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Everything posted by joeri

  1. found 1 expence is resetted to 0 current month i did a recalqulate but still 0. gr joeri
  2. indeed wy keep an old thing allive when new and active software is there.
  3. don't have it anny more the installer
  4. yep i am on the latesed and now also on the latesed beta
  5. llju1 don't break the screen

  6. indeed same is for fsacars i found but still on an oldere beta updating in 10
  7. joeri

    phpVMS Logo

    so i haven't treaded you fair. seems as you can't handel an opinion off somebody, deleting your logo example. gr
  8. joeri

    phpVMS Logo

    first off all i want to say i am no art person so don't begin with make 1 off your own. i find this on a bid childish the on i realy like is the on off stuardpb. gr joeri
  9. i know what is your point mine go from 0-20 21-50 51-75 and the problem stays. update after a pilot sends a pirep he will get his correct rank but iff i do a recalculate all go back to the lowest rank so now all pilots have rank 1 exept 3 pilots who filed a pirep. gr joeri
  10. i am on the 912 and there the problem also is popping up so it started to happen on the 912 beta i think
  11. joeri

    stats date

    indeed but i dont upload files that arent new so only updated file u ftp will make a new claas than thanks dave and Nabeel
  12. iff you use fsacars it will show you this on the acarsmap
  13. joeri

    stats date

  14. joeri

    stats date

    negative dave i looked in to it and the code was still there in the statsdata.php i will try what Nabeel sugested wil see iff that is working thanks all
  15. massmailer working again only this in the admin pannel after sending mail Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/tntvirtua/domains/tnt-virtual.be/public_html/admin/modules/MassMailer/MassMailer.php on line 61
  16. joeri

    stats date

    i just updated to the last beta now the code isnt working annymore on my frontage main this one <?php echo StatsData::ActivePilots(); ?>
  17. joeri

    stats date

    that did the job i was deleting the last } my mistake thanks
  18. joeri

    stats date

    then i get this sadly Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting T_FUNCTION in /home/tntvirtua/domains/tnt-virtual.be/public_html/core/common/StatsData.class.php on line 831
  19. joeri

    stats date

    yeah done the search but couldn't find it therefor i asked
  20. joeri

    stats date

    haviong a quick question curently i use this to see my pilots count Total Pilots: <?php echo StatsData::PilotCount() ?> but it will show all active and inactive is there a way to only show how many active pilots there are. gr joeri
  21. that is correct just put in the cd and let it run
  22. you even can do a full install with the upgrade you only need to own a full version off vista thats it i never buy an full version as the upgrade is also a full. gr joeri
  23. as u live in the US i can't give you anny hints on where to buy now whene we are talking about video cards i wouldn ask on a forum as you will get lots off i like nvidia or ati. simple rule that was always toled to me nvidia hase room for overclocking as ati mainly is boosted to almost its full abilaty i curently have a amd x2 5600+ 3 gig of ram and a nvidia 512 mb it will run fsx but it will lose when you put in the pmdg planes 1 thing i can tell you don't stare your eyes out on the frames you can get in fsx or fs9 as the human eye sees all frames above 30 as fluid so lock your frames on 30 and try to set all to max and that is what you want for a pc
  24. joeri


    both off you keep it nice or i will ......
  25. yeah that is wy i was posting my last post its verry confusing
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