file a bug in the bug tracker in my signature?
  19. Yeah, well, except for the error above, should be ok. I've been crazy busy with outside stuff the last few weeks
  20. Glad that work. Was the airline disabled? That would do it, since it wouldn't be available in that dropdown
  21. Follow this: http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html?record=20
  22. If you goto your site (www.example.com), login there
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