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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. No problem, take your time. I think I know what the issue is, just confirming it. Just have to find the time to fix it up
  2. vaCentral/phpVMS now have an official FSHost server, kindly provided by Mark Grant of easyJet VA. The hostname is "fshost.vacentral.net", and the IP address can be got from the vaCentral homepage at http://www.vacentral.net. Your VA is welcome to fly, along with the over 200 airlines which are currently participating in vaCentral. Hope to see you online!
  3. It's not that it doesn't work, it's just that 'free hosting' servers are not setup properly. For instance that error you're getting above - "Internal Server Error" means there's some problem with that server itself, not with the phpVMS software
  4. Ah crap. That's because the update.sql script wasn't run. There's a bug with that which I need to fix... but ifyou run the /install/update.sql file manually does that resolve it?
  5. Can you message me the dyndns name, I'll add a CNAME to it
  6. Well, that aircraft in the schedule is just for reference. That pilot can fly any aircraft, there's no restriction in the code itself
  7. Looks in order from me, do you want lowest to highest? or highest to lowest
  8. Sounds good - or you can run it as a cron job every hour or something
  9. Nabeel


    Oh it's when accessing a page, that means the server is setup incorrectly
  10. Yep, it does expand airways. Thanks
  11. I'm not sure what you mean, you don't want them getting a notification email?
  12. Hi sorry, if you're good with PHP I guess you can change the code, but otherwise... not really
  13. Right the number has to exist, from there you can then enter any route, but it has to be a valid flight number
  14. Sorry for asking the obvious, but are you entering a schedule which exists?
  15. That preview vid is definately CG. Confirmation from... ?`
  16. Did you upload all the files?
  17. Yes, I just added an XML feed, and to access it, get your VA central page, and add /xml to the end of the URL: IE: http://www.vacentral.net/airline/cva_canadianvirtualairlines/xml Then you can call it in phpVMS: <?php $cws = new CodonWebService(); $xml = $cws->get('YOUR VACENTRAL XML URL'); $xml = simplexml_load_string($xml); echo "Our airline's rank is {$xml->rank}"; ?> Moving this to code snippets...
  18. Is there anything in the debug log after you hit save?
  19. Nabeel

    time stamp

    You can change that display in your template, but internally, all the times are handled that way
  20. If you use routes in your schedules/pireps/acars, it'll draw them out
  21. Nabeel


    Change permissions on the file to 777
  22. What are you trying to do? Theres a few tutorials on Google
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