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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. It should be fixed in the latest beta, hopefully the DB updates are working, has been in my testing
  2. Overall I believe there will not be many differences in the day-to-day with HTML 5, most changes will be in layers which are mostly invisible (JS). CSS changes... probably alot to be taken advantage of, but not completely I threw out IE6 support long ago.
  3. Nope... sorry, the system isn't designed that way You could perhaps use awards in some way to help with that
  4. Do a complete refresh, there should be an error for it to be doing that
  5. Thanks I'll see. With the navs, is there an error in the error console in FF?
  6. Run the install/checkinstall.php and install/checkdb.php files and paste the output here, please
  7. Contact your host's support and ask them to disable the ASP tags
  8. Added a bug for that: http://bugs.phpvms.net/browse/VMS-334
  9. Updated Tickets: [VMS-292] - Rank images not showing in signature [VMS-303] - Rewrite updater to use flags for version [VMS-330] - Add payadjust column Changed Files: + .htaccess m admin/modules/PilotAdmin/PilotAdmin.php m admin/templates/pilots_details.tpl m admin/templates/pilots_list.tpl m changelog.htm m core/common/PilotData.class.php m core/common/SettingsData.class.php m core/templates/profile_main.tpl m core/version m install/hashlist m install/install.php m install/install.sql + install/major m install/structure.xml m install/templates/header.tpl m install/update.php m install/update.sql VMS-292 VMS-303 VMS-330 #close fixed View complete changes Download from here
  10. Updated Tickets: [VMS-292] - Rank images not showing in signature [VMS-303] - Rewrite updater to use flags for version [VMS-330] - Add payadjust column Changed Files: + .htaccess m admin/modules/PilotAdmin/PilotAdmin.php m admin/templates/pilots_details.tpl m admin/templates/pilots_list.tpl m changelog.htm m core/common/PilotData.class.php m core/common/SettingsData.class.php m core/templates/profile_main.tpl m core/version m install/hashlist m install/install.php m install/install.sql + install/major m install/structure.xml m install/templates/header.tpl m install/update.php m install/update.sql VMS-292 VMS-303 VMS-330 #close fixed View complete changes Download from here
  11. Nabeel


    Something is really messed up on your server/PHP isn't installed correctly
  12. There currently isn't any way that this is being tracked
  13. Right, it has to be in the database. The only alternative is this thread: http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/1152-how-to-do-dynamic-non-scheduled-routes/
  14. Nope, no sites. But I'm thinking of letting people update the prices I have, haven't had the time yet. Might do it and have it tied to a forum ID or something
  15. Instead of Template::render() try Template::show()
  16. Can you run install/checkdb.php and install/checkinstall.php and paste the output here?
  17. Nabeel


    Paste the output from running install/checkinstall.php
  18. It's just a called to the core_success.tpl Template::set('message', 'hi'); Template::render('core_success.tpl');
  19. simpilot is right, seems like in app.config.php it says line 1 it alreayd output something, so I'd look on line 1 and make sure you didn't put a space or something before the <?php tag
  20. Cool idea. Something like; <table> <tr> <td>flight num</td> ... <td>deprt city</td> <?php // We are gonna loop each day of the week for($dayofweek = 0; $dayofweek < 7; $dayofweek++) { // echo our column opening echo '<td>'; // Check if $i (the current day of week) exists if(substr_count($schedule->daysofweek, $dayofweek) > 0) { // there is a flight for sunday , so echo that plane icon out echo 'plane icon'; } // Close that column echo '</td>'; } ?> <td>arrival time</td> ... </tr> </table> Some pseudo code,
  21. There are no emails set to remind someone to fly, by default Retirement gets cancelled once you log in as well, I believe. Either that or one PIREP.
  22. That's a server error, send it to your host
  23. Yeah it will give those dupe column errors and whatnot, but I just ignore those. Anything that hasn't been applied will apply anyway. It's less work for me to just throw the entire changeset at it and say "you figure it out. Thanks though, I'll hopefully get some time soon to have it fixed for the next beta
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